






从今天开始winni老师带领中高考学子快速通关词汇5k ,不管你是参加中考还是高考,我们一步到位!让背单词不再成为我们的烦恼,winni 老师也是受到宋维刚老师母语级词汇教学的启发和学习,将经验分享给大家



2.-form- 形式,格式,形成,形状

perform = per form v. 执行,;完成;表演;演奏

①to do sth, such as a piece of work, task or duty ②to entertain an audience by playing a piece of music, acting in a play

perform= per 完全,贯穿 form 形式 --仪式--正式 --->完全形成--->展现

performance = perform ance n. 表演

①the act of performing a play, concert or some other form of entertainment

performance = perform ance 名词后缀

performative = perform ative adj. 表述行为的 n. 述行成分

performative = perform ative 复合形容词后缀(ate ive)

performer = perform er n. 表演者

performative = perform er 表示人的名词后缀


You're tasking us to perform this mission, but you won't..你给了我们执行任务的任务,但你不…

You'll soon have the pleasure of seeing her perform,你很快就能看到她的表演了

I'm sure it takes great skill to perform illusions with one good hand.我相信单手表演幻象需要高超的技巧。

Listen, if you're gonna perform inception, you need imagination. 听着,如果你要实施植入,你需要想象力。

l'll perform this feat in a manner never before seen by yourselves or any other audience anywhere in the world. 我将以一种你们从未见过的方式在世界上的任何地方表演这一壮举。

You see, I'm a musician of sorts… and on my way to give a very special performance.你看,我算是个音乐家,我正要去做一场特别的演出。

This is the performance. Right here. 这是表演。在这里。

A very great actor has just given us a great performance. 一位非常伟大的演员刚刚给我们表演了一场精彩的演出。

What a performance. You left even me speechless. 什么是表演。你甚至让我哑口无言。

Well, performance issues, it's not uncommon. 嗯,表演问题,这并不罕见。
