1 发表意见express one's opinions,今天小编就来聊一聊关于10亿人都听过的英语?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



1 发表意见

express one's opinions

2 阅读体育专栏

read the sports column

3 在推特上关注名人

follow celebrities on twitter

4 挑选一瓶饮料

choos a bottle of drink

5 启动微波炉

turn on the microwave oven

6 买一袋面粉

buy a bag of flour

7 用量杯舀米

use a measuring jug to scoop rice

8 喷洒一些玻璃清洁剂

spray some glass cleaner

9 深层清洁你的头皮

deeply clean your scalp

10 吃太多薯片

eat too many potato chips
