L15 Fifty pence worth of trouble1. Fifty pence 表示50便士,其中pence是penny(便士)的复数形式,下面我们就来说一说关于新概念英语第一册第141课笔记?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



L15 Fifty pence worth of trouble

1. Fifty pence 表示50便士,其中pence是penny(便士)的复数形式。

2) 钱 worth of sth



The thief stole one million worth of jewellery.

They had got away with thousands of pounds worth of diamonds.

2. Children always appreciate small gifts of money.

1) appreciate v. 欣赏( to recognize the good quality of sth or sb.) ;感激


He really appreciates fine(精美的) furniture.

We appreciate all the help you gave us.

3. If fifty pence pieces are not exchanged for sweets, they rattle for months inside money boxes.

1) exchange v.&n.交换

exchange A for B



You can exchange your pounds for dollars in the hotel.

4. Only very thrifty children manage to fill up a money box.

1) only修饰主语时句子不用倒装,但 only 状语放在句首时,句子要用半倒装形式。(半倒装句子的写法简单说就是把句子变成一般疑问句,但是句尾别写问号。)


Only by working hard can you achieve your goal.

Only when he had failed three times did he turn to me for advice.

Only if the red light comes on is there danger.

Only then did she realize she was wrong.

2) fill A up with B

用B 把A装满


They filled the tank up with oil.

5. For most of them, fifty pence is a small price to pay for a nice bar of chocolate.

1) A is a small price to pay for B


pay a price for sth.



The sacrifice is a small price to pay for our final victory.

He paid a huge price for his mistakes.

6. I gave him fifty pence and advised him to save it.

1)advise v.建议

advice [u]n. 建议

a piece of advice


advise sb. to do sth.


advise doing sth.


advise 宾从(从句中用 should 动词原形,should 可省略)


The police are advising people to stay at homeI.

I advised you not to tell him the truth.

I advise buying your tickets in advance if you want to travel in August.

They advise that a passport (should) be carried with you at all times.

7. … and two fire fighters freed George using a special type of grease.

1) free v.使自由,释放,解除 adj.自由的;不收费的

freedom n.自由

be free to do sth



You are free to come and go.

Don't worry! It's free.

She struggled to free herself.

He tried to free the rope around his hands.

8. The lady rewarded him with a large box of chocolates.

1) reward v.奖励,奖赏 n. 奖励,回报

reward sb. for sth.


reward sb. with sth



You deserve a reward for being so helpful.

He rewarded us for helping him.

She started to sing and the children rewarded her with a smile.
