“互联网 ”时代的英语学习:“等红灯”用英语怎么说?

在“互联网 ”如此普及和唾手可得的今天,又一样比单纯学习“英语知识”珍贵百倍的东西,它叫“英语学习力”。

在“互联网 ”时代,最不值钱的就是单纯的“英语知识”,以为所谓的“英语知识”遍地(遍网络)都是,唾手可得。只有“获取知识的能力”才真正值钱,也就是所谓的“互联网 ”时代的“英语学习力”才是最值钱,也才值钱。这一点上,在以Yahoo为工具解决“用英语怎么说”问题上表现得最为淋漓尽致:Yahoo is everything的“探索发现求证”能力就是“最不值钱”的“英语知识”之上的“英语学习力”,是通过国借助“学”英语最需要训练与获得的英语“学习力”,也是我们的英语学习在长期非英语语言环境下又身处“互联网 ”时代的英语“可持续性发展”和“终身学习能力”的保障。

以“互联网 ”为时代最大特征的今天的英语学习,绝对的再也不是过去那种早已经“过时过气”了的“学习方法”:把答案直接告诉你“怎么说”就完事了,剩下的就是你“死记硬背”记住它。以“互联网 学习工具”为最大时代背景的英语英语学习,“学习力”的训练和培养,从而保证我们大多数人在长期的非英语语言环境下英语依然可以是借助某句英语的英语从中还获得英语保持“可持续性发展”以及英语“终身学习能力”。


一、“等红灯”用英语“怎么说”?难道不是wait for the red light吗?

当我们提出“”难道不是wait for the red light吗?”这样的问题的时候,我们已经自觉不自觉地“触及”“互联网 ”时代最最需要的”所谓的“英语学习力”问题。

既然你都已经“会说”英语wait for the red light了,为什么不再进一步,训练和培养自己Yahoo is everything的“探索发现求证”的“英语学习力”呢?或者说为什么不用Yahoo is everything的“探索发现求证”的“英语学习力”来“解决问题”呢?


二、打开Yahoo英文搜索页面,输入wait for the red light,我们进入全英文的“语言环境”:不是说“学”英语需要“语言环境”吗?现在“语言环境”给你了,你又要说“全英语的语言环境我哪里看得懂嘛”吗?又有一个古代故事:叶公好龙。

三、在众多的有关wait for the red light的“英语语言环境”中,我们挑出其中一篇比较“吻合”主题的英语文章如下:

You'll Spend This Much of Your Life Waiting at Red Lights


If you're one of the 115 million Americans who heads to work in a vehicle, on a daily basis, odds are there are few things that frustrate you more than getting stuck at a red light. Unfortunately, those precious minutes you spend waiting for a light to change are more than just annoying: they're a major time-suck, too.

While red lights often feel as though they take an eternity to change, that's not quite the case. According to the National Association of City Transportation Officials, the perfect amount of time for a light to remain red is between 60 and 90 seconds. That means that, ideally, an urban driver would spend an average of 75 seconds waiting at each red light.

Yeah, it's time for some math.

If you take into account the estimate that approximately 20 percent of all driving time is spent at red lights, that can certainly add up. According to AAA, the average American spends 17,600 minutes driving each year. That's 3,520 minutes, or 58.6 hours, spent waiting at red lights every 365 days. If you start driving at the age 15 and end your commuting days when you turn 65, that means you'll have spent 2,930 hours sitting at stop lights before you even retire.


Put another way: that's 122 days—or about 4 months of your life—tapping your fingers behind the wheel. (And if you're one of those overachievers who decides to push their retirement to 75, that number shoots up to 142 hours, or 4.7 months sitting at red lights.)(节选)




at the red light or for the red light有问题吗?

这就叫做在“互联网 英语学习工具”时代,我们常年在非英语语言环境下已经从过去老一套的单纯的“英语知识”获取提升到“英语学习力”的养成与运用的符合时代特征的英语学习,也是用“英语学习力”解决问题(尤其是这类“用英语怎么说”问题)的表现。
