
422ndarticle 第422期原创双语推文


With the advance of urbanization, commercial complexes have sprung up in Zhengzhou over the past two years. According to statistics, by 2018, the total area of Zhengzhou's business had increased to 4.46 million square meters, among which Erqi Business District is still the area with the most concentrated business in Zhengzhou, accounting for 34% of the total area of high-quality business in the city. It does not take a leap of the imagination to see that with the acceleration of urban construction and industrial development in Zhengzhou and the smoother traffic network, the future business in Zhengzhou is bound to be more prosperous. In addition to the core business districts, there will be more and more regional business to become the business backbone of the city.

随着城市化的推进,近两年郑州的商业综合体如雨后春笋般冒出。据统计,截至2018 年,郑州商业的总体存量上升至446 万平方米,其中,二七商圈依然是郑州商业存量最集中的区域,占全市优质商业总存量的34%。不难想象,随着郑州城市建设及产业发展进一步提速,交通路网进一步畅通,未来的郑州商业必然更加繁盛。除核心商圈外,也将会有越来越多的区域型商业接棒成为这座城市的商业中坚力量。


Photo: Wen Jianzhou, Su Tangshi, Zhu Zhe

Zhengzhou business, with years of operating strength and scale effect, is about to have more breakthrough development. Especially in comparison to domestic and foreign metropolises, Zhengzhou commercial actions are worth a thumbs up.


First, it strives to build Erqi Business District into a modern and fashionable international commercial block, the spiritual home of Zhengzhou, the province's consumer hub, and the national model of urban renewal;


Second, it releases Urban Retail Prosperity Map of Zhengzhou, discussing the change, beauty and uniqueness of Zhengzhou business;

其二,发布《2019 郑州商业活力地图》,探讨郑州商业之变、之美、之独特;

Third, it vigorously develops community business and helps it become a new blue ocean of urban economy.


With the ancient Dehua Street, numerous "national first" commercial images, the classic "central plains commercial war", the influx of foreign commercial giants, and enclosure of domestic commercial giants, from single business district to multi-type development, looking back on the past decades, Zhengzhou business has left its own unique charm in the history of national business development.



Photo: Wang Xiuqing

Erqi Business District is built into an international commercial block


Business district is an important economic system of a city. Zhengzhou has been transformed from a textile city to a commerce city, from a transportation hub to a national central city. In different historical stages, the evolution of business district is an important part of the development history of urban commerce. As the birthplace, main battlefield and weathervane of Zhengzhou's business, Erqi Business District is the epitome of Zhengzhou's nearly century-old development history, carrying the feelings and memories of Zhengzhou people.


Centering on different types of shopping malls and characterized by the century-old Dehua Street, today's Erqi Business District, with Erqi Memorial Tower as the main line, is the core business circle of the city with all types of business and multiple functions. As a "veteran of business", Erqi Business District is rejuvenating and striving to build itself into a modern and fashionable international business district.


Over the past year, the second phase of MIXC has been approved, Kingbird City has transformed itself into an "urban outlet" by teaming up with Madison, Grand Shanghai City Mall has been upgraded and igo has been planned to be built. Erqi Business District has been updated to improve the business types and support the continuous passenger flow. In particular, the "central axis" Dehua Pedestrian Street is vigorously implementing the four revival projects of "form, culture, business type and vitality", which will reshape the historical style and create "the Century-Old Dehua Street• Erqi Memory", the model best reflecting the characteristics of the central plains in the center of Zhengzhou.

最近一年,随着华润万象城二期用地的获批、金博大携手麦迪逊变身“城市奥莱”、大上海城的改造升级、大乐城的筹建……二七商圈开启更新模式,完善业态以支撑巨大客流的持续输入。尤其是“中轴线”德化步行街,大力实施“形态、文化、业态、活力”四大复兴工程,将重塑历史风貌,打造“最中原、郑中心”样板“百年德化• 二七记忆”。


Photo: Ma Jian

Meanwhile, the underground utility tunnel in Erqi Business District started construction in June 2018, which will connect the existing and planned largescale commercial buildings. This means that by 2022, Zhengzhou will have an "underground Erqi Business District". The underground space of Erqi Road and Taikang Road will form a "cross" axis and extend outward, connecting with Subway Line 1 (Erqi Square Station, Renmin Road Station) and Line 3 (Taikang Road Station). The project is divided into three floors: the first floor is for pedestrian access and business, the second floor is for equipment and pipeline outlet, and the third floor is for tube lane. It is the first project in China to introduce the idea of underground commerce into the construction of utility tunnel, which can not only build the underground public walking transport system, solve the problem of mixed traffic and relieve the traffic jam, but also realize seamless connection of surrounding business such as Dennis on Renmin Road, Grand Shanghai City Mall, Kingbird City, David Plaza, Erqi Square, Dehua Pedestrian Street and MIXC.

与此同时,二七商圈的地下综合管廊项目于2018年6 月开始动工,将使现有及规划大型商业建筑实现互联互通。这意味着,到2022 年,郑州将拥有一个“地下二七商圈”,二七路、太康路地下空间将形成“十字”轴线并向外拓展延伸,与地铁1 号线(二七广场站、人民路站)、3号线(太康路站)相连。该项目分为三层,地下一层为人行通道兼顾商业,地下二层为设备和管线出线层,地下三层为管廊层。这是全国首个将地下商业构想引入综合管廊建设的项目,不仅能构建地下公共步行交通体系,解决人车混行、缓解交通拥堵的现状,而且能使人民路丹尼斯到大上海城、金博大、大卫城,再到二七广场、德化步行街、万象城等周边商业体实现无缝对接。

Erqi Business District is improving its planning and design in accordance with the rules of commercial operation, enhancing its business type, gaining popularity, boosting urban energy and realizing transformation.


The "first store economy" continues to boom


In 2018, the average brand adjustment ratio of shopping centers in Zhengzhou increased by 2% compared with that in 2017. The total number of stores opened and closed was nearly 400, among which the number of retail and catering brands adjusted was the largest. Meanwhile, the vacancy rate of shopping centers declined, and the number of new brands increased. At the end of the fourth quarter of 2018, the vacancy rate of high-quality businesses in Zhengzhou dropped significantly to 3.8%, down 2.6 percentage points from the first half. Among them, the catering and experiential types have become the main force of market adjustment. Popular brands such as HEYTEA, NAYUKI, The Alley and Cou Cou Hot Pot first settled in Zhengzhou, with outlets being increasingly added.

2018 年郑州市购物中心品牌调整平均比例较2017 年上升2%,开关店总数量近400 家,其中零售、餐饮业态品牌调整数量最大。与此同时,购物中心空置率相对下降,新进品牌数量加大。在2018 年四季度末,郑州优质商业的空置率显著下降至3.8%,较上半年下降2.6 个百分点。其中,餐饮及体验式业态成为市场调整吸纳的主力,喜茶、奈雪の茶、鹿角巷、湊湊火锅等网红品牌首入郑州并不断增设门店。


Photo: Fu Rui

Statistics show that more than 130 wellknown brands entered Zhengzhou for the first time in 2018. Among these first-movers, retail brands came out top undisputedly, accounting for about 53 percent, catering brands for about 36%, and other leisure and entertainment, living facilities, children’s brands, cultural and creative brands for a total of 11%. Since 2018, Zhengzhou's "first store economy" has been gaining popularity, with large shopping centers such as David Plaza, The MixC and Grand Emporium seeing many brands first settled.

统计显示,2018 年共有130 余家知名品牌首次进入郑州市场。在这些首进品牌中,零售品牌无可争议独占鳌头,占比约为53%,餐饮品牌占比约为36%,其余的休闲娱乐、生活配套、儿童、文创等品牌共占11%。自2018 年以来,郑州“首店经济”持续飘红,大卫城、万象城、正弘城等大型购物中心成为“首店收割机”。

The "first store", as the name implies, refers to the first store opened in a certain area by a representative brand in the industry, or refers to the new store formed by a traditional old store through innovative business forms and models. Measuring the customer flow, consumption capacity and business environment, the "first store" is essentially the matching of the brand value of the first store with the unique resources of the region.


For urban commerce, the introduction of "first store" is undoubtedly the most direct means to break through the flow and differentiation dilemma under the whitehot situation of stock competition. It is worth mentioning that it takes less time for the first store to be settled in Zhengzhou. For example, it takes just four months for Tim Hortons, a national coffee brand in Canada, to move into Henan Province after making its first foray in China. Obviously, Whether it is the brand level and the number of the first stores or the richness of the business type, it is enough to prove that Zhengzhou's "first store economy" is booming in the initial stage.

对于城市商业而言,引入“首店”无疑是存量竞争白热化局面下,突破流量和差异化困境最为直接的手段。值得一提的是,“首店”在郑州落地的时间正逐步缩短,比如加拿大国民咖啡Tim Hortons,从“中国首店”到“河南首店”用时仅4 个月。显然,无论是首店品牌级别、数量还是业态丰富度,都足以佐证尚处于初级阶段的郑州“首店经济”正在蓬勃发展。

Community business is flourishing


Urban Retail Prosperity Map of Zhengzhou was officially released on May 15, 2019. This map basically covers all the concentrated commercial projects (101) currently in operation and to open in 2019 in Zhengzhou, 64 wellknown supermarket chains, involving catering, cinema, children's amusement park, urban leisure, including emerging business forms and shopping mall. In addition, the multidimensional comparison of business in the four provincial capitals (Wuhan, Changsha, Xi 'an and Zhengzhou) in central China, as well as the entry of provincial prefecture-level well-known business into Zhengzhou, are also included. It can be said that the map shows the overall development of Zhengzhou's business.

2019 年5 月15 日,2019 郑州商业活力图正式发布。这张图基本涵盖了郑州目前在运营及2019将开业的所有集中商业项目(101 个),64 家知名连锁超市,并容纳了餐饮、影院、儿童游乐、都市休闲,包括新兴业态及购物中心活动等多个板块。此外,中部四省会(武汉、长沙、西安、郑州)商业多维度对比及省内地市知名商业进驻情况等板块也布局其中,可以说一图可知郑州商业发展全貌。

The distribution of the map shows that the opening size of the centralized business in Zhengzhou reached a record high in 2018, which is expected to continue in 2019. 20 new business projects are expected this year, with an estimated 1.18 million square meters of business volume entering the market. Among 101 centralized business projects, shopping mall accounts for 67%, showing that small community business has become a trend.

活力图分布显示,2018 年郑州集中商业开业体量达到历史高位,这一旺势在2019 年仍有望保持。今年预计新增商业项目20 个,预计入市集中商业体量118 万平方米。101 个集中商业项目中,购物中心占比67%,小体量社区商业的发展蔚然成风。

The development of Zhengzhou business relies on community business, mainly because the urban expansion and the population inflow not only increase the demand of urban housing market, but also provide a broad space for the development of business. Characterized by "small format and big market", community business mainly serves community residents, with convenient transportation and high demand, and is gradually becoming the foundation of urban business and the new engine of commercial real estate in the future. According to the 2019 Henan Community Business Research Report, Zhengzhou ranks first in the Henan community business index.

郑州商业择“社区商业”而“栖”,主要是因为城市扩容,人口流入在提升城市住宅市场需求的同时,也为商业的发展提供了广阔空间。有着“小业态、大市场”特点的社区商业,以服务社区居民为主,交通便利,需求频次高,正逐渐成为城市商业的基础和未来商业地产的新引擎。《2019 年度河南省社区商业研究报告》显示,在年度河南省社区商业指数排名中,郑州市高居榜单首位。

In terms of urban development, the core business district is undoubtedly the base of business development. However, from the perspective of the competitive trend of differentiated business management, while providing basic forms of business for the convenience of people, the dislocated community business can also be used for exhibition, interaction, social activities and other events for citizens to gather, serving as the city's "spiritual fortress".


Community business accounts for more than 60% of the total business sales in developed cities. Therefore, increasing the proportion of community business is not only beneficial to the people, but also an important measure to develop the economy. Zhengzhou will steadily develop community business, making it a new blue ocean of urban economy.

社区商业在发达城市占其商业销售总额的60% 以上,因此提高社区商业占比不仅是便民利民之举,也是发展经济的重要举措。郑州将稳步发展社区商业,助其成为城市经济的新蓝海。

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Managing Editor: Xiong Vivi

Interviewed by Wang Yipin

New Media Editor: Wang Zhiyu




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