When I am down, and, oh my soul, so weary. 当我失意低落之时,我的精神是那么疲倦不堪这是经典歌曲You Raise Me Up中的一句歌词,down空间意义表示“向下”,与状态动词be组合,这里就引申为失落的意思,我来为大家科普一下关于be动词通常在句子里充当什么?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



When I am down, and, oh my soul, so weary. 当我失意低落之时,我的精神是那么疲倦不堪。这是经典歌曲You Raise Me Up中的一句歌词,down空间意义表示“向下”,与状态动词be组合,这里就引申为失落的意思。



The children are at play. 孩子们正在玩耍。

We are at liberty to enter or depart. 我们可以自由进出。

I’m on it. 包在我身上。

This time is on me, I insist. 我坚持这一次由我付钱。

Today you need to be on your best behavior. 今天你需要拿出最好的表现。

They are in love. 他们在恋爱。

They may desire you to be in private. 他们大概还是希望你能回避一下。

I am afraid we are in for a storm. 看来我们要赶上暴雨了。

They are in with the rich people. 他们与有钱人过往甚密。

He is over the flu now. 他感冒彻底好了。

I should say she is over forty. 我说她有四十多岁了。

The road is under repair. 路正在修建。

The question is under discussion. 这个问题正在讨论中。

Our services are before you. 我们乐于为您服务。

He is behind the plan. 他是幕后策划人。

I am behind you. 我支持你。

John is after you. 约翰在找你。

Jack was after that girl last year. 去年杰克在追求那位姑娘。

It is up to us to help those in need. 我们有责任帮助那些有困难的人。

What’s up? 出什么事了?

The new museum is up and open to the public. 新博物馆已落成开放。

My computer is down again. 我的电脑又不行了。

She is down in health. 她身体衰弱。

We are down on him. 我们很讨厌他。

It is down to you now to look after our family. 现在这个家得靠你了。

Many are down with cold. 很多人患感冒病倒了。

In a week I must be off again. 一个星期以后我又得出发。

You are off your head. 你疯了。

He was onto us from the beginning. 他从一开始就对我们很了解

You were onto something really big. 你已经掌握了重大线索

We are into a whole new ball game. 我们正在开创一种全新的局面。

He is into jazz music. 他对爵士乐非常着迷。

Take exercise if you are out of shape. 如果你身材不好就要锻炼。

The house is past repair. 这房子不能修理了。

I was past caring now. 我现在已经把一切置之度外了。

The only way to succeed is through hard work. 唯一的成功之路是勤奋工作。

I am through with that fellow. 我和那个家伙断绝关系了。

He is through with his star. 他的好运已经到头了。

My eye is upon you! 我正盯着你们呐!

Our brother is upon the rack. 我们的兄弟正在经历磨难。

