Hello 大家好, 这部分和大家分享一些英文口语视频,文本显示如下 ,下面我们就来说一说关于霸气英语口语50句?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



Hello 大家好, 这部分和大家分享一些英文口语视频,文本显示如下。

This is the Chinese train coffee test.Wow, look at this we have so much space here. That is impressive.Ah.. nice. That’s the window seat. Beautiful.So whenever you take the train in China. Don’t forget everyone around you will eat something. And If you go into a train and have nothing to eat. For example, instant noodles or something.everyone around you will eat something. You will be very very sad. So whenever you go in a Chinese train. In my case, I take some western food. Cookies and coffee because it’s three in the afternoon. And now I just want to show you guys how smooth the train is running. Do you see this cup of coffee? Nothing is happening here. Okay let’s fill it up. Let’s fill it up a little. Ohhh. Ok, now you imagine you would do this in Germany, your coffee would spill immediately. Ahahah. Very nice. I would not try this in Germany, otherwise, my coffee will be spilled very soon. Wow. Yep.the Chinese train is not shaking.look at this. There is another train, passing us right now. And still very smooth.
