



Cool and cute



she looks adjective

she looks like (adjective) noun




Affable — He’s easy to talk to. 友善的,和蔼可亲的

Agreeable — He’s enjoyable to talk to. 令人愉快的,和蔼可亲的

Amiable — He’s friendly and nice. 亲切的,和蔼可亲的

Charming — He has a “magic” effect that makes people like him. 迷人的

Polite — He’s good at saying “please,” “thank you,” etc. 有礼貌的,优雅的

Likeable — He’s easy to like. 可爱的(等于likable)

Gregarious — He likes being with other people. 善于交际的

Considerate — He always thinks about other people when he does something or talks to someone. 体贴的

Sympathetic — He shows that he understands and cares about other people’s problems. 富有同情心的

Understanding — The same as “sympathetic” — he understands other people’s problems well.

Diplomatic — He is very good at trying to help people see both sides of a situation. 老练的,外交的

Impartial — He doesn’t support just one side of a disagreement. 公正的

Sincere — He says what he really thinks and feels. 真实的

Straight-forward — He’s direct and honest. 直接的

Generous — He likes giving things to people. 慷慨的

Kind — He cares about others and likes to help them, often emotionally. 和蔼的,宽容的

Giving — He likes giving things to people — it’s the same as “generous.” 慷慨的

Observant — She’s good at noticing different things around her. 细心的,善于观察的

Quick-witted — She can think quickly and intelligently. 机智灵敏的

Patient — She can accept difficult situations without getting angry. 有耐心的

Dynamic — She has a lot of energy and can think creatively. 有活力的

Bright — She’s smart and intelligent. 聪明的

Self-disciplined — She can control her own behaviour easily, and she’s organised. 能律己的

Resourceful — She’s good at finding ways to solve problems. 机智的

Proactive — She doesn’t wait for things to happen. She makes them happen! 积极主动的,有前瞻性的

Organised — She knows how to organise things well. 有组织的

Efficient — She can organise things quickly and clearly. 有效率的

Hardworking — She works hard! 勤劳的

Diligent — She does her work carefully and cares about the details. 勤勉的,用功的

Versatile — She can do different things depending on the situation. 多才多艺的

Adaptable — She can change depending on the situation. 适应性强的

Dependable — If she says she will do something, she will do it. 可靠的,可信任的

Reliable — The same as “dependable” 可靠的

Trustworthy — You can trust her to be honest and sincere. 值得信赖的

Loyal — She will always be on your side. 忠诚的

Energetic — She has a lot of energy. 精力充沛的,积极的

Adventurous — She likes doing new and different things. 爱冒险的,大胆的

Enthusiastic — She shows a lot of excitement and interest in things. 热情的

Kooky — She’s a little crazy. But in a fun way. 古怪的

Cheerful — She’s always happy. 开朗的

Chatty — She loves talking and talks a lot. 爱聊天的

Convivial — She’s always in a good mood and is always friendly. 友好的,愉快的

Hilarious — She’s very, very, funny. 非常滑稽的

Witty — She’s funny and can tell good jokes in an intelligent way. 诙谐的,机智的

Humorous — She’s funny and entertaining. 幽默的

Amusing — She’s funny and fun. 有趣的

Laid-back — She’s very relaxed about everything. 懒散的,悠闲的

Easy-going — This is the same as “laid-back” — it means “relaxed”! 随和的

Ambitious — She has very high targets for herself in life. 有雄心的

Determined — She doesn’t quit, even when things get hard. 坚决的,有决心的

Passionate — She believes in her work and her success on an emotional level. 热情的

Persistent — She never gives up! 执着的,坚持不懈的

Decisive — She can make a decision quickly and confidently. 果断的

Courageous — She’s brave. 勇敢的

Fearless — She has no fear. 大胆的,无畏的




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