





1 rsa背景知识






2 任意精度整数

任意精度整数类型sc_bigint<NBITS>,位宽任意-精度可达任意的整数类型。函数inline void rand_bitstr( char *str, int nbits )即是产生一个大于0的nbits位宽的整数。将char *str的值直接赋值给bigint定义的变量即可。

#define DEBUG_SYSTEMC // #undef this to disable assertions. #define NBITS 300 #define HALF_NBITS ( NBITS / 2 ) #define STR_SIZE ( NBITS 2 ) #define HALF_STR_SIZE ( HALF_NBITS 2 ) typedef sc_bigint<NBITS> bigint; // Generate "111..111" with nbits bits for masking. // str has a length of nbits 1. inline void max_bitstr( char *str, int nbits ) { assert( nbits >= 4 ); str[ 0 ] = '0'; str[ 1 ] = 'b'; str[ 2 ] = '0'; // Sign for positive numbers. for ( int i = 3; i < nbits; i ) str[ i ] = '1'; str[ nbits ] = '\0'; } // 随机产生一个任意nbits位宽的整数 inline bool flip( double p ) { const int MAX_VAL = ( 1 << 15 ); return ( rand() < ( int ) ( p * MAX_VAL ) ); } inline void rand_bitstr( char *str, int nbits ) { assert( nbits >= 4 ); str[ 0 ] = '0'; str[ 1 ] = 'b'; str[ 2 ] = '0'; // Sign for positive numbers. for ( int i = 3; i < nbits; i ) str[ i ] = ( flip( 0.5 ) == true ? '1' : '0' ); str[ nbits ] = '\0'; }

3 找素数


inline bool witness( const bigint& a, const bigint& n ) { bigint n_minus1 = n - 1; bigint x; bigint d = 1; // Compute d = a^( n-1 ) % n. for ( int i = n.length() - 1; i >= 0; --i ) { if(d<0) { x = -d; assert(x==-d); } else { x = d; assert(x==d); } d = ( d * d ) % n; // x is a nontrivial square root of 1 modulo n ==> n is composite. if ( ( abs_val( d ) == 1 ) && ( x != 1 ) && ( x != n_minus1 ) ) return true; if ( n_minus1[ i ] ) d = ( d * a ) % n; } // d = a^( n-1 ) % n != 1 ==> n is composite. if ( abs_val( d ) != 1 ) return true; return false; } inline bool div_test( const bigint& n ) { int limit; if ( n < 1023 ) limit = n.to_int() - 2; else limit = 1023; for ( int i = 3; i <= limit; i = 2 ) { if ( n % i == 0 ) return false; // n is composite. } return true; // n may be prime. } inline bool miller_rabin( const bigint& n ) { if ( n <= 2 ) return false; if ( ! div_test( n ) ) return false; char str[ STR_SIZE 1 ]; int s = 50; for ( int j = 1; j <= s; j ) { // Choose a random number. rand_bitstr( str, STR_SIZE ); // Set a to the chosen number. bigint a = str; // Make sure that a is in [ 1, n - 1 ]. a = ( a % ( n - 1 ) ) 1; // Check to see if a is a witness. if ( witness( a, n ) ) return false; // n is definitely composite. } return true; // n is almost surely prime. } inline bigint find_prime( const bigint& r ) { char p_str[ HALF_STR_SIZE 1 ]; rand_bitstr( p_str, HALF_STR_SIZE ); p_str[ HALF_STR_SIZE - 1 ] = '1'; // Force p to be an odd number. bigint p = p_str; #ifdef DEBUG_SYSTEMC assert( ( p > 0 ) && ( p % 2 == 1 ) ); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_SYSTEMC // A very large counter to check against infinite loops. sc_bigint<NBITS> niter = 0; #endif while ( ! miller_rabin( p ) ) { p = ( p 2 ) % r; #ifdef DEBUG_SYSTEMC assert( niter > 0 ); #endif } return p; }

4 RSA算法描述的实现


// Find two large primes p and q. bigint p = find_prime( r ); bigint q = find_prime( r ); // Compute n and ( p - 1 ) * ( q - 1 ) = m. bigint n = p * q; bigint m = ( p - 1 ) * ( q - 1 );


bigint gcd( const bigint& a, const bigint& b ) { if ( b == 0 ) return a; return gcd( b, a % b ); } inline bigint find_rel_prime( const bigint& n ) { bigint a = 3; while ( true ) { if ( gcd( a, n ) == 1 ) break; a = 2; #ifdef DEBUG_SYSTEMC assert( a < n ); #endif } return a; } // Find a small odd integer e that is relatively prime to m. bigint e = find_rel_prime( m );


void euclid( const bigint& a, const bigint& b, bigint& d, bigint& x, bigint& y ) { if ( b != 0 ) { euclid( b, a % b, d, x, y ); bigint tmp = x; x = y; y = tmp - ( a / b ) * y; } else { d = a; x = 1; y = 0; } } // Return a positive remainder. inline bigint ret_pos( const bigint& x, const bigint& n ) { if ( x < 0 ) return x n; return x; } inline bigint inverse( const bigint& a, const bigint& n ) { bigint d, x, y; euclid( a, n, d, x, y ); assert( d == 1 ); x %= n; return ret_pos( x, n ); } // Find the multiplicative inverse d of e, modulo m. bigint d = inverse( e, m );

公开整数n和e,秘密保存d。加密明文直接使用明文的e次幂mod n即可。

// Return d = a^b % n, where ^ represents exponentiation. inline bigint modular_exp( const bigint& a, const bigint& b, const bigint& n ) { bigint d = 1; for ( int i = b.length() - 1; i >= 0; --i ) { d = ( d * d ) % n; if ( b[ i ] ) d = ( d * a ) % n; } return ret_pos( d, n ); } // Encode or cipher the message in msg using the RSA public key P=( e, n ). inline bigint cipher( const bigint& msg, const bigint& e, const bigint& n ) { return modular_exp( msg, e, n ); } // Cipher and decipher a randomly generated message msg. char msg_str[ STR_SIZE 1 ]; rand_bitstr( msg_str, STR_SIZE ); bigint msg = msg_str; cout << "Message to be ciphered = " << endl; cout << msg << endl; bigint msg2 = cipher( msg, e, n );

解密直接使用秘文的d次幂mod n即可。

// Dencode or decipher the message in msg using the RSA secret key S=( d, n ). inline bigint decipher( const bigint& msg, const bigint& d, const bigint& n ) { return modular_exp( msg, d, n ); } msg2 = decipher( msg2, d, n );

