Have you ever wondered whether you're using the right consonant sounds in the right words when you speak in British English? Have you ever wish that you can pronounce consonant sounds accurately?,我来为大家讲解一下关于05元音字母正确发音?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



Have you ever wondered whether you're using the right consonant sounds in the right words when you speak in British English? Have you ever wish that you can pronounce consonant sounds accurately?


Well, in this video I'm gonna show you exactly how to pronounce 1 of the 5 most commonly mispronounced consonants and its most typical spellings. So, here we go. This video is about the /z/ sound.


Now, you make this sound with the lips relaxed but the blade of your tongue (the bit just behind the tip of your tongue) is touching part of the gum ridge but there's a little narrow space down through the middle through which this sound travels. And this is a voiced consonant.


Its most typical spellings are 'z' as in 'zoo', 'ze' as in 'amaze', 'zz' in 'puzzle', 'se' as in 'organise', a single 's' as in 'has', 'ss' as in 'dessert', and even x as in 'exert'. Although, be careful, because these spellings can sometimes be pronounced as a voiceless 's' and are sometimes even silent, which is why speaking English can be so difficult without some professional guidance.


Here are some practice words: size, prize, jazz, cheese, his, presume, scissors, exalt. Now, if you like to master another of the most commonly mispronounced consonant sound, then click here, and it'll take you to another YouTube video.


But if you would like to perfect this particular consonant and you want to massively improve your confidence and fluency in English, then click here and download our free 5 day eCourse. With just 5 minutes a day for the next 5 days, you'll get to the heart of the top 5 mispronounced consonants.


You'll get loads of practice words, drawings of the lips and the tongue positions, 25 mins of audio plus a secret bonus. And you can even download it to your mobile so that you can practice while you're on the go.


So if you really want to improve your clarity, then download this free 5-Day eCourse right now. So, if you enjoyed this video, then click LIKE so that you can find it easily again, and consider subscribing to this channel because I post weekly videos here, every Tuesday at 8:30 GMT (London Local time), that's 8:30 in the evening p. m.


And so, I hope to see you again next week.

