

Pepsi: Pepsi or “Pepsi-Cola” was named after the digestive enzyme pepsin. The original drink was sold as a digestive aid and health tonic.


阿迪达斯:这是创始人Adolf Adi Dassler的小名“Adi-Das”,他的兄弟 Rudolf Rudi Dassler也开了一家卖鞋的公司,叫做Ruda,也就是后来的Puma。

Adidas: This was a nickname of founder Adolf Adi Dassler - “Adi-Das…” Rudolf Rudi Dassler, his brother, also started a shoe company called Ruda, which later turned into Puma



7-11: The company’s first convenience outlets were known as Tote’m stores since customers “toted” away their purchases; In 1946, Tote’m became 7-11 to reflect the stores’ new, extended hours – 7 a.m. until 11 p.m., seven days a week, which was pretty unheard of back then.



Starbucks: Not many companies dive into the world of fiction literature to find inspiration for their brand, but Starbucks is not just any company. Its name comes from a character in the story of Moby Dick.



Sharp: The company’s first product, the ever sharp pencil, is actually where this multinational corporation got its name.


乐高:1934年,丹麦木匠Ol Kirk Kristiansen,也就是现在家喻户晓的乐高品牌创始人,要求他的员工为他日渐壮大的玩具公司想一个好名字。进入最终角逐的两个候选名称是Legio和Lego。第一个来源于“legion”(军团之意)一词,代表了他们的“玩具大军”。第二个词,也就是最后的胜出者,来源于丹麦语“leg godt”,意为玩得开心。

Lego: In 1934, Danish carpenter Ol Kirk Kristiansen, the founder of what we now know of as Lego, asked his staff to come up with a good name for his growing toy company. The two names that ended up being finalists were “Legio” and “Lego”. The first was a reference to a “legion” as in a “Legion of toys”. The second, which won out, was made from a contraction of “leg godt”, which is a Danish phrase meaning “play well”.

