

葡萄妈常听到葡萄爸形容日常美食的高频词及短语是:It tastes really good!(味道很不错啊!) It's so tasty(很惹味啊!),有一次在芝加哥到某著名餐馆吃猪肋排,他特别提到用finger-licking good最合适,就是吃到要吮手指,那是非常好吃的!此外,葡萄妈再整理了更具体的美食形容词与短语,希望吃货们能用得上哦。




The Thanksgiving feast is huge! To enjoy your meal, you can’t just eat it—you might need to use some more descriptive words for eating!

Before you start eating, you should try a nibble(小口咬) of your food. That’s just a little bite to get a taste of the food in front of you before you dig in(大吃,随便吃), or start eating.

When you eat your food, you could say you ingest it(摄取,吸收,科学家用得多,哈)—but that’s a word often used by scientists. When you eat your meal very fast you, can say you devoured(狼吞虎咽,用于吃得很快) it.

When it comes to eating, no one does it as well as animals! When you eat a lot of food very quickly, you can say you gobble up(吃得非常快,gobble是火鸡的叫声) your food (gobble is the sound turkeys make)! You can also wolf down(也是狼吞虎咽,迅速吃掉一整块) your food (eat it quickly in big pieces), or pig out(放开肚皮大吃一顿) on it (eat too much).

When you finish the meal, you can say you have polished it off (吃光了)or cleaned your plate(”光盘”行动).



通常用到的词汇有:Juicy,good tasting, tasty, yummy,nummy,delish,elite, finger-licking good,mmm..scrumptious, tasty, mouthwatering, succulent, melt-in-your-mouth,

Juicy: 多汁的

I like my steaks to be tender, juicy, and full of flavour.

Tasty: 美味的

Children like tasty food.

Yummy: 味道非常好,极好吃

Oh, that pasta dish at Olive Garden, was yummy

Delish: 美味可口,年轻人的时尚说法

This cake is delish!

Finger-licking good: 特别好吃,好吃得让人忍不住吮手指

Those burgers were finger licking good.

Scrumptious: 美味可口

I baked a scrumptious chocolate cake last night.

Mouthwatering: 令人垂涎欲滴的,完美的

A good peach or shui mai are both mouthwatering.

Succulent: 多汁的,嫩滑的

The shrimp are absolutely succulent.

Melt-in-your-mouth: 口感很好,入口即溶的

These shortbread cookies are so soft and delicate they will actually melt in your mouth.

