老师:Alright,time to start class. /Alright,class,time to start. /Alright,students,let's begin. /同学们,开始上课了,下面我们就来说一说关于一天背100个单词?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!
老师:Alright,time to start class. /Alright,class,time to start. /Alright,students,let's begin. /同学们,开始上课了。
Quite down. Listen up. 安静下来,认真听。
Hold on. 等一下.
Roll call. /Let's take roll call.开始点名。(回答Here.Present)
If you have a question,raise your hand. 举手
Great job.Perfect.很棒。
Good try. but pay attention to this.
Do it again/Say it again.
Repeat after me.
Good catch. Good listener.
Try it on.
Work in pairs/groups.分组练习。
Practice your dialogue/vovab/ vocabulary.
学生:Could you say it again please?
I didn't catch that?
I can't follow you.
May/Can I use the restroom?
Could you give me an example?
I didn't hear/ catch the part about....
Could you use it in sentence?