
Take a look. You can all study the charts, or I can give you the answers to the test.


Lenny Bosco Old Oaks Investments. Peter Decker Quaker Ridge Financial. DanMargolis Century Capital These three small firms all knew exactly when to buy and when to sell the stock.

They had insideinformation. You must get pings like that every day.

We do.

So? Get them talking and fine them.

It's bigger than that. All three firms have links to Bobby Axelrod.


Ridge:n 山脊山脉


Bobby fucking Axelrod. Man of the people.

You only have that exact look on your face when you're here.

The pizza's just really fucking good.

Take a bite.

Good? That is a thing of beauty.

That's why we lived in here when we were kids.

I don't usually open for breakfast, guys.

You want aNother?

I do. We want 'em all. I want to come in with you. Partner up.

What the fuck did you tell him, kid? I don't want no charity.

Look, all I told him was the truth, Bruno, okay? That I got a call from a guy who said he was coming in here with a falafel shop, and would I contract the rebuild.And when I asked you about it, you said that you were getting squeezed by a new landlord.

And when I got that call, I made a couple calls of my own. Falafel shop goes in the mall. We lock in you in on a 20-year lease, and I cover the overage.

I-I-I don't know,Bobby.

Come on. What is there to know? You let me slide for weeks without paying when I was coming in here every day after school.

That was just'cause you were a good customer.

Which I want to keep being. Nothing changes.

I'd love to tell you I knew you'd grow up to become what you did, but to be honest, I had no idea.

That makes two of us.


Partner up: 结伴,合伙


I don't want no charity. 同时用Not和no是为了强调否定,口语中用这种表达来加深语气。表示I don’t want any charity. 例:I don’t wanna play no game 我不想玩游戏了。


What is there to know? 有什么需要明白的?

What … be there 句型类似的还有What is there to eat 有什么好吃的? What is there to wait for What is there to wait for 有什么好等的?what is there to be scared of? 有什么好怕的?


Let sb/sth slide 对某人/某事采取放任的态度,听其自然。


That makes two of us 英雄所见略同/我也有同感

That makes one of us 一厢情愿


Bobby, we are ready to roll on something sweet. I think you'll want to piggyback.

What do you got?

Lumetherm Power getting bought by Electric Sun.Price is $41.Stock's trading at $35.We're looking at a 17% bump in two weeks when the deal closes.

Annualized, that's$442

I'd love to size up. Maybe you buy 2 million shares for the main fund.

Sounds about right.


Scott Kazawitz's name is being floated as the new chairman.

Kazawitz. That's a new piece of information.

Well, that's what you pay me for.

Who said this deal is gonna close?

Ben said it would this morning.

Me? Everyone's saying it.

Who is this? My new analyst.

Well, if we hired you, you must be a genius. Yale?

Stanford.Then Wharton.

Okay,Stanford-Wharton. Electric Sun is controlled by Kazawitz. He also owns 19.3% of Lumetherm back doored through his stake in Southern Wind. You see that block trade last Thursday come out of Merrill?

Yeah.That was Fortress cashing out their shorts before the merger. Wasn't it?

Trade was at12:52, when everyone was at lunch, which tells me they wanted it to be missed.You guys caught it, which is something, I guess. But you're looking at it backward. Electric Sun's offer was just a ploy to temporarily prop up Lumetherm. Typical Kazawitz play to bail on a loser. He's an animal.The block trade was Kazawitz getting out of SouthernWind, getting out of Lumetherm .He rode the story, now he's out, which means you need to be out. In fact, short. It'll slide to $32 and change after word breaks.

That's a good catch, Axe.

My cholesterol's high enough. Don't butter my ass, Danzig.Just get smarter.

Your read was good with the information you had.You're new. You'll figure it out.Or you'll begone.



roll on 期待

piggyback 美国俚语字面含义背着某人,驮着某人,做动词时有以此为基础做补充的意思。如to piggyback his points 即补充他的观点。现在还有新的含义“蹭网”如piggyback on other’s networks.

Annualized adj 按年度计算

size up 预估大小


bail 作名词或动词时,经常用作“保释”的意思。但bail 还有“离开”的意思。如I really have to bail.prop up 支持 资助


Don't butter my ass 不用拍我马屁;不用巴结我
