入手6个月之后,终于有时间玩《怪物猎人:崛起》(以下简称MHR)了,这次小编直接挑战英文版,狩猎同时学习一些不认识的单词也是一种乐趣,给自己立了个Goal那就是每升一级HR,需要学会10个单词。随着小编的狩猎进度更新,将陆续放出不同的英文内容。Capcom在MHR中大型怪物设计达到新高度,小编特别痴迷新加入的雷神龙(Thunder Serpent Narwa)和怨虎龙(Magnamalo),从造型、动作和衍生装备都看得出来下了很多功夫,感觉比之前的GU和世界都要认真,另外特别值得一提的是本作还专门绘制了水墨风格的怪物和百鬼夜行(rampage)插图, this is super! 给设计师加个鸡腿,画的是真好,我是每一个都打印出来了欣赏。反观装备上的创新倒是一般,感觉比GU少了不少套装,特别是本作的重弩系(Heavy Bowgun)彻底弱化成了二流,只会玩重弩的我叫苦不迭,只能硬着头皮加入团战混升级。


本篇介绍的10大怪物会有:Great Izuchi (镰鼬龙王),Great Baggi (眠狗龙王), Kulu-Ya-Ku (骚鸟),Great Wroggi (毒狗龙王),Arzuros (青熊兽),Lagombi (白兔兽 ),Volvidon (赤甲兽),Khezu (奇怪龙/电龙),Rathalos (雄火龙),Rathian (雌火龙)

下一篇介绍的10大怪物会有:Basarios (岩龙),Diablos(角龙),Rajang (金狮子),Kushala Daora (风翔龙),Chameleos(霞龙),Teostra(炎王龙),Tigrex (轰龙),Nargacuga (讯龙),Barioth (冰牙龙),Barroth (土砂龙)

Great Izuchi (镰鼬龙王. 镰鼬是日本神话中一种形似鼬鼠的妖怪,其原始拼写为Kamaitachi.)


Great Izuchi -镰鼬龙王-水墨风格

The alpha Izuchi of its pack, identified by its larger build, upended white fur and scythe-like tail. A Great Izuchi forms a herd of many smaller Izuchi and selects two from the group to accompany it on territory patrols. Once it spots prey or senses danger, the Great Izuchi issues commands to their fellow Izuchi, and coordinates their movements.




登场动画台本:Trinity of Terror - Great Izuchi (三位一体的恐怖-镰鼬龙王)

First comes the vanguard (首先是先锋部队)

Unstoppable tank (不可阻挡的坦克)

Then comes a second (然后是第二个)

Attacking the flank (进攻侧翼)

Finally, the general (最后是将军)

The highest in rank (级别最高的)

A trio of blades (三把刀)

Swift as a gale (迅猛如疾风)

They cut to the bone (他们切入骨髓)

And kill without fail (杀人不眨眼)

Great Baggi (眠狗龙王, 狗龙类怪物中体型最大的成员,性情凶悍,唾液中含有特殊成分,沾上一点就会睡着。因此被称为睡魔)


Great Baggi- 眠狗龙王

A carnivorous bird wyvern. Noted for their projecting cranial crests and bluish-white skin that's adapted to snowy climates. Great Baggi craftily command other Baggi to surround their prey and stun them with a tranquilizing fluid.

一种食肉的鸟龙种。因其突出的头冠和适应雪地气候的蓝白色皮肤而受到关注. 眠狗龙王狡猾地指挥其他眠狗龙包围猎物,并使用镇静剂使其昏迷。



登场动画台本:Cunning Usurper - Great Baggi 狡猾的篡位者-眠狗龙王

Running into the darkness (在黑暗中狂奔)

Fangs snapping at your heels( 獠牙咬住你的脚跟)

When at last you stop to rest (当你最后停下来休息时)

A quick look around reveals (环顾四周,发现)

You walked straight into a nest( 你直接走进了一个巢穴)

Littered with previous meals (满地都是以前的食物)

Don't stop, don't linger (不要停留,不要逗留)

Don't sleep in this den (不要在这个窝里睡觉)

For the beast will find you( 因为野兽会找到你)

And you'll never wake again( 而你将永远不会再醒来。)

Kulu-Ya-Ku (骚鸟)



A bird wyvern that has developed limbs capable of carrying objects. It has been spotted stealing eggs from nests. If attacked while carrying an egg, it will drop the egg in fright and flee. When engaged, a Kulu-Ya-Ku will dig up a small boulder to shield itself against threats or use it in its attacks.




登场动画台本:Omnivore Outlaw -Kulu-Ya-Ku (杂食的法外之徒-骚鸟)

A moment of peace (宁静的时刻)

Soon to be disturbed (很快就会被打乱)

A threat approaches (威胁逼近)

Its hunger uncurbed (饥饿感没有被压抑)

It rakes up its lunch (它把它的午餐耙起来)

Chows down without grace (毫无顾忌地大快朵颐)

But inside this nest (但在这个巢穴里)

For thieves there's no place (对于盗贼来说没有地方)

It needs to escape( 它需要逃跑)

Or get egg on its face (否则就会有鸡蛋落在脸上)

Great Wroggi (毒狗龙王)


Great Wroggi (毒狗龙王)

Wroggi are bird wyverns that travel in packs that are led by the largest and most toxic member. Be careful when one raises its head and its poison sac expands—that signals that it's about to spit a cloud of poisonous mist.




登场动画台本:Venomous Commander -Great Wroggi (有毒的指挥官-毒狗龙王)

Cursed hunting ground (被诅咒的狩猎场)

Those who set foot there (踏足那里的人)

Never again are found (再也找不到了)

For when the bird wyvern comes (因为当飞龙来到)

And unleashes its breath (释放出它的气息)

Its virulent poison (它的剧毒)

Brings a swift death (带来迅速的死亡)

Arzuros (青熊兽)


Beasts known to dwell in humid forest and mountain regions. Though known more for fishing and standing upright to collect honey, their thick claws and heavy forearm plating allow them to deliver powerful blows to any aggressor.




登场动画台本:Bloodlust Incarnate -Arzuros(杀戮化身-青熊兽)

Roaming hill and dale (漫步于山丘和谷地)

A gluttonous brute (一个贪吃的畜生)

Leaves a sluggish trail (留下迟缓的足迹)

Attempts to sate its hunger (试图满足它的饥饿感)

Prove of no avail (证明是无济于事的)

It keeps eating more and more (它越吃越多)

And with every bite (每吃一口)

It succumbs yet further to (它就进一步屈服于)

Its destructive appetite (它毁灭性的好胃口)

Lagombi (白兔兽 )


Lagombi (白兔兽 )

Fanged, long-eared beasts whose warm pelts and thick layers of fat help them survive in cold climates. Though mainly herbivores, Lagombi occasionally make use of their exceptional hearing and ability to glide on ice to sneak up on prey.




登场动画台本:Silver Slider -Lagombi(银色滑翔-白兔兽)

On a frosty mountain range (在冰冷的山岭上)

Far from human haunts (人迹罕至)

An abominable beast (一头可恶的野兽)

Does whatever it wants (为所欲为)

Is it hare? (是野兔吗?)

Or is it bear? (还是熊?)

It is neither (都不是)

So beware (所以小心)

It will drench the snow with blood (它将用鲜血淋湿雪地 )

And wreak nothing but despair (只会带来绝望)

Volvidon (赤甲兽)


Volvidon (赤甲兽)

Fanged beasts with thick red carapaces that are resistant to lava. Their rounded bodies are perfect for rolling across hot surfaces, and their long tongues are ideal for capturing insect prey. Their saliva emits a paralyzing toxin that should be avoided.




登场动画台本:Crimson Cannonball - Volvidon (绯红炮弹-赤甲兽)

Austere mountains (简朴的山区)

Devoid of reason and laws (没有理性和法律)

A rounded mass descends (圆形大物从天降)

Made of fangs and claws (由獠牙和爪子组成)

Tumbling, tumbling ( 滚啊滚)

Closer and closer( 越来越近)

And when it unfurls (当它展开的时候)

Your time will be over (你就玩完了)

Khezu (奇怪龙/电龙)


Khezu (奇怪龙/电龙)

Loathsome wyverns that dwell in caves and other dark places. All but blind, Khezu hunt by smell. Their tail has evolved to cling to walls and ceilings. After using an electric shock to paralyze their prey, they extend their long neck and pounce.




登场动画台本:Blank Stare - Khezu (空白凝视-奇怪龙)

Nocturnal creatures (夜间生物)

Coming out to feast (出来觅食)

Find themselves becoming prey (发现自己成了)

To this long-necked beast (这只长颈野兽的猎物)

Down the hatch they go (它们被扔进了舱口)

Definitely deceased (肯定死了)

"Craven miscreant! ( 邪恶的懦夫)

Show your mug if you dare!" (有种就亮出你的脸)

But when it turns to face you (但当它转过身来面对你时)

You'd rather be elsewhere (你宁愿去别的地方)

Its perturbing expression (令人不安的表情)

A sight too much to bare (让人不忍卒睹)

Rathalos (雄火龙)


Rathalos (雄火龙)

Terrible wyverns called "Kings of the Skies." Along with Rathian, they stake wide territories centered around their nests. Rathalos descend on invaders from the sky, attacking with poison claws and a breath of fire.




登场动画台本:King of the Skies - Rathalos (天空之王-雄火龙)

A cave of crimson (一个深红色的山洞)

Flames billowing high (火焰翻滚)

That is where he makes his nest (那是他做窝的地方)

Best to not go nigh (最好不要走近)

Fire scorching the earth (火焰炙烤着大地)

Rains down from the sky (从天而降的大雨)

When his highness sets his eyes on you (当殿下看到你的时候)

It's time to say goodbye (就是告别之刻)

Rathian (雌火龙)


Rathian (雌火龙)

Fire-breathing female wyverns, also known as the "Queens of the Land." With powerful legs and poison-secreting tails, they hunt mainly on the ground. Sometimes seen preying as a couple, Rathian and Rathalos cooperate well.

会吐火的雌性飞龙,也被称为地之皇后。她们拥有强壮的腿和分泌毒液的尾巴, 主要在地面捕食。有时候雄火龙和雌火龙会以夫妻身份捕食,他们合作得非常好。



登场动画台本:Queen of the Land - Rathian (地之皇后-雌火龙)

Arid plains at night (夜晚下干旱平原)

Flames billowing high (火焰翻滚)

This is where she makes her realm (这里是她的地盘)

Best to not go nigh (最好不要走近)

Fire scorching the earth (火焰炙烤着大地)

Lighting up the sky (照亮了整个天空)

When her highness sets her eyes on you (当皇后看到你的时候)

It's time to say goodbye (就是告别之刻)
