





配合笔记食用哦 ,风味更佳~

Mourn the Queen, Not Her Empire (=a group of countries,帝国)

“The end of an era” will become a refrain (=repeated comment) as commentators (电视上的评论员) assess (=judge/evaluate/appraise/rate,评价,通常是通过“说say”的方式) the record-setting reign of Queen Elizabeth II.

■ refrain

=repeated comment / cliche[贬] / catchphrase / mantra,


Like all monarchs (=king/queen,君主), she was both an individual and an institution (=famous person,知名人物).

■ 表示“有名、出名、著名”:


She had a different birthday for each role — the actual anniversary of her birth in April plus an official one in June — and, though she retained (=keep,保留) her personal name as monarch, held different titles depending on where in her domains (=area/field/realm/ground/sphere,均是表示抽象概念“领域”的词) she stood.

『hold the title for ... 有...头衔』在写作中可以用来替换『call 称为』,如:

But we Americans hold the title for biggest individual gadget lovers—and wasters.


hold the title for = are called as

A is said to be of B,A被说成是B的,这里是指用来装日常用品(B)的手提包(A)

the handbag of everyday items

Of her inner life we learned little beyond (=nothing but/not...anything except/only/merely,什么也没学到,除了...,可理解为“只,仅仅”,可用来替换only) her love of horses and dogs — which gave Helen Mirren, Olivia Colman and Claire Foy (三位均在影视作品中扮演过伊丽莎白二世)rapt (=focused/dedicated/attentive/absorbed/preoccupied,全神贯注的,认真专注的) audiences for the insights (=understanding / ability to understand,领悟,洞察力) they enacted (=star/act/portray/play,饰演,扮演,在这里要理解“演戏时所体现出来的洞察力”,enact sth可以理解为display/show sth).


Of her inner life we learned little... 这部分其实是将介词短语(Of her inner life)前置,正常语序是:we learned little of her inner life, 这样做的目的是强调,对于她的私人生活,我们知之甚少。

The queen embodied a profound, sincere commitment (=promise,承诺) to her duties — her final public act (=an act of legislation,公共立法) was to appoint her 15th prime minister — and for her unflagging (=strong/tireless/indefatigable/relentless,孜孜不倦的,不懈努力的,本质含义是“表现好的good”) performance of them, she will be rightly mourned (=grieve/express my eternal sincere condolences,哀悼).

She has been a fixture (=frequent person/feature/symbol,常客,这里可理解为『...的象征』) of stability (=后面有turbulent,是指社会时局动荡,所以这里稳定是指『社会稳定』), and her death in already turbulent (=tumultuous / unstable/unsteady / shaky / tempestuous / volatile / stormy / fell into chaos and turmoil / comes at a time of dramatic upheaval,社会/时局动荡) times will send ripples (=feeling,伤心之情如涟漪一般扩散开来,意同中文的“一阵(如兴奋),一股(如恐惧)”) of sadness around the world.




①a sports event,『定期定点举办的体育赛事,体育活动,体育节』

②fixed thing (a bath/bathtub/toilet),『家里的、被固定住的设施,如浴缸、马桶』

③frequent sth/sb,『常客,老面孔』





例句:Campbell became a fixture at the top of music charts and on radio and TV in the 1960s and '70s.


But we should not romanticize (=make sth attractive/interesting,浪漫化的意思就是“使...更有趣,有吸引力”) her era.

For the queen was also an image: the face of a nation that, during the course of her reign (=reign,统治时期), witnessed the dissolution of nearly the entire British Empire into some 50 independent states (=Brexit(n.) / Britain's exit from the European Union / the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU/ leave/break away from the EU/,英国脱欧,“欧”是指的“欧盟”) and significantly reduced global influence.

By design (=on purpose/deliberately/intentionally/knowingly/consciously/willfully,故意地) as much as by the accident (=accidentally / by coincidence/chance,偶然地) of her long life, her presence as head of state and head of the Commonwealth (英联邦), an association of Britain and its former colonies, put a stolid (=insensitive/unsympathetic/disinterested,淡漠、没有感情、漠不关心、无动于衷的) traditionalist front over decades of violent upheaval (=big change,剧变).

put (on) a xxx front,装出一副xxx的样子

此时front指的是为了掩饰内心真实感情、想法的行为(behaviour to hide true feelings or opinions)


①Rudeness is just a front for her shyness.


②It's not always easy to put on a brave front for the family.


an association of Britain and its former colonies是对英联邦的解释说明,一个由英国及其前殖民地组成的联合体

As such (=technically / strictly speaking / properly speaking,严格来说), the queen helped obscure (=hide / conceal / cover up / belie,掩盖) a bloody history of decolonization (殖民地独立) whose proportions (=measurement/scale,指的是这段历史的血腥程度) and legacies have yet to be adequately acknowledged (=fully accepted,充分承认).

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