







Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?

短语:milk shake turn on pour into a cup of yogurt

Sounds like a good idea/plan. on Saturday cut up put into one more thing=another thing a piece of bread at this time

a few/ few (几乎没有) fill…with… cover…with… one by one

a long time

短语用法:How many 可数名词复数 How much 不可数名词 let sb. do sth.

want to do sth. forget to do sth. how to do sth.

There are many reasons for 一段时间 ago by doing sth.

need to do sth. make 宾语 形容词 It’s time(for sb) to do sth


句型:Turn on the blender. How do you make a banana milk shake?

How many bananas do we need? How much yogurt do we need?

Now, it’s time to enjoy the rice noodles!




3.either…or…, neither…nor…, not only…but also..连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词与邻近的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。

4.在here, there 开头的倒装句中,谓语动词与后面的名词在数上保持一致。


1.turn on 打开,接通(电源,气,水),反义词是turn off. turn up/turn down 调高/低音量。

2.pour…into… 将…倒入/灌入… into 是:进入… in 是:在…内。

在put, throw, break, lay, fall 等动词之后,既可用in,也可用into。但in可作副词,into不能。

He put all the books in/into the bag. Come in!

3. 有关make 的短语: make the bed 铺床 make tea 沏茶 make trouble 惹麻烦

make money 赚钱 make a decision 做决定 make a telephone call 打电话

make a visit 拜访 make a mistake 犯错误 make a noise 弄出噪音

make a living 谋生 make sure 务必

4. one more thing = another one thing 基数词 more 名词 = another 基数词 名词

5. fill with 用…填充… be filled with = be full of 充满….

The boy filled the bottle with sand. / The bag was full of clothes.

6. cover…with… 用…把…覆盖 be covered with 被…所覆盖。 cover n. 封面,盖子。

Ann covered her face with her hands. / The cover of the magazine is nice.

7. It’s time (for sb) to do sth. 到某人做某事的时候了。

It’s time for sth. 到做某事的时候了。
