
IF YOU CAN DO THIS TEST GO ON TO UNIT I(如果你能够做对这些测试,请继续第一单元学习)。开设这个栏目的目的是让大家在学习英语基础知识的同时,把学到的知识运用到解题实际运用中去。


今天我们来看Pre-Test Unit 1 A:

Look at this example: I am tired.-->He is tired.

Write these sentences again. Begin each sentence with He.


请先用笔做练习,简要地写出 1. I am..-->He is...就可以,但一定要先写出来,再对答案,心里想的不一定精准。

1. I am busy.

2. I am learning English.

3. I have a new book.

4. I live in the country.

5. I shall see you tomorrow.

6. I can understand you.

7. I must write a letter.

8. I may come next week.

9. I do a lot of work every day.

10. I did a lot of work yesterday.


11. I played football yesterday.

12. I bought a new coat last week.

13. I have had a letter from Tom.

14. I was busy this morning.

15. I could play football very well when I was younger.

16. I always try to get up early.

17.I might see you next week.

18. I always enjoy a good film.

19. I had finished my work before you came.

20. I watch television every night.



1.He is busy. 状态动词be一般现在时第三人称单数

2.He is learning English. 助动词be现在进行时第三人称单数

3.He has a new book. 状态动词have一般现在时第三人称单数

4.He lives in the country. 动作动词live一般现在时第三人称单数

5.He will see you tomorrow. 动作动词see一般将来时第三人称单数

6.He can understand you. 情态动词can,不分人称

7.He must write a letter. 情态动词must,不分人称

8.He may come next week. 情态动词may,不分人称

9.He does a lot of work every day. 动作动词do一般现在时第三人称单数

10.He did a lot of work yesterday. 动作动词do一般过去时,不分人称


11.He played football yesterday. 动作动词play一般过去时,不分人称

12.He bought a new coat last week. 动作动词buy一般过去时,不分人称

13.He has had a letter from Tom. 助动词have现在完成时第三人称单数

14.He was busy this morning. 状态动词be一般过去时第三人称单数

15.He could play football very well when he was younger. 情态动词could,不分人称

16.He always tries to get up early. 动作动词try一般现在时第三人称单数

17.He might see you next week. 情态动词might,不分人称

18.He always enjoys a good film. 动作动词enjoy一般现在时第三人称单数

19.He had finished his work before you came. 助动词have过去完成时,不分人称

20.He watches television every night. 动作动词watch一般现在时第三人称单数

