








conserve water

I don’t know if you find that you actually have a lot of unconsciously wasting water in your daily life? For example, the faucet is not closed tightly after running out of water, the faucet is not turned off when brushing your teeth, and the car is washed with excessive water to take a bath. According to measurements, "drip water" can waste 3.6 kilograms of water in one hour, and 2.6 tons of water can be collected in one month.

But in fact, the freshwater resources on the earth only account for about 2% of the total water on the earth, and the total amount of fresh water that can be used by humans only accounts for three hundred thousandths of the total water on the earth, accounting for 0.34% of the total freshwater storage. At present, more than half of the world's land area and more than 100 countries and regions lack water, and 2 billion people have difficulty drinking water. Especially in Africa and other regions, drinking water is particularly difficult.

my country is also a country where the water resources situation is not optimistic. Most of the northern and northwestern regions of my country are semi-arid or arid regions. Water resources are not inexhaustible. It is our precious natural wealth and the foundation for our survival. It can be said that without water, we humans will face the catastrophe of destruction.

Therefore, water conservation has become a theme of our times. On January 18, 1993, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution to designate March 22 every year as "World Water Day" to promote the protection of water resources and encourage people to save water. .

Water conservation is not just a slogan, it also requires us to start with the little things in life, which can truly serve the purpose of protecting water resources. Use water for washing vegetables or face to flush toilets, use energy-saving toilets, wash hair with basins, etc. These behaviors can all become models of water conservation.

The pillars of the country cannot be without, and the water of life cannot wither. Cherish every drop of water and contribute to the future of our humanity.



