
1. 出轨

出轨的英语对话短句 介绍几个和出轨(1)

have an affair with someone

To have an affair (with someone)

"Life is short. Have an affair," reads the tag-line. “人生短暂,有次外遇吧”标语口号是这么说。

To cheat on someone

I'd found Philippe was cheating on me and I was angry and hurt. 我发现菲利普对我不忠,我很愤怒并且受到了伤害。

2. 小三

出轨的英语对话短句 介绍几个和出轨(2)



A cheating man is always full of lies,no matter to the mistress or his wife. 出轨的男人总是谎话连篇不管是对小三还是原配

Another woman

His wife found out he'd been carrying on with another woman. 他的妻子发现他和另一个女人勾勾搭搭。

3. 伪君子

出轨的英语对话短句 介绍几个和出轨(3)

phony 伪君子


He's a phony, a fake. 他是个伪君子、骗子。


John is not as nice as he pretends to be, he is really two-faced. 约翰根本不是他装出来的那么好人,他真是个两面派(伪君子)。

4. 冷暴力

Emotional abuse

出轨的英语对话短句 介绍几个和出轨(4)

Emotional abuse

The only difference may be there is no physical or emotional abuse happening in their worlds唯一的区别是如今在他们的世界没有情感或身体虐待发生。

5. Prenuptial agreement 婚前协议

My wife and I were married in 1996 and we signed a prenuptial agreement. 我与我夫人于1996年结婚,并签署了一个婚前协议。

出轨的英语对话短句 介绍几个和出轨(5)

get the popcorn_非常地道的用法

最后,“吃瓜”的英语您一定想不到,它的说法是“get the popcorn” ,原来老外不吃瓜,吃的是爆米花……
