

慕思健康IPO:证监会逼问广告牌上那个“洋猴子”是谁 他活着还是已经死了! 可能是中国乃至人类历史上最大的智商税案例



从此追溯,慕思可能是中国乃至人类历史上最大的智商税案例,慕思的老板东莞乡镇企业家王炳坤从一开始就把慕思营造成一个意大利欧洲的品牌,大部分中国人乃至全球很多国家的消费者也以为是欧洲的品牌,但慕思其实只是用了一张歪果仁的脸,凌通社看到海外多个追寻这个神秘的歪果仁的来历:一致结论,就是这个洋(白)猴子(white Monkey)在中国最成功的案例。











白猴子White Monkey







证监会和大家一样觉得不可思议。这个人究竟是谁?who are you ?是否虚假宣传?其实全世界都

26、2009年8月15日,慕思有限与Timothy James Kingman签订《协议书》,约定Timothy James Kingman授权慕思有限使用带有其肖像的照片及其底片;使用期限为永久使用。

请发行人进一步说明:(1)Timothy James Kingman的基本情况,与发行人产品的关系;

(2)发行人是否对外宣传Timothy James Kingman,与实际情况是否相符;发行人对外宣传自身产品是否表述恰当,是否存在虚假宣传;

(3)Timothy James Kingman是否许可第三方使用其其他照片,如有则请说明具体情况,是否会导致与发行人产品混淆的情形等,是否存在纠纷或潜在纠纷。请保荐机构、发行人律师进行核查并发表明确意见。
































China is a planet for itself. The culture, life, and business are somewhat secluded from the rest of the world. Foreigners that work and study in the most populous country on the planet know that you can forget everything you know about life once you step behind the red curtain.

中国本身就是一个星球。 文化、生活和商业与世界其他地方有些隔绝。 在这个星球上人口最多的国家工作和学习的外国人都知道,一旦跨进这个红色幕布,你就会忘记关于生活的一切。

I had quickly come across the term white monkey when I moved to China,. Like other foreigners starting their journey in China, I had a hiring agent. She was great at bridging the gap between western culture and China.

当我搬到中国时,很快就遇到了白猴子这个词。 和其他在中国开始旅程的外国人一样,我有一个招聘代理。 她擅长弥合西方文化与中国之间的鸿沟。

What I soon discovered was that my body type was a valuable commodity in Chinese markets. I would get preposterous job offers by simply walking down the street. Sometimes, sneaky agents would pretend to befriend my girlfriend and me only to use our whiteness for their business ends. But my story is not the most bizarre one here.

我很快发现,我的体型在中国市场上是一种宝贵的商品。 我只要走在街上就会得到荒谬的工作机会。 有时,偷偷摸摸的星探会假装与我和我的女朋友成为朋友,只是为了他们的业务目的而利用我们的白人。 但我的故事并不是这里最离奇的故事。

Have you ever heard about DeRucci? The luxury mattress company? The wise European-looking billboard guy? Yes, that guy. The face of DeRucci, one of the biggest mattress retailers in the world, was an unknown teacher from rural China that was a victim of white monkey exploitation. Today, DeRucci has more than 3,600 retail salons around the globe, selling millions of mattresses each year with the face of an unknown older gentleman.

你听说过DeRucci吗? 豪华床垫公司? 聪明的欧洲式广告牌男? 是的,那个家伙。 DeRucci 是世界上最大的床垫零售商之一,他的面孔是一位来自中国农村的无名老师,他是白猴剥削的受害者。 今天,DeRucci 在全球拥有超过 3,600 家零售沙龙,每年销售数百万张床垫,上面有一位不知名的年长绅士的面孔。

When you visit DeRucci webpages, you are immediately welcomed by his face. Airports in Asia, Europe, and America often sport billboards with the DeRucci man. Australia holds the famous sleeping DeRucci contest, and Twitter feeds often explode with people claiming DeRucci phobia that prevents them from flying because of the Derucci billboards near airports.

当您访问 DeRucci 网页时,您会立即受到他的欢迎。 亚洲、欧洲和美国的机场经常与 DeRucci 人一起展示广告牌。 在澳大利亚举办着名的睡觉 DeRucci 比赛,Twitter 上面的消息经常爆炸,人们声称 DeRucci 恐惧症会因为机场附近的 Derucci 广告牌阻止他们飞行。

Rent-a-Foreigner in China


China has the biggest rent-a-foreigner market on the planet. If you don’t live in China you have probably never heard about it. Foreign faces and foreign friends are usually seen as a way to boost individuals’ social status.

中国拥有全球最大的一个歪果仁市场。 如果你不住在中国,你可能从未听说过它。 外国面孔和外国朋友通常被视为提高个人社会地位的一种方式。

I would often find myself sitting next to a billionaire just because I’m not Asian. The businessmen in question would need to appear cool over a casual dinner. And I would almost never be told, until the end of the photo-op.

我经常发现自己坐在亿万富翁旁边,只是因为我不是亚洲人。在一个休闲晚餐上,商人会表现得很酷。 我几乎永远不会被告知,直到拍照结束。

The businessman would rarely ever speak English, but they would pay the bill. The assistant would ask for photos and I would receive unwarranted gifts. The white monkey stuff went so far once, that the Shaanxi provincial general of the Chinese army asked for the presence of a foreigner during a social dinner. We had a ton of baijiu and exchanged fake smiles. While his supporters cheered. The whole event was surreal, and I came on a note of “you have to try this Chinese food, the best thing around.” I’m a sucker for good food.

这些商人很少会说英语,但他们会付账。 助理会索要照片,我会收到无理的礼物。 有一次,白猴的事情闹得沸沸扬扬,陕西省的领导在一次社交晚宴上要求有一个外国人在场。 我们喝了很多白酒,交换了假笑。 当其他的支持者欢呼时。 整个活动是超现实的,我注意到“你必须尝试这种中国菜,最好的东西。” 我是美食的傻瓜。

You can start weeding out White Monkey offers after the initial few months. Unfortunately, individuals that take white monkey gigs are plenty. The jobs pay well, and the only qualification is the color of your skin.

在你到中国的最初的几个月,您可以开始享受 White Monkey 的优惠。 不幸的是,参加白猴演出的人很多。 这份工作报酬丰厚,唯一的资格就是你的肤色。

Some make the most out of white monkey business by becoming brand ambassadors. DeRucci guy is another story. He became the most recognized face in China, without getting much benefit.

有些人通过成为品牌大使来充分利用白猴业务。 DeRucci 家伙是另一个故事。 他成为中国最受认可的面孔,并没有得到多少好处。

DeRucci Guy

DeRucci guy is a wise-looking older gentleman that has been the face of Derucci since 2004. Nobody knows who DeRucci guy is, but the folktale says that he’s an English teacher that works in rural China. He supposedly accepted a photoshoot for $1,500.

DeRucci 是一位英俊的老绅士,自 2004 年以来一直是 Derucci 的代言人。没有人知道 DeRucci 是谁,但民间传说他是一名在中国农村工作的英语老师。 据说他以 1,500 美元的价格接受了一张照片。

Nobody could predict what was about to happen. $1,500 for a few photos sounded like a splendid deal most would take. The mattress company soon rose to international fame and erected DeRucci billboards not only in China but also in the US, Australia, Germany, and 17 other countries. DeRucci had almost 4,000 store locations around the world in 2019.

没有人能够预测即将发生的事情。 几张照片 1,500 美元听起来像是大多数人都会接受的一笔划算的交易。 这家床垫公司很快在国际上声名鹊起,不仅在中国,还在美国、澳大利亚、德国和其他 17 个国家竖起了 DeRucci 广告牌。 2019 年,DeRucci 在全球拥有近 4,000 家门店。

His face probably greeted you at airports. You probably saw his face on a billboard truck around New York City. And if you ever visited China you won’t forget this face any time soon.

他的脸可能在机场迎接你。 你可能在纽约市附近的一辆广告牌卡车上看到了他的脸。 如果你曾经去过中国,你很快就会忘记这张脸。

Bizzare Rebranding


The rebrand started in Dongguan in 2004. The mattress manufacturer wanted to capture the Chinese market by offering prestige and luxury with their products. The company representatives went out to provincial towns and searched for foreign schools. Teachers in China are widely respected to the same level of being a lawyer or a doctor, and they earn accordingly. English teachers can earn average US salaries by teaching ABCs to Chinese kids.

品牌重塑于 2004 年在东莞开始。这家床垫制造商希望通过其产品提供声望和奢华来占领中国市场。 公司代表走出省城,寻找外国学校。 在中国,教师受到与律师或医生同等水平的广泛尊重,他们也因此获得相应的收入。 英语教师可以通过向中国孩子教授 ABC 来赚取美国平均工资。

Derucci was an English teacher, according to folktales. The representatives and marketing division of a newly rebranded company spotted a perfect opportunity to boost their products. The older gentleman was offered $1,500 to do a short photoshoot.

根据民间传说,德鲁奇是一名英语老师。 一家新更名公司的代表和营销部门发现了一个绝佳的机会来提升他们的产品。 这位年长的绅士被提供了 1,500 美元来拍一张短片。

The older gentleman accepted the deal, participated in a short photoshoot, and vanished off the face of the planet. Nobody truly knows who the Derucci guy is and where he could be today. You won’t be able to find more than one pose of the guy on the Internet, and the company never acknowledged the model behind their brand.

这位年长的绅士接受了这笔交易,参加了一个简短的拍摄,然后从地球上消失了。 没有人真正知道德鲁奇这个人是谁以及他今天会在哪里。 您将无法在互联网上找到超过一个人的姿势,而且该公司从未承认其品牌背后的模特。

DeRucci is a fully Chinese company, and just by looking at their Ads, you know that DeRucci is not the founder. The company also presents itself as a European luxury bed manufacturer, which it definitely is not. DeRucci man is not the founding face like Colonel Sanders in the case of KFC.

DeRucci 是一家完全中国的公司,光看他们的广告就知道 DeRucci 不是创始人。 该公司还将自己展示为一家欧洲豪华床制造商,但事实并非如此。 在肯德基的案例中,德鲁奇人不像桑德斯上校那样是创始面孔。

Chinese Marketing 101

Chinese marketing is not like any other marketing. Although you can give credit to placing an older-wiser-looking gentleman to represent the mattress quality, the motive comes from a deeply troubled marketing tradition.

China has a different set of values, needs, and market sentiments, according to Tom Doctoroff. DeRucci's campaign was successful because it touched on key consumer points.

中国营销不同于任何其他营销。 尽管您可以称赞一位看起来更老的绅士来代表床垫质量,但其动机来自深陷困境的营销传统。

据汤姆·多克托夫 (Tom Doctoroff) 称,中国有一套不同的价值观、需求和市场情绪。 DeRucci 的宣传活动之所以成功,是因为它触及了关键的消费者点。

White friends and foreign brands are social statuses

Older men are perceived as wise and widely respected in China

DeRucci guy looks like an Italian mattress maker


The reason why Starbucks is more expensive in China is not because of better quality coffee. A grande latte is 20% more expensive in Shanghai than in New York. And the Chinese don’t even drink coffee. China is a tea-drinking nation. But Starbucks is social status. Young professionals gather at Starbucks to be recognized.

星巴克在中国更贵的原因不是因为咖啡质量更好。 上海的大拿铁比纽约贵 20%。 中国人甚至不喝咖啡。 中国是饮茶大国。 但星巴克是社会地位。 年轻的专业人士聚集在星巴克以获得认可。

The DeRucci man hits on every marketing point for Chinese markets. The Chinese manufacturer reported US$700 million in yearly revenue for 2019, making the company one of the largest mattress manufacturers on the planet.

DeRucci 先生在中国市场的每一个营销点上都发挥了作用。 这家中国制造商报告称,2019 年的年收入为 7 亿美元,使该公司成为全球最大的床垫制造商之一。

The Takeaway

China is a different planet. The country has a fair share of bizarre stories that are hard to understand outside the Peoples’ Republic. DeRucci has one of the most recognized faces on the planet, even though almost nobody knows his real name.

I would often fall into the trap of accepting white monkey gigs, and it took a while before I could recognize the sneaky agents and fake friends. Many foreigners, partially out of ignorance, fall into the trap of becoming a brand face that’s trying to bank on the exclusivity of having a foreigner in China.

If you accept a white monkey gig, you are not protected by any law or treaty. White monkey employees often get paid vast sums of money, but they never get recognition for the work.

中国是一个不同的星球。 这个国家有很多离奇的故事,在中华人民共和国之外很难理解。

DeRucci 是这个星球上最受认可的面孔之一,尽管几乎没有人知道他的真名。我经常会陷入接受白猴表演的陷阱,我花了一段时间才认出那些鬼鬼祟祟的星探和假朋友。

许多外国人,部分出于无知,陷入了成为品牌面孔的陷阱,试图依靠在中国拥有外国人的排他性。如果你接受白猴演出,你不受任何法律或条约的保护。 白猴员工经常得到巨额报酬,但他们的工作却从未得到认可。


割韭菜 偷漏税 一个都不能少!















伸手19亿 滚!

