









1⃣️ 有道翻译成:

As is the case with almost any kind of learning, it starts out fast and then slows down to a plateau.

这里的 the case 相当于 the true situation,比如:If that is the case (= if the situation described is true), we need more staff. 如果真是那样,那我们就需要更多的员工了。

As is the case ... 意思是“正如……是这样”,比如在托福TPO7的综合写作文本中出现过这句话:When the price difference between two products is small, say, less than 5 percent, as is the case with certified wood, American often do choose on factors other than price.

可以看到,As is the case ...一般作为补充说明的插入语出现,意思的理解需要上下文,而中文里并没有上下文,所以翻译得不够准确。另外,As is the case with almost any kind of learning 这句后面的逗号也用错了,后面的 it starts out fast and then slows down to a plateau 是一个独立的句子,所以不能用逗号连接。


This is true for almost any study. At the beginning, progress is rapid, and then it will slow down and enter a plateau.

第一句“任何学习”翻译成“any study”不够准确,翻译成有道的“any kind of learning”才更符合中文的原意。

第二句中“进入平台期”翻译成 enter a plateau 搭配不够准确,查一下我之前介绍过的牛津搭配词典会看到,plateau一般跟动词 reach搭配:


3⃣️ DeepL的翻译:

This is true of almost any learning, where progress is rapid at the beginning and then slows down to a plateau.

两个句子用where连接,语法上比有道的run-on句更准确;any learning 虽然不如有道的“any kind of learning”准确,但比谷歌的“any study”准确;后面的翻译也没有搭配错误。第一句 DeepL胜出。


这句话充分体现了中文标点的使用不严谨,一逗到底的现象 我们来看看选手们怎么翻译的:

1⃣️ 有道翻译:

We may put in a lot of effort and seem to be making no progress or even regressing, but that's just an illusion, because neurons in the brain are still making connections and consolidating, and at a certain point they enter the next phase of rapid growth.

2⃣️ 谷歌翻译:

In the plateau period, we may have made a lot of effort, but it seems that there is no progress, and may even regress, but this is just an illusion, because the neuronal cells in the brain are still connecting and being continuously consolidated. After one node, it will enter the next stage of rapid ascent.

3⃣️ DeepL翻译:

During the plateau period, we may put in a lot of effort but seem to make no progress or maybe even regress, but this is just an illusion because the neuronal cells in the brain are still making connections and being consolidated constantly, and at a certain point, they will move on to the next rapid upward phase.

对比来看,谷歌翻译的错误最多——“甚至可能退步”的主语应该是“我们”,有道和DeepL的都翻译出了We,但谷歌中的主语竟然是 it

此外,“节点”这个词有道和DeepL都翻译为 a certain point,只有谷歌生硬地翻译成了node(植物的“茎节”或者“网络节点”)。最后,“快速上升阶段” 谷歌翻译成 the next stage of rapid ascent,ascent这个词一般指文明的“前进”,用得过于正式了。再来对比一下有道和DeepL,有道没有把“在平台期”这个状语,以及“被不停地巩固”中的被动和“不停地”翻译出来。

最后的“快速上升阶段”它们分别翻译为the next phase of rapid growththe next rapid upward phase,growth 可以指“数量/经济的增长”或者“个人的成长”,而upward一般指“数量或价格的增加”。


结论:就这一段的翻译对比来看,有道会遗漏掉一些中文的信息;谷歌翻译得较生硬,有搭配错误;DeepL相对最准确。所以DeepL > 有道 > 谷歌


