Welcome to Firry's learning log. This is the _125th day of my record.













▶“一个真正幽默的心灵,必定是富足,宽厚,开放,而且圆通的。反过来说,一个真正幽默的心灵,绝对不会固执成见,一味钻牛角尖,或是强词夺理,厉色疾言。幽默,恒在俯仰指顾之间,从从容容,潇潇洒洒,浑不自觉地完成:在一切艺术之中。幽默是距离宣传最远的一种。” ——余光中






If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. 如果一个人朝着梦想的方向坚定前行,努力过上设想的生活,就能在平凡的时刻与成功不期而遇。 亨利·戴维·梭罗Henry David Thoreau 美国作家、哲学家,超验主义代表人物 代表作《瓦尔登湖》 提倡回归本心,亲近自然


❶meet meet sb's eye(s)目光相遇 对应汉语中的“跟...对视”“正眼看...” meet with sth经历,体验(不愉快的事) 完美破解汉语中的“遇到麻烦”“出事”

❷expect to be expected 可以预料 完美破解汉语中的“很正常”“正常的” what do you expect 还用得着惊奇吗 对应汉语中的“还要求什么”“有什么好奇怪的”


“重逢”,“团聚”,“聚会”:reunion “搭讪”:pick sb up “那得看情况”:that/ it depends

“邀请外出(尤指男女交往约会之始)”:ask “复杂的”,“难懂的”:complicated




❶My best friend is an Aquarius and_she can be quite unpredictable. Aquarius水瓶座、水瓶座的人 unpredictable 难以预测的

❷She is the most creative person I' ve ever seen.

❸She is always able to come up with some crazy yet_interesting ideas.

▶The Washington Post: Like his hunt for his parents, Liu's suicide was first flagged做标记,引起注意 on social media. In a letter over 7,000 words long, posted at 1:02 a.m. on Monday, he responded to online attackers网暴 and relayed his experiences of childhood loss, bullying, molestation折磨 and depression. When his death was confirmed by Chinese police, it triggered an outpouring喷涌 of grief and nationwide soul-searching反省 over cyberbullying网络欺凌, mental health and abandoned children. By Tuesday night, a hashtag话题标签 of his name had been viewed 2.4 billion times on the microblog Weibo, as many asked how Liu could have been let down so frequently and utterly语气加强 by society.


Wear the trousers / pants 掌权当家(尤指妇女)

Knock someone 's socks off 让人兴奋得连袜子都掉了;令人大吃一惊

At the drop of a hat 立即

Tighten your belt 勒紧腰带(节衣缩食;减少开支)


I' m not happy about this. I' m sorry, but this is unacceptable. I' m not very satisfied with... [ex. this product / this situation] (informal) I can't stand it when.. [ex. the internet is slow] (informal) This sucks.












▶进度___143_ /313



▶进度___125_ /193

❸ 原版书《LEAN IN 》


▶进度_135-136___ /140

❹ 《大学》刘强编译➽20220124开始


▶进度__16__ %

❺ 散文


❻ 有声输入记录


