




"This position is not for those who claim it, but for those who deserve it."


After the Second World War, India once became the fourth largest industrial power in the world, and its political, economic and military strength improved. At the peak of the war, 250000 Indian soldiers fought for the allies aroUNd the world, but at that time it was under British rule.


Therefore, after India was free and independent, the UN Security Council provided it with a permanent seat with veto power at different times and in different ways. However, nehruji rejected the proposal on the ground that the people's Republic of China should obtain the seat, which was a major mistake in his policy.


For several years, India has been striving for permanent membership, but it has failed to achieve its goal due to the following reasons:


1. The five major countries do not want to share power:



Every Indian thinks that China is the only obstacle on our way to obtain seats. However, the United States, Britain, France and even Russia (I agree that Russia is India's closest and powerful friend, but Russia is different from the Soviet Union) do not want to give India this seat because they do not want to share power. For example:


Josh earnest, the press secretary of the White House, publicly stated that "President Obama will support the inclusion of India in this process (UN Security Council reform)", but the cable leaked by Wikileaks quoted Hillary Rodham Clinton, former US Secretary of state and Democratic presidential candidate, She ridiculed India and other countries as "self appointed candidates" for permanent members of the UN Security Council.

白宫新闻秘书乔希·埃内斯特(Josh Earnest)公开表示,“奥巴马总统将支持将印度纳入这一进程(联合国安理会改革)”,但维基解密泄露的电报援引了前美国国务卿、民主党总统候选人希拉里·罗德姆·克林顿(Hillary Rodham Clinton)的话,她嘲笑印度等国家是联合国安理会常任理事国的“自封候选人”。



Basically, international diplomacy is based on "giving and taking". Therefore, we can exchange interests and we will have opportunities.


2. Competition from Japan, Germany and Brazil:

2. 来自日本、德国和巴西的竞争:

These countries also want to get their seats, and they are fighting fiercely.


3. India needs four seats, not one:


India is a part of the G4. Japan, Germany, India and Brazil need to advance and retreat together to lobby the five permanent members of the United Nations, and take the opportunity to amend the Charter of the United Nations and reform the UN Security Council. However, this is also the main reason for the delay.




But our prime minister modi is making every effort to achieve this goal. I believe we will achieve it soon, because "we deserve it".




There are only two ways to obtain a permanent seat on the UN Security Council:


1. Become the main members of the victors of the World War: the United States, Russia, Britain, France and China;


2. He won the war with the UN Security Council members. Before the founding of the people's Republic of China, he swept the Kuomintang army in Chinese Mainland and repelled the United Nations army composed of the United States and 15 countries in Korea. He was an important aid to Vietnam in the war of independence against France from 1949 to 1954.



The "veto power" and the "qualification for the closed meeting of the five permanent members" have nothing to do with the size of the territory and the population. "Large enough" and "important enough" are not the same thing. The Chinese people learned very well from the humiliating history of 110 years from 1839 to 1949. Fortunately or unfortunately for India, joining the UN Security Council needs to prove that it has real power to influence the world.


Five permanent members of the United Nations gained fame through a huge victory, which made their powerful enemies and themselves pay countless lives. They honed themselves day and night to keep their national strength ahead of other ordinary countries, so as to maintain this deterrence and ensure that the rest of the world could not challenge the order they established.


Since 1945, the veto power has been the basic idea of the United Nations Security Council, that is, the so-called "principle of unanimity of major powers". The reason behind it is to prevent another world war. According to this principle, the five powers do not need to use all-out war as a means to realize their will, because the United Nations Security Council will never legitimize any hostile act, nor will it legitimize any act of openly opposing the five powers. Legally, all countries are equal in international politics, but in fact, all decisions must be reached by the five major countries and other truly dominant stakeholders.


Yes, this is a privilege. It is unfair. It removes the gentle veil in the power game, but it reduces the possibility of the world ending to the greatest extent.


So far, India has no such strength. She has not yet won the decisive battle with a real big country, and her industrial and technological capabilities are far from matching her land size and population. All evaluations of India are still limited to potential rather than power. Seats on the UN Security Council are not so "cheap", and India still needs a long time to qualify. You can estimate when she will be strong enough to shake the international order framework of corett, and that is the time.




In fact, as long as the United Nations continues to operate as usual, India will have no opportunity.


First, the P5 will never allow other countries to enjoy their privilege, the veto power. Even though they nominally support it, you can also foresee the delay of system reform in the foreseeable future. Even if the P5 finally allows India to join, as far as the United Nations is concerned, it may only be a "permanent seat" without veto power.



Second, national strength. History may have given the five permanent members an opportunity to become the dominant force since World War II. However, it is their own national strength that makes them the respected five permanent members. The pure national strength is how China replaces the Taiwan authorities and proves that they are the only legitimate government in China. India has various shortcomings, ranging from infrastructure to key technologies, as well as a lack of economic diversity, which is far from the P5. A big country does not mean a strong country. If you are not strong enough, how can you persuade them to let you join?


The Wuchang has a nuclear arsenal, a complete trinity of nuclear strike capabilities, and almost all types of domestic military machinery, from tanks to warships, from jet aircraft to submarines. However, India has not been able to convince the world that it can accomplish all or most of the tasks that the P5 can accomplish, and the P5 can determine India's arms supply.



Somehow, India is in a very unfortunate situation. They fought under the rule of the British Empire during World War II, not the independent Republic of India. The constraints of the democratic system and strong religious beliefs ensure that Indian leaders cannot abolish the caste system at will. Perhaps one day, the caste system will be abandoned and the brain power of the low caste population will be released. Indians, don't be too optimistic about everything. They should remain focused and develop their own strength.




1. Voting - as a general rule of the United Nations, only with the support of 2 / 3 of the general assembly (basically 2 / 3 of all 193 countries) and all five permanent members will permanent members be included in the UN Security Council. Although the first standard may be relatively easy to obtain, the second standard is basically difficult to achieve. If any country uses one vote of veto, the bill will be rejected by default. Although the United States, France and Britain have shown subtle signs in the Security Council that they can accept India, China still relatively does not welcome India and Japan to join.


2. G4 countries. It is hard to say whether the G4 alliance has brought any considerable benefits to India in recent years. The group of four countries composed of Brazil, Germany, India and Japan are the four countries that support each other in striving for permanent seats on the UN Security Council. The group has a basic idea, that is, if the permanent members are to be included in the United Nations, it will be either the whole group of four or none, and both will prosper and lose.



This largely limits India's agenda, because China opposes the inclusion of Japan in the G4, and Japan is a part of the G4, so it opposes it as a whole. As mentioned above, no major decision of the United Nations will be adopted without the vote of the five permanent members.


3. Objection. Although their support is broad-based and consists of about 90 countries, there are still some forces that strongly oppose the actions of India and the G4. The most important thing is UFC. The United for consensus movement (UFC) is a movement nicknamed Coffee Club. It developed in the 1990s and opposed the possible expansion of the permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council.


Under the leadership of Italy, its goal is to oppose the application of the group of four for permanent membership, of which about 15 member states oppose India's application. Although this does not necessarily lead to a vote fight, it will certainly become a political obstacle, especially considering that the organization has members such as Canada, South Korea, Italy and Spain.


Most importantly, the above reasons have almost eliminated the possibility of India's permanent membership. Unless China supports India and the group of four, the situation will certainly remain the same for a long time to come.




First of all, I would like to point out that any country that is a part of the United Nations can run for membership of the United Nations Security Council. However, five permanent members (the United States, Britain, China, France and Russia) have the veto power, while the other ten non permanent members elected after a fixed time interval do not have the veto power. The veto is clearly a very important tool, as we have witnessed time and again.


Now I would like to talk about why India is not a permanent member of the UN Security Council.


Military strength is not the only decisive factor. What India needs is to prove its ability to long claim to be "one of the leaders of the developing world". As you can see, the permanent members of the Security Council are all big powers that emerged before the 1990s. China can also be called a "big power" because of its successful nuclear test, its rapid economic development and other factors. Other permanent members are powerful countries after the Second World War.


The United Nations was established after World War II to prevent another world war. Therefore, at that time, I thought that it was logical to include the winning country as a permanent member. However, from the perspective of permanent members, it represents the order of the 1980s, without considering the emerging influential countries (India claims to be one of them). But once you have a privilege, you are not willing to grant it to others. The same is true of the permanent members, who do not want countries with veto power to contradict their interests.


In addition, in order to obtain a permanent seat, India needs to play a more confident role in world politics. Today's need lies in the improvement of the country to improve your international image. Most people associate India with poverty, corruption and other negative images. Therefore, before you can achieve your national goals, international leadership is a distant dream. Second, keeping silent on important issues will not help India to uphold its position. It is necessary to speak for justice and all its expected goals.



Since the late 1990s, India has been lobbying for a permanent seat in the United Nations. However, I believe that it is not the time to aspire to become a permanent member. The focus should now be on economic, social and, most importantly, political improvement. Only in this way can India correctly declare its candidacy.

