
1, knock down 撞到 Don’t knock down my bag 不要撞到我的包

2, knock at 敲。 Who is knocking at the door 谁在敲门

3, be worth doing 值得做某事

It’s worth reading 它是值得阅读的

4, shake hands 握手, Let’s shake hands 让我们握手

5, for the first time 第一次 I come here for the first time 我第一次来这里

6, drop by 地点 拜访 I will drop by your shop 我将会拜访你的商店

7, after all 毕竟 , 例如:After all ,you are a boy 毕竟你只是一个男孩

8, get /be angy with sb= get/be mad at sb对某人生气

I got angry with you =I was angry with you=I got mad at you=I was mad at you 我对你很生气

9, make an effort 做努力

I make an effort for my study 我为我的学习努力

10, clean off 扫除

You must clean off the dirt on the desk 你必须弄干净在书桌上的尘土

11, take off 起飞,脱下

I can take off my clothes 我能脱下我的衣服

The plane will take off at seven 飞机将要在七点起飞

12, point to 指向, Please point to the window 请指向窗户

13, point at 指着, Don’t point at me 不要指着我

14, point out 指出, I can point out your mistake 我能指出你的错误

15, go out of one’s way 特地。。。

I go out of my way to cook dinner for you 我特地为你做晚餐

16, make sb feel at home 使。。。宾至如归

I can make you feel at home 我能让你感觉宾至如归

17, besides(除了,,包括在内),except (除了,不包括)

Everyone is here besides Tom 除了汤姆以外,其他人也在这里

Everyone is here except Tom 每个人都在这里,汤姆除外

18, be supposed to do sth 应该做某事

I am supposed to do homework everyday 我应该每天写作业

19, expect sb to do sth 期待某人去做

I expect you to help me 我期待你来帮助我

20, as soon as 一。。。就

I will call you as soon as he comes back 他一回来我就打电话给你

21, be relaxed about 对。。。放松

I am relaxed about my test 我对我的考试很放松

22, drop on sb 拜访某人

I can drop on you sometimes 我有时能拜访你

23, as adj/adv as sb can 尽。。。能

I can runas fast as I can 我能尽可能的跑快点

24, all over 地点 到处

You can find Chinese all over the world 你在世界每个角落都能找到中国人

25, land 降落。 The plane will land tomorrow 飞机明天将要降落

26, empty 清空 You must empty the box 你必须清空这个盒子

empty 空的, The box is empty 这个盒子是空的

27, suggestion(可数名词),advice (不可数名词)建议

I have some advice = I have some suggestions 我有一些建议
