












学院坚持以科研促教学,鼓励教师把科研成果应用到教学实践中。近年来,学院先后完成或在研国家级、省级、校级的研究项目26项,其中,国家级5项,省级6项,横向课题4项,校级11项。公开发表学术论文127篇,其中核心期刊61篇。组织和参编字典、教材、教参、译著等多种专业书籍共37部。 2006年外国语学院凭借自身的科研水平和实力,参加了普通高等教育“十一五” 国家级规划教材《新通用大学英语》立体化系列教程的编写项目组,并组织编写了《大学英语阅读教程1》,现已出版使用,反馈良好。

学院注重加强职业道德和师德建设,提高教师教学、科研的事业心和责任感,在全院形成了爱岗敬业、严谨治学、为人师表、勤奋工作的良好院风。2006年3月,外国语学院俄语专业教研室荣获沈阳市总工会“五朵金花式建功立业标兵岗”荣誉称号;2006年11月,外国语学院荣获沈阳市教科文卫系统职业道德建设“十佳集体”的荣誉称号;2006年12月,外国语学院荣获“沈阳市职工职业道德建设先进集体” 荣誉称号,2007年5月,外国语学院荣获“沈阳市五一劳动奖状” 的荣誉称号。




School of Foreign Languages, Shenyang Polytechnic University

School of Foreign Languages, Shenyang Institute of Technology was founded in 1979, formerly known as Foreign Language Teaching and Research Section, Foreign Language Department, and Foreign Language Branch of Shenyang Institute of Technology. In May 2004, the school was officially named School of Foreign Languages, Shenyang Institute of Technology. Although the school has a history of less than 30 years, under the correct leadership of the Party Committee of the University, under the leadership of the previous leaders of the school, and under the support of all the faculty members, the School of Foreign Languages of Shenyang Institute of Technology has forged ahead with determination and made remarkable achievements.


The School of Foreign Languages has 98 staff members, including 2 professors, 17 associate professors, 47 lecturers and 25 teaching assistants. There are 35 students with master's degree and 34 students with master's degree. The college has 9 teaching and research departments and 2 research institutes, offering English majors and Russian majors. It undertakes the task of foreign language teaching for all undergraduates, English majors, Russian majors and graduate students.

Operating conditions

College teaching conditions are good, with a relatively complete teaching and experimental facilities. The college has 3 multimedia classrooms, 3 modern digital language laboratories, 1 simultaneous interpretation room and 1 computer room. The library contains nearly 3000 books and audio-visual materials for the use of teachers and students of the college, providing a solid material guarantee for foreign language teaching and research.

School established ", focusing on the college foreign language teaching in foreign language specialty construction as the main line, we will deepen reform of the foreign language teaching and train high quality applied foreign language talents "education philosophy, and always adhere to the three prominent in the work practice, namely: highlight the core role of public foreign language teaching, highlight the characteristics of English and Russian professional personnel training, highlighting the central position of the undergraduate teaching quality in the years of teaching practice is significant results were obtained.

The school insists on promoting teaching by scientific research and encourages teachers to apply scientific research achievements to teaching practice. In recent years, the school has completed or is researching 26 national, provincial and university level research projects, including 5 national, 6 provincial, 4 horizontal projects and 11 university level research projects. Publicly published 127 academic papers, including 61 core journals. Organized and participated in compiling 37 professional books such as dictionaries, teaching materials, teaching counselors and translated works. In 2006, with its scientific research level and strength, the School of Foreign Languages participated in the compilation project of New General College English, a series of three-dimensional courses for the national planning textbook of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan for general higher education, and organized the compilation of College English Reading Course 1, which has been published and used with good feedback.

The college attaches great importance to strengthening the construction of professional ethics and teachers' ethics, and enhances the teachers' dedication and sense of responsibility in teaching and scientific research. The college has formed a good school atmosphere of love and dedication, rigorous scholarship, being a model for teachers and hard work. In March 2006, the teaching and research section of Russian major of School of Foreign Languages was awarded the honorary title of "Five Golden Fancy Model Post" by Shenyang Federation of Trade Unions. In November 2006, the School of Foreign Languages was awarded the honorary title of "Top Ten Collective" of Shenyang Education, Science, Culture and Health System for Professional Ethics Construction. In December 2006, the School of Foreign Languages was awarded the honorary title of "Advanced Collective of Shenyang Workers' Professional Ethics Construction", and in May 2007, the School of Foreign Languages was awarded the honorary title of "Shenyang May 1st Labor Certificate".

The school attaches great importance to academic exchange activities, and has sent teachers to the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia and other countries to study and visit for academic exchange, which not only broadens the horizon, but also strengthens the construction of the teaching staff.

The school attaches great importance to the cultivation of students' foreign language application ability, and actively supports and encourages students to participate in various competitions and social practice activities. The graduates are well received and praised by employers.

School of foreign languages in foreign language world has certain academic status in liaoning province, is currently the college foreign language teaching research association executive director unit of liaoning province, director of the institute of translation unit in liaoning province and international English teaching research association and Asian English teachers association member unit, the Russian teaching research association member units, a member of the Russian education research association of liaoning province.
