





(1) the arms of a chair椅子的扶手(用手臂来比喻椅子的扶手)

(2) marketing arm of a company公司的营销部门(用手臂来比喻一家机构的某个部门)

(3) a table leg桌脚(用腿来形容桌子的支撑部位)

(4) the body of the plane机身(用躯体来比喻飞机的主体部分)

(5) the body of the report报告的主体(用躯体来比喻报告的主要组成)

(6) needle eye针眼(用眼晴来比喻穿线用的针鼻)

(7) the north face of mountain山的北侧面(用脸来比喻山的不同侧面)

(8) the hour hand时针(用手来比喻时钟的指针)

(9) a hired hand雇工(用手来比喻工人)

(10) shower head淋浴喷头(用头来比喻沐浴器的頂端)

(11) head of the stairs楼梯頂部

(12) the head of the table上座(用头来比喻最重要的位置)

(13) head of the department部门的头儿(用头来比喻某一个组织的领导)

(14) the heart of the downtown area市中心的最繁华地段(用心脏来比喻城市的中心位置)

(15) the mouth of a river河流的入海口(用嘴来比喻河流与海洋相接的位置)

(16) the mouth of a bottle瓶口(用嘴来形容瓶子开口的位置)

(17) the tooth of a comb梳子上的锯齿(用牙齿来比喻梳子的边缘部位)

(18) tongue of the shoes鞋舌(用舌头来比喻鞋上用于系鞋带的位置)

(19) foot of the mountain山脚下(用脚来形容山)

(20) foot of the stairs楼梯脚

不只是上面列举的例子,其实很多事物和机构都可以根据其功能分为头、手、脚、身等。 如果我们可以将这些身体部位描述为隐喻,不仅可以省心,而且形象生动。


例如,Face 代表“表情”和“面子”。

(1) Stop making faces at your sister!别再朝你妹妹做鬼脸了!

(2)You should have seen his face when I told him I was leaving the company.当我告诉他我要离开公司的消息时,你真应该看看他那时的表情。(face代替 facial expession)

(3)Hey, why the long face?为什么拉着长脸?(试比较:Why are you upset?)

(4) lose face丢面子

(5) save face保面子

(6) I know you' re lying--It' s written all over your face.我知道你在撒谎———全在你脸上写着呢



(1) It was a practical joke that got a little out of hand.这个恶作剧有些过了。(代替 out of control)

(2) The decision is in your hands.由你决定。(试比较It's you that make the decision)

(3) The office said he has the situation in hand.这个官员说形势掌控在他的手里。(代替 in control)

(4) Every parent wants to make sure they're leaving their child in safe hands.每一位家长都希望把孩子交给稳妥的人。(代替with someone they trust)

(5)Hiring a new foreman will take a lot of responsibilities off my hands.雇个新工头,那样我肩上的担子就会轻一些。(代替 share responsiitlies with me)

(6) Active kids need a firm hand.好动的孩子需要严加管教。(试比较:Active kids should be disciplined)

(7)We'd really like help you, but I'm afraid our hands are tied.我们真的想帮你,只是腾不出手来

(8)We're bound hand and foot by all these safety regulations. 我们被这些安全规章束缚住了手脚。



(1) I knew in my heart that I wouldn't see him again.我心里明白再也不会见到他了。

(2) I was hoping with all my heart that you would win.我真心希望你能赢。(代替 sincerely)

( 3)I believe with my heart and soul that we will overcome this.我一心认为我们会克服这个困难。

(4) He spoke simply but from the heart.他说得很简单但却发自内心。

(5) Jack took his father's advice to heart. Jack把他父亲的建议记在了心里。

(6) My heart just went out to those poor children.我非常同情那些贫穷的孩子。

(7) I believed that with all my heart.我对此深信不疑。



(1) He has a head for business.他有生意头脑。

(2) Use your head.动动脑子。

( 3)The challenge is to put our head together and think of a new way of working.我们面临的挑战是要一起动脑子想出个新工作方式。

(4) The situation is tense, and cool heads are needed.形势很紧张,要保持冷静的头脑。

(5) I just lost my head and started shouting我失去了理智,开始喊叫起来

(6) She has no head for heights..她有恐高症。



(1) He would've won if he hadn't lost his nerve.如果不是丧失了信心,他就赢下来了。

(2)Reporting a colleague for sexual harassment takes a lot nerve举报同事性骚扰需要很大的勇气

(3)Not many people have the nerve to stand up and talk in front of a large audience.并不是所有人都有这个胆量在一大群人面前站出来讲话的。

(4) Carey had a drink to calm his nerves. Carey喝了一杯定了定神。

(5)Nick's whining is really starting to get on my nerves. Nick的唠叨让我心烦不已。

(6) You need nerves of steel to be a race-car driver.开賽车需要钢铁神经。

(7) You invited yourself?? You have some nerves!你不请自到?脸皮真厚啊!



(1) She has a sharp tongue.她说话尖刻。

(2)Slip of the tongue 口误

(3) Bite your tongue!闭嘴!

(4) Watch your tongue!说话当心!

(5)Answers rolled off her tongue during the press conference.在新闻发布会上,她迅速流畅一一作答。

(6) The wine loosened his tongue,喝了酒后,他的话多了起来。

(7)When she came into the room, I had trouble finding my tongue,她走进屋子时,我都不会说话了。

(8) Cat got your tongue?哑吧了你?

(9) On the tip of your tongue.(话)就在嘴边上。
