







苏有朋(Alec Su,1973年9月11日-),出生于中国台湾台北市,毕业于台湾大学机械工程系,歌手、演员、制片人、导演。 1988年作为小虎队最小成员“乖乖虎”出道,并迅速走红。1997年7月,出演《还珠格格》中的五阿哥正式以“新人”身份进入影视圈。随后主演《杨门虎将》《刁蛮公主》《倚天屠龙记》等经典影视剧获得同期收视冠军。2008年转战影坛,凭借《风声》夺得第30届大众电影百花奖最佳男配角奖 ,因《康定情歌》夺得第二届澳门国际电影节最佳男主角奖。2011年,获第十三届中国电影表演艺术学会金凤凰奖评委会特别奖。2016年5月8日凭借该片荣获第23届北京大学生电影节最受大学生欢迎导演奖。[1]2020年2月21日,参加的综艺节目《王牌对王牌5》在浙江卫视播出。

Su yupeng

Actor, director

Alec Su (born September 11, 1973) is a Chinese singer, actor, producer and director. He graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Taiwan University. Started in 1988 as the youngest member of the Little Tigers, the "Good Tiger", and quickly rose to fame. In July 1997, Wu Ah Ge, who starred in the film My Fair Princess, officially entered the film industry as a "newcomer". Later, he starred in the classic films and TV series such as Tiger General of Yang Men, Unruly Princess, and Heaven Sword the Dragon, which won the ratings champion in the same period. In 2008, he turned to the film industry and won the Best Supporting Actor Award of the 30th Hundred Flowers Award for his film The Message, and the Best Lead Actor Award of the 2nd Macau International Film Festival for his film Kangding Love Song. In 2011, he won the Special Jury Award of the 13th Golden Phoenix Award of China Film Performing Arts Society. On May 8, 2016, he won the Most Popular Director Award of the 23rd Beijing University Student Film Festival with his film. [1] On February 21, 2020, the variety show "Ace to Ace 5" was broadcast on Zhejiang TV.
