would you like 用法及答语(你会正确使用Wouldyou)(1)

What's the difference between "would you like" and "do you like"?

Hello, how are you? Would you like to join us to discuss? Today the topic is about the difference between "would you like" and "do you like"。 Hello,大家好,今天我们一起聊一聊"would you like" 和 "do you like"。

记得我家百香果成熟的时候,我摘了几个送给编制组的伙伴们,我当时说了一句"Do you like passion fruit?",我旁边那个老太告诉我,应该说"Would you like passion fruit?",我想了想,她说的是对的。"Do you like passion fruit?"意思是你喜欢百香果吗?" Would you like passion fruit?" 你想吃百香果吗?意思是有区别的。

would you like 用法及答语(你会正确使用Wouldyou)(2)

查一下字典,知道"Do you like…"意思是你喜欢…吗?回答很简单,用"yes,I do"或者"No,I don't."。 "Would you like…"意思是“你想不想…?”,如何回答要看场合。


Server: What would you like?

Customer: I would like a coffee, please.

Server: Would you like anything else? Some cake or a muffin?

Customer: Yes, please. I'd love a piece of cake.

Server: What type of cake would you like?

Customer: A slice of carrot cake would be lovely.

would you like 用法及答语(你会正确使用Wouldyou)(3)


A: Would you like a soda?

B: That would be great. Thanks.

A: Would you like to go for a walk?

B: I'd love to.

A: Would you like to meet at a cafe later?

B: Sure. What time?

A: Would you like to study together?

B: Yes, that's a good idea.

A: Would you like some help?

B: Oh, thank you very much.

would you like 用法及答语(你会正确使用Wouldyou)(4)

"Would you like…"这个句型在日常生活中应用非常广,掌握它的使用场合以及应答方式会使你的口语听起来很地道。
