Word of the Day:September 16, 2022coalesce,我来为大家科普一下关于pascal数据结构和算法归纳?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



Word of the Day:September 16, 2022



verb /koh-uh-LESS/ [ˌkoʊəˈles]

What It Means

Coalesce means “to come together to form one group or mass” or “to join forces.”


COALESCE in Context

“This is European soccer—or, at least, an idealized version of it: clubs that represent something greater than themselves, offering communities narratives to coalesce around.” — Tom McTague, The Atlantic, 28 May 2022

“This is European soccer——或者,至少是它的理想化版本:它俱乐部代表着比自身更伟大的东西,为集体提供凝聚力的地方。”

The ice masses coalesced into a glacier over time.


Did You Know?

The meaning of many English words equals the sum of their parts, and coalesce is a fitting example. The word unites the prefix co- (“together”) and the Latin verb alescere, meaning “to grow.” Coalesce is one of a number of English verbs (along with mix, commingle, merge, and amalgamate) that refer to the act of combining parts into a whole. In particular, coalesce usually implies the merging of similar parts to form a cohesive unit, such as a political ideology, a fan-following, or (perish the thought) a Portuguese man-of-war, the body of which includes three types of zooids.

许多英语单词的含义集合出来了它们每一部分的总和,coalesce 就是一个恰当的例子。 这个词结合了前缀 co-(“一起”)和拉丁动词 alescere,意思是“to grow「成长」”。 Coalesce 作为英语的动词之一(与mix、commingle、merge 和 amalgamate 是同义词),指的是将部分结合形成一个整体的动作。 特别是,coalesce 通常意义是将相似部分合并形成一个有凝聚力的单元,例如a political ideology「政治意识形态」、a fan-following「粉丝的追随者」或(打消念头)僧帽水母,由三个独立生物体组成的生物。

Test Your Vocabulary

Fill in the blanks to complete a noun that can refer to the combining of often diverse conceptions into a coherent whole: _ _ nth _ _ i _.

