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时间:2022-01-14 02:26:36类别:脚本大全



Python 超简单的聊天程序


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  • import socket, sys
  • host = ''
  • # host = raw_input("Plz imput destination IP:")
  • # data = raw_input("Plz imput what you want to submit:")
  • port = 51423
  • s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  • try:
  •   s.connect((host, port))
  • except socket.gaierror, e:
  •   print "Address-related error connecting to server: %s" %e
  •   sys.exit(1)
  • except socket.error, e:
  •   print "Connection error: %s" %e
  •   sys.exit(1)
  • while 1:
  •   try:
  •     data = raw_input("I say: ")
  •     s.send(data)
  •     buf = s.recv(1024)
  •     if len(buf):
  •       print "he say: "+buf
  •   except:
  •     print "Dialogue Over"
  •     s.close()
  •     sys.exit(0)
  • 服务器:

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  • import socket, traceback, sys
  • host = ''
  • port = 51423
  • s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  • s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
  • s.bind((host, port))
  • s.listen(1)
  • ClientSock, ClientAddr = s.accept()
  • while 1:
  •   try:
  •     buf = ClientSock.recv(1024)
  •     if len(buf):
  •       print "he say: "+buf
  •     data = raw_input("I say: ")
  •     ClientSock.sendall(data)
  •   except:
  •     print "Dialogue Over"
  •     ClientSock.close()
  •     sys.exit(0)
  • 模拟qq聊天,语言环境:Python3


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  • # 编写一个程序,模拟qq聊天
  • # 要求:程序可以同时发消息和收消息,发和收的过程中程序不退出
  • # 思路:使用socket来完成(socket 是全双工模式,可以实现收和发同时进行),定义俩个线程,一个负责发消息、一个负责收消息
  • from threading import Thread
  • from socket import *
  • def rec_data():
  •   while True:
  •     rec_info = udpsocket.recvfrom(1024)
  •     print("\r>>%s:%s" % (rec_info[1], rec_info[0].decode("gb2312")))
  •     print("<<", end="")
  • def send_date():
  •   while True:
  •     send_mes = input("<<")
  •     udpsocket.sendto(send_mes.encode("gb2312"), (desip, desport))
  • udpsocket = None
  • desip = ""
  • desport = 0
  • def main():
  •   global udpsocket
  •   global desip
  •   global desport
  •   desip = input("对方IP:")
  •   desport = int(input("对方端口:"))
  •   udpsocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)
  •   udpsocket.bind(("", 9001))
  •   tr = Thread(target=rec_data)
  •   ts = Thread(target=send_date)
  •   tr.start()
  •   ts.start()
  •   tr.join()
  •   ts.join()
  • if __name__ == '__main__':
  •   main()
  • 总结




