




[00:14.74]n. 太平洋 adj. 太平洋的


[00:20.72]n. [C]页,页码

[00:25.58]Have you noticed the “Tour” icon at the top of the page?


[00:32.95]n. 疼痛

[00:34.78]The music was strangely beautiful,

[00:38.67]but under the beauty I sensed a strong sadness and pain.


[00:45.53]v. 在…上上油漆;用颜料画 n. [U]油漆


[00:56.25]n. [C]一对,一双

[00:59.59]“I want to buy a pair of basketball shoes,”

[01:03.01]he explains.


[01:08.03]n. [C]宫,宫殿


[01:13.42]adj. 苍白的,灰白的


[01:19.00]n. [C]薄煎饼


[01:22.78]n. [C]熊猫


[01:26.00]n. [U]纸;[C]报纸

[01:30.16]They are made of bamboo and covered with paper.


[01:37.52]v. 原谅;赦免


[01:43.68]n. [C]父亲(或母亲);双亲,父母


[01:52.86]n. [C]公园;v. 停放

[01:56.20]You could help to clean up the city parks.


[02:03.04]n. [C]部分

[02:05.00]The main reason was to protect their part of the country.


[02:12.39]n. [C]聚会;政党,党派

[02:18.23]I'm sad to see her go,

[02:20.60]and this party is the best way to say

[02:23.94]“Thank you and goodbye.”


[02:29.93]v. 传递;经过,路过;


[02:36.88]n. [C]章节,段落;通道,


[02:44.29]n. [C]乘客,旅客

[02:48.16]He told the passengers

[02:50.56]that he must take the man to the hospital.


[02:57.68]n. [C]护照

[02:59.45]Oh, by the way, don't forget to take your passport.


[03:07.52]adv. 经过 n. 过去,prep. 超过


[03:14.95]n. [C]病人 adj. 有耐心的,能忍耐的


[03:23.14]v.付钱;给…报酬;n. [U]工资,

[03:30.13]If you've already paid for the air tickets

[03:33.59]and for homestay, it should be OK.


[03:40.43]abbr. 体育


[03:44.04]n. [U]和平


[03:47.67]adj. 和平的,安静的

[03:51.16]It's a relaxing and peaceful place near a lake.


[03:59.24]n. [C]梨


[04:02.98]n. [C]钢笔,用墨水写字的笔


[04:09.53]n. [C]铅笔


[04:13.03]n. 人,人们;平民

[04:18.16]Well, there were always too many people on the bus,

[04:23.17]and it took a long time to wait for the next one.


[04:30.43]adj. 完美的,极好的


[04:36.28]adv. 也许,可能

[04:39.78]And perhaps we might never know,

[04:43.82]but we do know they must have been hard-working—

[04:47.49]and great planners!


[04:53.61]n. [C]时期,时代

[04:57.39]Stonehenge was built slowly over a long period of time.


[05:06.32]n. [C]人


[05:09.93]adj. 个人的,私人的

[05:14.37]You can work in small or large groups

[05:17.58]and it depends on your personal choice.


[05:24.14]n. [C]宝贝,宠物


[05:29.29]n. [C]电话;电话机 v. 打电话


[05:37.65]n. [C]照片,相片

[05:41.12]Mr. Smith says we must not take photos.

[05:44.92]It's not allowed in the museum.


[05:51.86]n. [U]物理(学)


[05:57.42]v. 拾起,采集;挑选出;

[06:03.14]I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again.


[06:11.52]n. [C]野餐 vi. 去野餐


[06:18.06]n. [C]图画,图片;v.想象;


[06:25.18]n. 果馅饼


[06:28.81]n. [C]一块,一片,一张

[06:33.39]Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are

[06:38.67]so small but they look very real.


[06:45.37]n. [C]猪


[06:48.00]n. [C]飞行员 adj.试验性的,试点的


[06:55.95]adj. 粉红色的 n. 粉红色


[07:02.36]n. [C]先锋,开拓者


[07:08.89]n. [U]怜悯,同情


[07:14.19]n. [C]地方,处所 v. 放置,

[07:20.06]I suggest you write four or five words a day on pieces

[07:24.68]of paper and place them in your bedroom.


[07:32.60]n. [C] & v. 计划,打算


[07:37.73]n. [C]飞机


[07:40.94]n. [C]行星


[07:44.31]vt. 种植,播种 n. [C]植物;


[07:51.68]n. [C]游戏;比赛;v. 玩耍,

[07:57.24]Our coach is pleased

[07:59.62]because we are playing better as a team now.


[08:06.19]n. [C]运动员,比赛者;游戏者,


[08:14.55]n. [C]操场,运动场


[08:20.67]vt. 使愉快;使满意 interj. 请


[08:28.88]n. 愉快,高兴


[08:35.13]pron. 丰富,adj. 大量的,adv. 大量

[08:40.99]During the festival,

[08:42.95]there are plenty of other things to see and do.


[08:50.17]n. [C]口袋


[08:53.40]n. [C]诗


[08:56.86]n. [C]论点,观点

[09:00.24]Then I can point out the sights of Beijing for you.


[09:07.72]n. 警察,警察部门

[09:12.19]The twins saw three men in police uniforms coming out

[09:17.39]of the building with guns in their hands.


[09:24.50]n. [C]警察


[09:27.60]n. [C]女警察


[09:31.34]adj. 有礼貌的

[09:33.05]But if you say, “Excuse me, Mr. West.

[09:35.82]Do you know when the school trip is?”,

[09:39.72]this will sound much more polite.


[09:44.86]vt. 弄脏,污染

[09:49.44]The air has become really polluted around here.

[09:51.97]I'm getting very worried.


[09:58.64]n. [U]污染

[10:00.46]I think there will be more pollution.


[10:06.74]n. [C]水塘,水池


[10:12.59]adj. 贫穷的;可怜的;差的


[10:20.82]adj. 流行的,通俗的;受欢迎的;

[10:27.64]Oh, I know it's a popular festival in North America

[10:31.37]and it's on October 31st.


[10:38.49]n. 人口,人数

[10:42.23]China has the biggest population in the world.


[10:49.64]adj. 可能的

[10:51.74]But we think our son needs to think about other possible jobs.


[11:00.78]n. 岗位;邮件;vt. 张贴;


[11:08.44]n. [C]明信片


[11:11.93]n. [C]邮递员


[11:15.67]n. [C,U]马铃薯,土豆


[11:21.43]n. [C]磅;英镑


[11:26.41]n. 实践;练习;v. 练习

[11:31.84]He practiced even harder

[11:34.77]and got the coach to change his mind.


[11:41.17]vt. & n. [U]赞扬,表扬


[11:47.31]vt. 使做好准备;调制,配制


[11:56.08]/ˈ preznt/n.[C]礼物,adj.出席的 /prɪˈ zent/v.授予;


[12:04.15]n. [C]总统;主席


[12:11.20]adj. 漂亮的;标致的 adv.相当

[12:17.04]I've got your photo—you look very pretty.

[12:21.41]Where I'm from, we're pretty relaxed about time.


[12:31.82]n. 价格,价钱


[12:38.11]n. [U]自豪,骄傲

[12:40.44]They take pride in everything good that I do.


[12:49.37]adj. 初等教育的;最初的


[12:56.81]n. 印刷行业;印刷字体;v. 印刷;


[13:04.88]adj. 私人的

[13:06.98]And I don't have much private time anymore.


[13:13.26]n. [C]奖赏,奖品


[13:19.95]adv. 很可能,大概

[13:23.56]You have probably never heard of Amy Hayes,

[13:27.63]but she is a most unusual woman.


[13:34.98]n. [C]问题,难题

[13:38.74]However, my love of football has

[13:42.22]become the cause of my problem.


[13:47.59]vt. 生产,制造;n.产品;


[13:56.21]n. 产品;结果;产物


[14:04.00]n. 计划;节目


[14:09.43]n. [U]进步;前进 vi. 进展;


[14:17.68]n. [C]工程;计划;项目


[14:25.76]n. [C]& v. 许诺,答应;预示

[14:31.72]Most of the time, we make promises to other people.


[14:40.28]v. 发音;宣称,宣告;


[14:48.73]n. 发音

[14:50.29]I had problems with pronunciation and reading texts.


[14:58.64]adj. 恰当的;正确的


[15:04.21]vt. 保护

[15:05.86]We need to protect them better.


[15:12.27]adj. 自豪的,骄傲的


[15:18.54]vt. 提供


[15:21.88]adj. 公共的;公众的 n. 平民;

[15:27.88]It's a public holiday, but we only have one day off.


[15:36.26]v. 拉,拖 n. 拉力,


[15:44.07]vt. 惩罚,处罚


[15:48.80]n. [C](小)学生


[15:55.62]adj. 紫色的 n. 紫色


[16:01.45]n. 目的;意图

[16:03.98]No one is sure what Stonehenge was used for,

[16:08.31]but most agree that the position

[16:12.05]of the stones must be for a special purpose.


[16:18.62]n.& v. 推


[16:21.40]v. 放,摆

