- "风雅"一词来自《诗经》,本是依据体裁与音乐对诗歌所分出的类型。"风(国风)"是周朝不同地区的音乐,大部分是民歌,由广大劳动人民所创作的,体裁较为单一,读起来朗朗上口。《风》包含160篇诗歌,分为周南、召南、邶风、鄘风、卫风、王风、郑风、齐风、魏风、唐风、秦风、陈风、桧风、曹风、豳风15组诗歌。这部分内容贴近民众生活,是《诗经》的核心。
- "雅"是宫廷宴请或朝会时的乐歌,用词比较华丽,有的与政治有关,有的歌功颂德,有的针砭时弊,蕴意深刻,分为"大雅"与"小雅",大部分是贵族文人的作品。《大雅》31篇为西周时期的作品,多为上层贵族所作,表达了对政治局势的见解,含义深远,所以谓之"大"。《小雅》中的47篇诗歌中少数出自于东周时期,由朝廷中的上层贵族和一些底层人士所作。《小雅》中的诗歌除了歌颂朝廷的伟大功绩外,也表达了对政治制度的不满与怨愤。
- "颂"是宗庙祭祀用的舞曲歌辞,内容多是歌颂祖先的功业,由于需要搭配舞蹈要演奏,所以曲风较为柔和缓慢。《颂》由《周颂》、《鲁颂》和《商颂》构成。
- "雅""颂"指雅正之音,而"国风"是民间乐歌,因此"风雅颂"既是《诗经》的体裁, 同时也有高雅纯正的含义。"风雅" 一词后来一般指典雅与高雅的事物。
- Ballads (feng) are music from different regions, mostly folk songs.
- Court hymns (ya), divided into daya (major hymn) and xiaoya (minor hymn), are songs sung at court banquets or grand ceremonies. They are mostly the works by lettered noblemen.
- Eulogies (song) are ritual or sacrificial dance music and songs, most of which praise the achievements of ancestors.
- Court hymns and eulogies are highbrow [1] songs while ballads are lowbrow [2] ones. Therefore, ballads, court hymns, and eulogies not only refer to the styles of The Book of Songs but also classify the songs into highbrow and lowbrow categories. Later on fengya (风雅) generally referred to anything elegant.
Tips on reading:
1. Highbrow: If you say that a book or discussion is highbrow, you mean that it is intellectual, academic, and is often difficult to understand. 高深难懂的,高雅的,学术性的
2. Lowbrow: if you say that something is lowbrow, you mean that it is easy to understand or appreciate rather than intellectual and is therefore perhaps inferior. 浅薄的;庸俗的;格调低的
(PS: 这两个词有时会用作贬义词,尤其是lowbrow~)