meadow [ˈmɛdoʊ] n. 草地

♡ Typically, wild violets grow in meadows or damp woods and bloom in the spring. 通常,野紫罗兰长在草地和湿润的树丛,春天会开花。(托福原句)


a field covered in grass, used especially for hay 草地(这些草用来做干草喂养牲畜)

● water meadows (= near a river) 水草地

● Traditional hay meadows are important wildlife areas. 传统的干草地对野种动物十分重要

能言国际英语出品 18653137803



  1. character n.
  2. noun n.
  3. research n.
  4. movement n.
  5. flexibility n.
  6. existence n.
  7. ambiguous adj.
  8. affluent adj.
  9. accustomed adj.
  10. advent n.


violet 紫罗兰


meadow 草原
