
Unit 7 Films

Comic strip & Welcome to the unit


1. western n. 西部电影;西部小说

2. industry n. 工业;产业

3. storyteller n. 讲故事的人


1. tomorrow's_TV_superstar 明日超级电视明星

2. romantic_film 爱情片

3. action_film 动作片

4. science_fiction_film 科幻电影

5. enter_the_film_industry 进入电影业

6. be_suitable_for_doing_sth. 适合做某事

7. write_exciting_scripts 写令人兴奋的剧本


1. Well, I'm so_good_that I should be in Hollywood instead.


2. Who do you think would be_suitable_for_entering_the_film_industry


3. Millie is such_a_good_storyteller_that she can write exciting scripts.


4. Though I like acting, I'd_rather_be a director.




1. all­time adj. 一向的;空前的

2. actress n. 女演员

3. dancer n. 舞蹈者

4. insist vt. & vi. 坚持认为;坚持

5. lead n. 主角,扮演主角的演员

6. role n. 角色

7. mark vt. 表明;标志

8. lifetime n. 终身,一生

9. final adj. 最终的,最后的

10. peacefully adv. 宁静地


1. loss—lose(动词)—lost(过去分词)

2. success—successful(形容词)—succeed(动词)

3. appear—appearance(名词)

4. appear—disappear(反义词)

5. peace—peaceful(形容词)—peacefully(副词)


1. international_superstar 国际超级明星

2. feel_sad_about_sth. 对某事感到伤心

3. dream_of_doing_sth. dream_to_do_sth. 梦想做某事

4. work_as_a_model 以模特为职

5. beauty_and_charm 美貌和魅力

6. catch_one's_attentionbe_paid_attention_to_by_sb.


7. the_lead_rolethe_major_role 主角

8. a_play_based_upon_her_novel 一个根据她的小说改编的剧本

9. be_chosen_to_do 被选中去做……

10. mark_the_beginning_of… 标志着……的开始

11. become_world­famous 变得世界闻名

12. win_the_Oscar_for_Best_Actress_for…


13. during_her_lifetime 在她的一生中

14. her_final_appearance 她最后一次露面

15. go_beyond 超越了

16. work_closely_with_sb. 和某人亲密合作

17. her_last_few_years 她最后的几年

18. her_efforts_in_this_area 她在这个领域的努力

19. pass_away_peacefully 平静地走了,去世

20. care_a_lot_about_sth. 很关注某事

21. have_an_attractive_quality 有一种吸引人的品质

22. insist_on_sth. /doing_sth. 坚持(做)某事

23. go_away 走开

24. go_past 走过


1. Audrey Hepburn is one of Hollywood's all­time_greatest_actresses.


2. Hepburn's beauty and charm caught_the_writer's_attention.


3. Colette insisted_that Hepburn was the perfect girl for the lead role in Gigi.


4. During_her_lifetime, Hepburn had four more Oscar nominations.


5. Hepburn's achievements went_beyond_the_film_industry.


6. On 20 January 1993, she passed_away_peacefully in her sleep.


7. Hepburn made_her_final_appearance in the film Always and played_the_role of_an_angel.




1. park vt. & vi. 停车

2. row n. (一)排,(一)行

3. mistake vt. 误以为

4. kung_fu n. 功夫

5. actor n. 演员


1. mistake—mistook(过去式) 2. teach—taught(过去式)


1. avoid_the_rush_hour 避免车流高峰

2. a_big_car_park 一个大型停车场

3. in_the_last_row 在最后一排

4. keep_coming_in 持续进来

5. have_a_T­shirt_on 穿上T恤衫

6. be_told_to_do_sth. 被告知做某事

7. have_a_day_off 休息一天

8. be_amazed_by_her_beauty 因她的美貌而感到吃惊

9. mistake_her_for_a_real_princess 错认为她是一个真的公主

10. a_course_on_Chinese_kung_fu 一个关于中国功夫的课程


1. Though I left early to avoid_the_rush_hour, there was a lot of traffic in the streets.


2. I could not find_a_space_to_park_my_car, although / though the cinema had a big car park.


3. Some people were talking loudly, although / though they were_told_to_keep_quiet.


4. I have bought a lot of DVDs so that I can learn_more_about_Chinese_kung_fu.


5. I attended_a_course_on_Chinese_kung_fu so that I could improve my skills.


Integrated skills & Study skills


1. cancel vt. 取消;终止   

2. neither adv. 也不   

3. stupid adj. 愚蠢的


1. enjoy—enjoyable(形容词)      

2. mystery—mysteries(复数形式)


1. a_three­hour_documentary 一部时长三小时的纪录片

2. fall_in_love_with_sb. 爱上某人

3. bring…alive_on_screen 把……活生生搬到银幕上

4. a_special_offer_on… 在……上的特殊优惠

5. be_cancelled 被取消

6. arrange_afternoon_tea 准备下午茶


1. Here is some information about the films showing_at_the_local_cinemas.


2. It is a documentary which is_suitable_for_all_ages.


3. It is a science_fiction film, which brings dinosaurs alive_on_screen.


4. Daniel, this Saturday's talk on films has_been_cancelled.

丹尼尔, 本周六关于电影的讲座取消了。

5. Neither_do_I. 我也不。

Task & Self­assessment


consider vt. 认为;考虑




1. His films are special because they successfully join_humour_and_exciting action together.


2. Jackie Chan is a Chinese_kung_fu_superstar, but his achievements are far_more_than that.


3. Jackie Chan is_considered by many people as a superstar, not_only for his success in action films but_also for his efforts in charity work.


Unit 7 Films默写版

Comic strip & Welcome to the unit


1. __________n. 西部电影;西部小说

2. __________n. 工业;产业

3. __________n. 讲故事的人


1. __________明日超级电视明星

2. __________爱情片

3. __________动作片4. __________科幻电影

5. __________进入电影业

6. __________适合做某事

7. __________写令人兴奋的剧本


1. Well, I'm _______ I should be in Hollywood instead.嗯,我这么优秀,倒是应该在好莱坞发展。

2. Who do you think would ______________?你认为谁适合进入电影业?

3. Millie is _____ she can write exciting scripts.米莉是一个如此善于讲故事的人,以至于她能写出令人兴奋的剧本。

4. ________ I like acting, _________ a director.虽然我喜欢演戏,但我宁愿当导演。



1. __________adj. 一向的;空前的

2. __________n. 女演员

3. __________n. 舞蹈者

4. __________vt. & vi. 坚持认为;坚持

5. __________n. 主角,扮演主角的演员

6. __________n. 角色

7. __________vt. 表明;标志

8. __________n. 终身,一生

9. _________adj. 最终的,最后的

10. _________adv. 宁静地


1. loss—________(动词)—_______(过去分词)

2. success—________(形容词)—________(动词)

3. appear—__________(名词)

4. appear—_________(反义词)

5. peace—_________(形容词)—________(副词)


1. ___________国际超级明星

2. ___________对某事感到伤心

3. __________梦想做某事

4. ___________以模特为职

5. ___________美貌和魅力

6. ___________引起某人的注意

7. ___________主角

8. ___________一个根据她的小说改编的剧本

9. ___________被选中去做……

10. __________标志着……的开始

11. _________变得世界闻名

12. _______因为……而获得奥斯卡最佳女演员奖

13. _________在她的一生中

14. _________她最后一次露面

15. __________超越了

16. ___________和某人亲密合作

17. ___________她最后的几年

18. ___________她在这个领域的努力

19. ___________平静地走了,去世

20. ___________很关注某事

21. ___________有一种吸引人的品质

22. ____________坚持(做)某事

23. ____________走开

24. ____________走过


1. Audrey Hepburn is one of Hollywood's ___________.奥黛丽·赫本是好莱坞有史以来最伟大的女演员之一。

2. Hepburn's beauty and charm ____________.赫本的美貌和魅力引起了作家的注意。

3. Colette __________ Hepburn was the perfect girl for the lead role in Gigi.科莱特坚持认为赫本是《琪琪》的最佳女主角。

4. _________, Hepburn had four more Oscar nominations.赫本一生中又获得了四项奥斯卡提名。

5. Hepburn's achievements ______________.赫本的成就不仅限于电影业。

6. On 20 January 1993, she ___ in her sleep.1993年1月20日,她在睡梦中平静地去世了。

7. Hepburn _____ in the film Always and ____.赫本在电影《直到永远》中最后一次出演,并扮演天使的角色。



1. ___________vt. & vi. 停车

2. ___________n. (一)排,(一)行

3. ___________vt. 误以为

4. ___________n. 功夫

5. ___________n. 演员【单词变形】

1. mistake—_________(过去式)

2. teach—_________(过去式)


1. _____________避免车流高峰

2. _____________一个大型停车场

3. ____________在最后一排

4. ____________持续进来

5. ___________穿上T恤衫

6. ___________被告知做某事

7. ____________休息一天

8. ____________因她的美貌而感到吃惊

9. _____________错认为她是一个真的公主

10. ____________一个关于中国功夫的课程


1. __________ I left early to ____________, there was a lot of traffic in the streets.虽然为了避开高峰时间,我很早就走了,但街上交通拥挤。

2. I could not ____________, although / though the cinema had a big car park.虽然电影院有一个很大的停车场,我还是找不到停车的地方。

3. Some people were talking loudly, although / though they ______________.有些人在大声说话,尽管他们被告知要保持安静。

4. I have bought a lot of DVDs so that I can _________.为了更多地了解中国功夫,我买了很多DVD。

5. I _____________ so that I could improve my skills.我参加了一门关于中国功夫的课程,这样我可以提高我的技能。

Integrated skills & Study skills


1. _____________vt. 取消;终止

2. ____________adv. 也不   

3. ____________adj. 愚蠢的


1. enjoy—___________(形容词)

2. mystery—_________(复数形式)


1. ____________一部时长三小时的纪录片

2. ____________爱上某人

3. ____________把……活生生搬到银幕上

4. ____________在……上的特殊优惠

5. ____________被取消

6. _____________准备下午茶


1. Here is some information about the films _____.这里是当地影院正在上映的影片信息。

2. It is a documentary which ______________.它是一部适合所有年龄的纪录片。

3. It is a ____ film, which ______ dinosaurs ___.它是一部科幻电影,让恐龙活在银幕上。

4. Daniel, this Saturday's talk on films _______.丹尼尔, 本周六关于电影的讲座取消了。

5. ___________. 我也不。

Task & Self­assessment

【核心单词】_____________vt. 认为;考虑



1. His films are special ________ they successfully _________ together.他的电影很特别,因为它们成功地把幽默和激动人心的动作结合在一起。

2. Jackie Chan is a ___________, but his achievements are _________ that.成龙是中国功夫巨星,但他的成就远不止这个。

3. Jackie Chan _________ by many people as a superstar, ________ for his success in action films _________ for his efforts in charity work.成龙被许多人认为是超级明星,不仅因为他在动作片中的成功,而且因为他在慈善事业上的努力。
