



In memoriam: Maolin Zhang

19 January 2019

We are grief-stricken that our PhD student Maolin Zhang passed away during the early morning of January 17th 2019. He died during a terrible fire that took place at his house in Hillegom.

Maolin was born on July 25th 1991 and grew up in the countryside near Yangtang Village, Shuangqiao Town, Qidong County, Hunan Province, China. After graduating from secondary school, he was admitted to the prestigious Tsinghua University in Beijing. He obtained a Masters degree in Engineering from the Department of Engineering Physics there in July 2016. His Masters thesis was entitled Interferometric imaging and data processing.

During the summer of 2014 he participated in a student program at the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON) at Dwingeloo, the Netherlands. Supervised by Tom Oosterloo he used observations taken by the Westerbork radio telescope to study the distribution of hydrogen gas in galaxies. His exposure to radio astronomy motivated Maolin to apply for a scholarship from the Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) to pursue a PhD in radio astronomy at Leiden Observatory. After being awarded this prestigious scholarship, Maolin travelled to Leiden in mid-2017 and started on a PhD project supervised by Prof. Huub Röttgering that involved observations of the distant Universe by the LOFAR radio telescope. During his first year at Leiden Maolins research concentrated on the analysis of LOFAR results on the formation and evolution of massive galaxies and black holes. He reduced data for a sample of radio sources whose properties indicate that they are located at extremely large distances. The results provided an important contribution to a paper that was led by Aayush Saxena, another Leiden PhD student.

During his second year, Maolin helped develop a new Bayesian technique to select large and well-defined samples of quasars from a multi-wavelength combination of data from recent surveys from optical telescopes and radio surveys from the LOFAR telescope. Working closely with Ken Duncan, Jonah Wagenveld and his promotor Huub Röttgering, he was well on his way to publishing his first paper.

Maolin was an extremely intelligent, hardworking and dedicated student with a passion for astronomy. He was eager to learn, always seeking to develop his skills, knowledge and experience further. We know Maolin as friendly, always smiling, modest and grateful for his chances in life. He had many interests outside of astronomy, including table tennis, tennis, Chinese chess, cooking and fishing. As a board member of the Leiden Science China community (LSC), he was an active member of the Chinese community at Leiden University. In his enthusiastic, diligent, and helpful way he was responsible for promoting various events organized by the LSC. He designed the nice logo of the LSC.

The loss of Maolin leaves a deep hole at the heart of our institute. It has been a privilege to know Maolin and to work with him, and it is hard to realise that he is not among us any more. Maolins journey to unravel the mysteries of the universe has come to a shocking and unexpected end. We will always remember Maolin as a bright star in our universe.

In memory of Maolin, we have created a special place in the Oort building, (Oortkamer, room 531).

It offers a place to think about him, to leave a message in a condolence book and to share your grief with colleagues, students and friends.

There was a home for you

in an exciting, cold and exotic place

with statistics and machines

dissecting the seemingly lifeless universe

probing galaxies

so far out


a living bubble surrounded by alien words

your lampoon brightening the ocean

preying on fish

fish and discovery

discovery and science

warming all bubbles in sight

the communal hot tub of life

a strange ride

encounter and adventure on your way

somehow something popped your bubble

way too soon

how can we grapple with something

so far out

The path of least resistance is straight up

from the place you first opened your eyes

from the place you first gazed up

some travel farther than others

explore further than others

so far out

You are one of them

You are one of us

We miss you Maolin

An anonymous astronomy PhD student



2014年夏天,他参加了荷兰Dwingeloo的荷兰射电天文学研究所(ASTRON)的学生项目。在Tom Oosterloo的监督下,他利用Westerbork射电望远镜拍摄的观测资料来研究星系中氢气的分布。他接触射电天文学,促使茂林申请中国奖学金理事会(CSC)的奖学金,以便在莱顿天文台攻读射电天文学博士学位。在获得这一着名奖学金后,茂林于2017年中期前往莱顿,开始了由HuubRöttgering教授监督的博士项目,该项目涉及LOFAR射电望远镜对遥远宇宙的观测。在莱顿茂林的第一年,他的研究主要集中在对大质量星系和黑洞的形成和演化的LOFAR结果进行分析。他减少了无线电源样本的数据,这些无线电源的属性表明它们位于极远的距离。结果为另一位Leiden博士生Aayush Saxena领导的论文做出了重要贡献。

在他的第二年,茂林帮助开发了一种新的贝叶斯技术,从最近的光学望远镜调查和LOFAR望远镜的无线电测量数据的多波长组合中选择大型和明确定义的类星体样本。与Ken Duncan,Jonah Wagenveld及其发起人HuubRöttgering密切合作,他正在出版他的第一篇论文。












