Hello, come in. Come in. You're the first here. Actually, you're the only one here.,下面我们就来聊聊关于雅思口语用词简单?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!



Hello, come in. Come in. You're the first here. Actually, you're the only one here.


But that's Great. Listen, it's great to see you.


I thought today we could learn and practice some idioms to talk about people. That's right. As you know, in IELTS speaking, it's really important to describe people and to know how to describe people.


So this could be really useful for you. Let's do it.


So, as you may Well know, my name is Keith. What's your name by the way?


right, nice cool name. Well, um, oh, by the way, do you know that I run live lessons on YouTube every Tuesday and Thursday?


Right, you knew. Yes, that's right, 10 o'clock in the morning Spanish time every Tuesday and Thursday.


Keep coming. I think there's lots of interesting stuff to learn there.


And if you want more resources, yeah, go and check out my website keithspeakingacademy. com. There will be lots of new stuff coming there soon.

如果你想要更多资源,请访问我的网站 keithspeakingacademy.com。很快就会有很多新东西出现。

So, great! Listen, let's start talking about idioms. What is an idiom exactly?


Idioms are fixed phrases whose meaning is different from the individual words. And often, you can't guess the meaning by looking at the individual words, right? Idiomatic.


So, for example, if I were to say "I think I've just put my foot in it". "Put your foot in", what? You mean you stood in some dog poo or something?

例如,如果我说 “I think I've just put my foot in it”。"Put your foot in",什么?你是说你踩到狗屎了?

No, I just told Sarah her ex-boyfriend is going to get married. I thought she knew but she didn't.


And now, she's so upset. So, when we say something that can accidentally upset or make somebody angry, we can say "to put your foot in it".

现在,她很沮丧。当我们说一些可能会意外地使某人心烦意乱或生气的事情时,我们可以说“to put your foot in it”。

I put my foot in it, right, or she put her foot in it, right? That's a simple idiom.

I put my foot in it,对吧,she put her foot in it。这是一个简单的习语。

It's not about putting your foot anywhere. That's not really the meaning, there's a wider meaning.


To say something by accident that will upset somebody. Great. Now then do you know any idioms?


Yeah, great. So you know we use idioms to get attention, especially in journalism, newspapers, blogs and articles, we often use it for humour. We can make jokes with it or just to emphasize or add colour to what we're trying to say.


In IELTS speaking, of course, it is a part a key part of your vocabulary score is being able to use idiomatic vocabulary. So, it might be useful to know the different types of idioms that we can use as well.


Let's have a look at those. So, there are many different kinds of idioms, right?


There are similes, metaphors, euphemisms, binomials, and proverbs, sayings. There's lots of kinds.


And knowing what category an idiom comes from can sometimes help you to remember it and to use it. So, let's have a look first at the different types of idiom and then later we'll look in more detail specifically about idioms for people, okay?


Does that sound good? Great! Hunky-dory!


So, types of idioms, let's look at similes first. Do you know any examples of similes?


One of my favourite ones is um "they are like two peas in a pod". So, similes are expressions comparing two things usually using "like" or "as", right?

我最喜欢的一个是 "they like two peas in a pod"。明喻是比较两种事物的表达,通常用 like 或 as。

So, as I said my two brothers, I don't have two brothers, right, my brother and sister are like two peas in a pod, which means they are very very similar, right? Because they are similar to two peas which is the vegetable sitting in the pod which holds the vegetable.


Or we can say, "Tom, my friend, he's very very clever, he's as sharp as a knife." As sharp as a knife.


So, we're comparing Tom to a knife being very very sharp and that means he's clever or intelligent. So, these are similes.


What about metaphors? Metaphors are similar.


Do you know any metaphors? So, metaphors are similar, but we're not really comparing them to something.


We are saying they are something. And we're taking maybe a thing or an object and personifying it, right, making it like a person or making the person like the object, right?


So, for example, Tom is as sharp as a knife but Harry, Harry at school, right, in my schoolmate, he used to think 2x2 was 22. Now, maybe creative but the teacher said, "Duh, he's not the sharpest tool in the shed."

例如,汤姆像刀一样锋利,但是哈利,学校里的哈利,对,我的同学,他曾经认为 2x2 等于 22。也许是有创意,但老师说:“兄弟,他不是棚里最锋利的工具。”

So, "he's not the sharpest tool in the shed" means he is stupid, not clever. So, here we're saying he "is", not "like", but he "is" a tool in the shed.

所以,“他不是棚里最锋利的工具” 的意思是他很愚蠢,不聪明。所以,这里我们说 he is,而不是 like,而是 he is a tool in the shed。

The shed is the place where you keep all the tools for gardening, right? Now, let's look at binomials.


Binomials are normally two words joined by a preposition and that's usually "and", right, um, things like "fish and chips", "black and white", the "and" becomes /ənd/, "black and white", "fish and chips", okay? Do you know any binomials?

双名词组通常两个词加入了一个介词,通常是“and”,例如“fish and chips”、“black and white”,“and”读音变成/ənd/,“black and white”,“fish and chips”。你知道哪些双名词组吗?

Whoa, lovely! Okay! So, binomials for people.


Do you remember Sherlock Holmes? He's very calm and collected, right?


He's very, he's as cool as a cucumber actually. That's the simile, remember?


But "he's calm and collected" means he's very very well very calm. Take another example, my wife, right, do you know what she does to relax?

但是“he's calm and collected”,表示泰然自若的意思,他非常非常冷静。再举一个例子,我妻子,你知道她做什么来放松吗?

Well, she likes to surf the Internet. But me, I'm not really into that.


I much prefer listening to music. So, we're quite different.


We're like chalk and cheese. "Chalk and cheese".

我们就像粉笔和奶酪。“Chalk and cheese”。

Chalk is for writing on the board, cheese, delicious, with a bit of red wine, that's for eating. But we like "chalk and cheese", we're very different, another binomial.


That said, my wife is a very very helpful person and she will always be there to help come rain or shine. "Come rain or shine".

话虽如此,我的妻子是一个非常乐于助人的人,无论发生什么情况,她都会在你身边帮助你。“Come rain or shine”。

Here, "rain or shine", another binomial but with "or", come rain or shine. She's very helpful, come rain or shine.

这里,“rain or shine”,是用“or”连接的双名词组,意思是风雨无阻。无论在什么情况下,她都乐于助人。

Another category is euphemisms.?And we use euphemisms, um, to avoid offending people or saying words we're not comfortable with, right?


So, imagine the scenario: you're in the workplace with some colleagues, some of them you know, some of them you don't know very well. And they say "Can you describe your boss, I mean physically, what is she like?"


And what you're thinking is "Well, um, she's short she's fat and she's old." That's what you're thinking, but you can't say that.


I mean, that might offend some people. Um, it's not very polite.


So, you use a euphemism, right, instead of saying she's fat. You'd say "Well, you know, she's, she's big boned."


"She's big boned." "She's getting on a bit", right?


So, she's old, she's getting on a bit. And a bit kind of humoristically.


And you know, she's, you could say "she's vertically challenged". "Vertically challenged", she's short, right?


You could say "she's vertically challenged" with a smile. So, here our euphemisms are also idioms in order to say things you may not be comfortable with.


Great! So, next sayings and proverbs.


Things like "nothing ventured, nothing gained", "where there's a will there's a way", "once bitten twice shy", right? Now, the challenge with proverbs and sayings is that they tend to have a bit of a message or a warning or advice, right?

像 “nothing ventured, nothing gained(不入虎穴,焉得虎子)”,“where there's a will there's a way(有志者事竟成)”,“once bitten twice shy(一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳)”。俗语和谚语的挑战在于它们倾向于传达一些信息,警告或建议。

Be careful. There's also sometimes a moral message, you know, to be good, you need to do this.


So, they're often not appropriate for IELTS speaking. However, there is a trick you can use, right?


So, if you've learned "Nothing ventured, nothing gained" which means if you don't take a risk, you won't succeed, right? Now, you're not gonna say to the examiner, "Oh, Mr examiner, I'm going to try very hard today because nothing ventured, nothing gained."

如果你学会了“Nothing ventured, nothing gained”,意思是如果你不去冒险,你就不会成功。你不能对考官说::“哦,考官先生,我今天要非常努力,因为 nothing ventured, nothing gained。”

It doesn't sound natural at all, right? But what you can say is, "My uncle who runs a restaurant," right, "he believes nothing ventured, nothing gained, and so he set up his own business."

这听起来一点都不自然,对吧?但是你可以说:“我的叔叔开了一家餐馆,他相信 nothing ventured, nothing gained,所以他建立了自己的事业。”

That's super simple and natural. "He believes nothing ventured, nothing gained."

这是超级简单和自然的。“他相信 nothing ventured, nothing。”

Another saying, right, where there's a will, there's a way, meaning if you really want to do something, you can do it, you can find a way to do it, right? So, again, could you make an expression with "he believes"?

另一种说法是,where there's a will, there's a way,意思是如果你真的想做某件事,你就能做到,你就能找到方法去做。同样,你能用“he believes”来表达吗?

Right, we're getting there. My example might be "My uncle who runs a restaurant", right, "he believes where there's a will, there's a way.


So, despite obstacles when he set up his business, he managed to do it." So, you can see just say "he believes" or if you want to spice it up a little bit, "he's the kind of person who believes".

所以,尽管创业时遇到了障碍,他还是做到了。”所以,你可以直接说“he believes”,或者如果你想让它更有趣一点,“he's the kind of person who believes”。

"My uncle," right, "he's the kind of person who believes nothing ventured, nothing gained, and he set up his own business." Could you give me an example?


Nice. So, it's a nice trick to help us use proverbs in IELTS speaking. Excellent! Okie cokey. Let's move on.

很好。这是一个帮助我们在雅思口语中使用谚语一个很好的技巧。太好了。Okie cokey,让我们继续。

"Okie cokey", "okie cokey" is a, "hokey cokey" is a song. I mean okie dokie, okie dokie.

"Okie cokey",okie cokey,hokey cokey 是一首歌。我是说 okie dokie。

Excellent! So, listen, we've looked at different kinds of um idioms, right? Let's now get into the "nitty gritty" and that's the detail.

太棒了!那么,听着,我们已经学习了各种各样的习语。现在我们进入“nitty gritty”,那就是细节内容。

Let's have a look at some idioms to talk about people. First of all, we've got "to be the spitting image of".

让我们来看一些关于人的习语。首先,“to be the spitting image of”。

Can you say that with me? To be the spitting image of.

跟我一起说。To be the spitting image of。

I am the spitting image of my father. And it means I look exactly the same or very very similar to somebody.

I am the spitting image of my father(我和我爸爸长得很像)。它的意思是我看起来和某人一模一样,或者非常非常相似。

Next, to be a loose canon, to be a loose canon. This is where somebody may talk and sometimes say bad things without realizing it, right.

下一个,to be a loose canon,to be a loose canon。有些人可能会在没有意识到的情况下谈论一些不好的事情。

For example, my friend Alan, right, he's very talkative but he is a loose canon sometimes. He was down in the pub the other week with some colleagues, two of them were Irish and then Alan starts telling an Irish joke, making fun of the Irish!


He's a loose canon, right? He didn't realize that he might be offending them.


Next, to get carried away. And this is when somebody talks a lot without realizing they're talking too much.

下一个,to get carried away。这是指一个人说了很多话,却没有意识到自己说了太多话。

Alan is guilty of this. When he's telling a story, he gets carried away.


And he just carries on talking and talking and talking, right? It doesn't mean somebody picks him up and carries him away although that might be a good idea sometimes.


But he just goes on talking too much. He gets carried away.


The next one, to run in the family. "It runs in the family" means that it's a characteristic of most of the people in that family.

下一个,to run in the family。“to run in the family” 意思是这是一个家庭里大多数人的特征。

So, if a lot of people in the family are artistic or they're artists or painters and musicians, you could say, you know, art runs in the family. Being an artist runs in the family.


The artistic spirit runs in the family. And here, you can change "the" for "my", "your", "his", right?

艺术精神世代相传。你可以把这里的“the”换成“my”, “your”, “his”。

The entrepreneurial spirit runs him in his family. So, you could use this when you're describing somebody and you're talking about a characteristic they have like for example, being kind, right?


Jane is very very she's a very kind person. She's very generous and you know, being kind I think runs in her family.


So, a lot of the other members of her family are also very kind. Nice. Next, as bright as a button.

所以,她家里的很多其他成员也都很善良。下一个,as bright as a button。

A nice simile. As bright as a button. And we contract the as to /əz/, as bright as a button.

一个很好的比喻。非常聪明。我们读 as 为/əz /,非常聪明。

"Bright" meaning really clever or intelligent. The button, these are the buttons, right?

"Bright" 的意思是非常聪明。按钮,这些就是按钮。

And if they're shiny, and they're clean, they're bright. "As bright as a button" means you're intelligent and clever, right?

如果它们是闪亮的,干净的,它们就很明亮。"As bright as a button" 意思是发光发亮,很聪明。

"Jane is as bright as a button." Who do you know that is as bright as a button?


Give me a sentence. Nice. And does it run in the family?


Hmm, right. Good. Another one is "to think on your feet" which means to think quickly, to react and improvise, okay?

好的,好。另一个是“to think on your feet”,意思是快速思考,做出反应,即兴发挥。

So, in IELTS, right, the examiner can ask you surprise questions and you have to think on your feet, right? So, my uncle Tom who runs the restaurant, right, he's not called Tom, but let's call him Tom for today.


My uncle Tom can think on his feet. He has to think on his feet because so many unexpected things happen in the restaurant.


What about you? Do you know somebody who can think on their feet? Very good! If they can think on their feet, if they can. . . if they can think on their feet, they're probably as bright as a button.


Lots of nice alliterations there, right? "Bright as a button", "think on your feet".

有很多不错的押头韵,对吧?"Bright as a button","think on your feet"。

Great pronunciation, keep practicing. Next, a bosom friend.

发音很棒,坚持练习。下一个,a bosom friend。

The bosom is just the chest, part of the body. So, "a bosom friend" is a close friend, right?

“bosom”就是胸部,身体的一部分。所以,“bosom friend”是指亲密的朋友。

This is kind of like a metaphor. "Sarah is a bosom friend," right?


"We go back a long way." Ah, there's another. "To go back a long way" doesn't mean you're physically going back all the way to Manchester.

“我们是老相识。”还有一个。“To go back a long way”并不意味着你要一路回到曼彻斯特。

It means we have known each other for a long time. We go back a long way.


Sarah is a bosom friend. We go back a long way.


Next, "to know someone like the back of your hand". If you know somebody or something like the back of your hand, it's assumed you know them very well, right?

下一个,“to know someone like the back of your hand”。如果你对某人或某物的了解就如你对你的手掌背那么了解,你就应该非常了解他们。

"I know her like the back of my hand." Give me an example.


And this, yes, you can probably use for family members, right? "I know my sister like the back of my hand."


Or my university friend, um, Alan, yeah, "He's a bosom friend. We go back a long way.


I know him like the back of my hand." Yes, it's okay to cough in IELTS speaking, well, not these days. We have to have the mask, right?


But let's move on. "To hit it off".


And that would connect probably to say to hit-it-off, hit-it-off, hit-it-off. Great! "We hit it off."


"We hit it off as soon as we met." Great! "To hit it off" means to get on very well, right?


"The first time I met Alan, we hit it off straight away." Nice. "To see eye to eye".


"To see eye to eye" just means to agree, right? So, "although I've known Alan for donkey's years, right, we go back a long way, he's a buzzing friend, and although we hit it off when we first met, we don't always see eye to eye."


"We don't always agree to see eye to eye." Next, um, "a woman after my own heart" or "a man after my own heart", right.


Now, this means that you are very similar and you admire the other person's thinking or philosophy or way of living, right? So, I can say to a man, "Oh, you're a man after my own heart" which means we do things and we think in a similar way and I like that.


It doesn't mean that I love you, there's nothing about heart being in love, it just means that we are similar and we think in a similar way, right? "She's a woman after my own heart."


For example, I have a friend, right, who's trying to teach her children to cook even though they're very very young. I think that's fantastic.


I think we should get children into the kitchen very very young. She's a woman after my own heart. Right?


We think in similar ways. Great! Next, "to be second to none".


"Second to none" means to be the very best, okay? Um, so for example, the food in Spain is second to none.


It's really good. It's the very best. Talking about people, you can take any activity somebody does.


And say, "When it comes to cooking, she's second to none;" "When it comes to singing, she's second to none;" "When it comes to helping others; he's second to none." Right? They're very best at that activity.


Take the activity of playing football, what could you say? Yes! "When it comes to playing football, he's second to none."


Starting a business? "When it comes to starting a business, she is second to none." Right?


The very best at doing it. Great! Talking about helping people, um, we have the expression "to go out on a limb".

最擅长做某事。很好!说到帮助别人,嗯,我们有一个短语叫“to go out on a limb”。

Now, a limb is like the arm or the leg. It's one part of the body that sticks out, um, arms and legs are our limbs.

“a limb”就像胳膊或腿。它是身体突出的一部分,嗯,胳膊和腿是我们的四肢。

So, to "go out on a limb" means to to try really hard to help somebody and even to take a risk but to help somebody, right? So, "I will go out on a limb to help my best friend." Right?

“go out on a limb”的意思是尽力去帮助别人,甚至冒着风险去帮助别人。例如,“我将竭尽全力帮助我最好的朋友。”

If they need to borrow the car or they need to borrow some money, I will try my best, I will go out on a limb to help them. "To be highly strung."

如果他们需要借车,或者他们需要借钱,我会尽我最大的努力,我会冒很大的风险去帮助他们。“To be highly strung.”

"To be highly strung" means to be a little bit nervous and to be upset easily. So, somebody who is always nervous a little bit tense and easily upset, right? Yep.

“To be highly strung”的意思是有点神经质,很容易心烦意乱。有些人总是很敏感,神经绷紧,很容易心烦意乱,

"I don't like your shirt." - "What do you mean you don't like my shirt? It's a beautiful shirt!" Highly strung, very tense, very easily upset, right?

“我不喜欢你的衬衫。” - “你不喜欢我的衬衫是什么意思?这是件漂亮的衬衫!”非常敏感,非常紧张,很容易心烦意乱。

Um, I have a colleague, well, I used to have a colleague at work. Um, every day, I mean she was very highly strung.


People would say the smallest thing and if she thought it was negative, she would fly off the handle. "Fly off the handle" — get upset, right?

人们说的很小的事,如果她觉得是负面的,她会发飙。“Fly off the handle”——心烦意乱。

She was very very highly strung, so you had to be careful what you said next to her. To be a "know-it-all". Know-it-all as a noun.


A know-it-all is a person who thinks they know everything, right? Of course, they don't, nobody does.

一个 know-it-all 是指自以为什么都知道的人。当然,他们并不是,没有人什么都知道。

But somebody who's maybe arrogant and thinks they know everything. "He's a know-it-all."


So slightly negative connotation, right? Yeah, you may have a boss like that who thinks, you know, they know everything and they tell you and like, you know, "My boss he's a know-it-all".


So, it's not a compliment, it's a little bit of a criticism. Next, "she doesn't suffer fools gladly".

这不是恭维,而是有点批评。下一个,“she doesn't suffer fools gladly”。

"To suffer fools", a fool is like a stupid person. "Gladly" means happily.

“To suffer fools”,“fool”就是愚蠢的人。“Gladly”意思是愉快地。

So, "to happily be with stupid people", then it's not that. So, she's not happy about being with stupid people.


"She doesn't suffer fools gladly", so that means she will, you know, be quite strict and punish people who make mistakes. This is very common in the business workplace where your boss can be quite strict.


And if people make mistakes, they punish them and they're very very tough with them because they're not happy with stupid people. Of course, it's not stupid, they just made a mistake.


But the expression is "he doesn't suffer fools gladly", right? So, be careful with that boss because he's very strict and he will punish you, right, because he doesn't suffer fools gladly.


Similarly, "he will come down on you like a ton of bricks". Metaphor, "a ton" is a large weight, "bricks" to build the house like a stone.

类似地,“he will come down on you like a ton of bricks”。隐喻,“a ton”是大量的意思,“bricks”,建房子用的砖头。

Imagine a ton of bricks falling on you. Not nice, right?


So, when somebody is going to punish you quite strictly, they come down on you like a ton of bricks. So, be careful with that boss because he doesn't suffer fools gladly and if you make a mistake, he will come down on you like a ton of bricks.


And finally, "to be set in your ways". That's somebody who doesn't like change.

最后一个, "to be set in your ways".。指那些不喜欢改变的人。

So, sometimes older people maybe booby bamas, baby boomers, whoops, maybe baby boomers, um, are set in their ways, right? Actually, my, you know, my grandfather, he's set in his ways, he can't change.


Who do you know that is set in their ways? Good. And remember the pronoun will change. So, "he is set in his ways", "I am set in my ways", right?

你知道谁是一成不变的吗?记住,代词是会改变的。所以,"he is set in his ways", "I am set in my ways"。

Great! So, here we have lots of idioms to describe people. We're gonna finish up now with a little story introducing two people.


And let's see these idioms in action. This is Adam and this is Adam's father.


Adam is the spitting image of his father. And as you can see, they're both vertically challenged.


Adam's very talkative, but he's a loose cannon at times. Last week, he was having a drink with some new colleagues, two of whom were Irish and he started telling jokes about Irish people.


You know, he really put his foot in it. Mind you, his father, right, he does the same.


He's always putting his foot in it. I think it must run in the family.


That said, Adam is as bright as a button, right? And he can think on his feet.


For example, when he's in a meeting, he can present ideas clearly without preparation. Now, this is Sarah.


She's a bosom friend of Adam's. They go back a long way and they hit it off as soon as they met each other.


Adam knows Sarah like the back of his hand. Mind you, they don't always see eye to eye.


When it comes to helping out others, Sarah is second to none. She's always ready to go out on a limb to help a friend if you need to borrow money or just someone to talk to.


As for her personality, well, she's not very expressive. In fact, she's as cool as a cucumber.


She works in a bank. She's also a little highly strung.


She always seems to be in a rush shouting at people in her office and with the smallest negative comment from anyone, she'll fly off the handle. At times, I feel sorry for her co-workers because she doesn't suffer fools gladly.


If you make a mistake, she'll be down on you like a ton of bricks. She really is set in her ways.


So, as you can see, Adam and Sarah, they are like chalk and cheese. So, that's it. Listen, it's been great being with you today.


Thank you so much for coming along, I've really enjoyed it. I hope this can help you.


We should do this more often, right? Do come along to the live lessons if you want to practice.


And I guess that's an important point, right? You've seen lots of idioms today, but really the key is in the practice.


So, if you need, so what you need to do now is start practicing that. If you're looking for a speaking partner, why not pop along to my Facebook group?

如果你需要,你现在需要做的就是开始练习。如果你想找一个口语搭档,为什么不加入我的 Facebook 群呢?

You can look for it in Facebook, Keith's IELTS Mastermind Community. Lots of people there very active and also looking for speaking partners.

你可以在 Facebook 上找 Keith's IELTS Mastermind Community。那里的很多人都很活跃,也在寻找口语拍档。

And then, you can start putting this into practice which is where you really step up your level. Thanks for joining me today.


Do remember, if you haven't yet, um, to subscribe to the channel, turn on the notifications and I can't wait to see you next time. In the meantime, take care, all the best now, bye-bye.

