[peppa pig小猪佩奇]台词剧本

第一季 第40话

40. Very Hot Day 酷暑难当

Narrator:(Peppa Pig介绍):

I’m Peppa pig.我是佩奇。

This is my little brother, George.这是我的弟弟乔治。

This is Mummy Pig. 这是我的妈妈。

And this is Daddy Pig. 这是我的爸爸。


Very Hot Day 酷暑难当


The sun is so hot that the puddles have dried up!

Narrator: The sun is shining. 太阳当空照着。

It is a very hot day. 天气非常地炎热。

Mummy Pig: What a lovely, hot day! 真是个不错的大热天儿啊。

Narrator: Peppa and George are wearing their boots! 佩奇和乔治穿上了靴子。

They are going to jump in muddy puddles! 他们要去泥坑里跳上跳下。

Peppa: I love muddy puddles. 我最喜欢跳泥坑了。


Peppa: Oh! 哦。

Narrator: Oh, dear! 哦糟糕。

The sun is so hot that the puddles have dried up! 天气太热了,泥坑都被晒干了。

Peppa: Mummy, Daddy! The puddles are all dry and we can't jump in them! 妈妈爸爸,泥坑被晒干了,我们没法在里面跳了。

Mummy Pig: Never mind, Peppa. 没有关系佩奇。

It's so sunny, you can play in the paddling pool instead! 太阳这么好,今天你可以在充气泳池里玩了。

Peppa: Yes! The paddling pool! 太棒了,充气泳池。

Mummy Pig: First, you have to change into your swimming costumes. 不过首先你得换上你的泳装才行。

Peppa: Yes,Mummy. 好的,妈妈。

Narrator: Peppa and George are wearing their swimming costumes! 佩奇和乔治换上他们的泳装了。

Mummy Pig is wearing her swimming costume. 猪妈妈也换上了她的泳装。

And Daddy Pig is wearing his swimming costume! 猪爸爸也换上了自己的泳装。

Mummy Pig: Because it's so hot, you need sun cream. 今天天气太热了,你们得擦防晒霜。

Peppa: It's all oily and yucky! 擦了脸上油油的好难过。

George: Yuck! 难过。

Daddy Pig: what a fuss about nothing! 这么小的事儿不要抱怨啦。

Mummy Pig: Yes,we all need sun cream today. 是啊,今天我们都要擦防晒霜。

Daddy Pig: Oh! Come on, George. 哦,快来乔治。

let's get some air into this paddling pool! 我们先给充气泳池充上气。

Narrator: Daddy Pig is pumping up the paddling pool! 猪爸爸在给充气泳池充气。

[pump up 用泵(或气筒)给…打气;]

Daddy Pig: Easy as pie! 太简单了。

Narrator: Peppa holds the hose and Mummy Pig turns on the water. 佩奇抓住了水管,然后妈妈打开了水龙头。


Peppa: Where's the water? 水在哪里呢?

Wahhh! 哇


Narrator: Peppa and George love their paddling pool. 佩奇和乔治喜欢充气泳池。

Ms. Rabbit: Ice cream! 冰淇淋。

Peppa: Ms. Rabbit, the ice cream lady! 是卖冰淇林的兔小姐。

Ms. Rabbit: Ice cream! 冰淇淋。

Narrator: On very hot days, Ms. Rabbit sells ice cream. 天很热的时候,兔小姐会卖冰淇淋。

Peppa: Mummy, Daddy! 妈妈爸爸!

Can George and I have an ice cream, please? 乔治和我能吃冰淇淋吗?

Mummy Pig: Oh, well. I suppose it is an especially hot day. 好吧。今天的天气实在太热了一点。

Peppa: Hurry! 好哎。

Daddy Pig: Please, can I have one as well? 能给我也带一支回来吗?

Narrator: Everyone likes ice cream! 大家都爱冰淇淋。

Ms. Rabbit: Hello, Mummy Pig, Peppa and George. 你好啊,猪妈妈、佩奇和乔治。

Mummy Pig: Hello, Ms. Rabbit. 你好,兔小姐。

Ms. Rabbit: What ice creams would you like? 你们想要什么冰淇淋?

Peppa: Can I have a cone, Please, Ms. Rabbit? 我想要一个冰淇淋球,可以吗?

Ms. Rabbit: Of course you may, Peppa! 当然可以了,佩奇。

Peppa: Thank you. 谢谢。

Mummy Pig: The same for me and one for Daddy Pig, please. 麻烦你,我和猪爸爸也要一个冰淇淋球。

Ms. Rabbit: And what would young Mr. George like? 那小帅哥乔治要什么冰淇淋啊?

George: Dine-saw! 恐龙。

Ms. Rabbit: A dinosaur? 你想要恐龙?

Peppa: Silly George! 别闹了,乔治。

He always says “dinosaur” for everything! 不管你问他什么,他的回答永远是恐龙。

Ms. Rabbit: Well,it just so happens that I do have a dinosaur shaped ice-lolly! 是吗?那真是太巧了,我这里正好有卖恐龙形状的雪糕。

George: Dine-saw! Grrrr! 恐龙。

Mummy Pig: George, you should eat your ice-lolly before it melts. 乔治雪糕化了之前,要快点把它吃完。

George: Dine-saw. 恐龙。

Narrator: George loves his dinosaur ice-lolly so much, he doesn't want to eat it. 乔治太喜欢他的恐龙雪糕了,他都不舍得吃了。

Mummy Pig: Thank you, Ms. Rabbit! 谢谢你,兔小姐。

Ms. Rabbit: Enjoy the weather! 祝玩得愉快。

Mummy Pig: George, I really think you should eat your ice-lolly before it melts and... falls on the ground. 乔治,雪糕化了之前要快点把它吃完啊。不然,它就会掉到地上。


Narrator: Oh, dear, George's dinosaur ice-lolly has melted and fallen on the ground. 哦糟糕,乔治的恐龙雪糕最后还是化了,掉在了地上。

Mummy Pig: Never mind, George. You can share Daddy's ice cream. 没关系的乔治,你可以吃爸爸的冰淇淋。

I'm sure he won't mind. 他不会介意的。

Narrator: It is so warm, Daddy Pig has fallen asleep! 天气太好了,猪爸爸竟然睡着了。

Mummy Pig: Daddy Pig does look hot! 爸爸看上去好热啊。

Peppa: let's tip water on Daddy to cool him down! 把水倒在爸爸身上让他凉快一下。[tip v. 倒出,倾倒]

Mummy Pig: Good idea, Peppa! 好主意,佩奇。

Daddy Pig: Oh,what happened?!!! 喔,出什么事了?

Mummy Pig: You were all red and hot, Daddy Pig! 你刚才又热又红的,猪爸爸。

Peppa: So we tipped water on you! 我们在你身上倒了水。

Daddy Pig: Oh, I see. Thank you, Peppa. 哦,是这样。谢谢你,佩奇。

Peppa: Look! The puddles are back! 瞧,泥坑有水了。

Quick, George, let's get out boots! 快点乔治,我们去穿靴子。

Narrator: Peppa and George are wearing their boots! 佩奇和乔治穿上他们的靴子。

Peppa and George love the hot day. 佩奇和乔治喜欢大热天。

But most of all, they love jumping up and down in puddles! 但他们最喜欢在泥坑里跳上跳下的。

[小猪佩奇]视频在这里哦:小猪佩奇 第一季 英文版第40集-番剧-全集-高清正版在线观看-bilibili-哔哩哔哩ic_close_normal


Everyone is wearing swimming costume.


Yes,we all need sun cream today.


let's get some air into this paddling pool!


Peppa holds the hose and Mummy Pig turns on the water.


1. Paddling pool

猪妈妈提议让佩奇和乔治在儿童游泳池里玩,佩奇高兴的说Yes! The paddling pool! 是的,儿童游泳池!

Paddling pool是英式英语,美式英语的说法是wading pool (供孩子玩耍的)浅水池。

2.Change into swimming costume

猪妈妈说First, you have to change into your swimming costumes. 首先你们得换上游泳衣。

Change into换上..衣服。

Swimming costume是游泳衣的英式英语。bathing suit是游泳衣的美式英语。


爸妈:If you want to play dress-up, you have to change into your princess costume first.






Yuck. Don’t burp at the table.真恶心。不要在饭桌上打嗝。

4.What a fuss about nothing

佩奇和乔治擦防晒霜的时候都说Yuck,好恶心。猪爸爸在旁边说What a fuss about nothing! 不要小题大做!

What a fuss. 我们在野餐那集中已经见过了,是大惊小怪的意思。后面接一个about nothing对于没有的事情。连在一起就是对于这种事情就不要大惊小怪了,不要小题大做的意思。

5.What ice creams would you like?


Ice-lolly冰棍,是英式英语,对应的美式英语是popsicle [ˈpɒpsɪkl].


Where's the water?





Peppa and George love their paddling pool.


1、hot adj. 热的,辣的

例:The climate in the July is very hot here.这里七月的天气非常热。

2、shine [ʃaɪn] v. 照耀,发光

例:Excitement was shining in her eyes. 她眼里闪着兴奋的光芒。

3、lovely adj.美丽的,极好的

例:This musician has composed a lovely piece of music.这位音乐家创作了一首优美的乐曲。

4、wear [wer] v. 穿,戴

例:She wears a pair of glasses. 她戴着一副墨镜。

5、dry up 枯竭,擦干

例:The sun will soon dry up the roads. 太阳很快就会把道路晒干的。

I'll wash and you can dry up. 我洗盘子,你可以擦干。

6、sun cream [sʌn kriːm] 防晒霜

例:Don't forget to apply sun cream. 不要忘记涂上防晒霜。

7、oily [ˈɔɪli] adj. 含油的; 油污的; 涂油的; (质地、味道、气味、形态)像油的; 油滑的; 油腔滑调的; 奉迎的;

例如:When she was younger, she had very oily skin. 她年轻的时候是油性皮肤。

He wears an oily old pair of jeans. 他穿着一条沾满油污的旧牛仔裤。

8、yucky [ˈjʌki] adj. 讨厌的; 令人生厌的; 令人厌恶的;

例:And I only get yucky deserts, Mummy 而且我只得到令人讨厌的甜食,妈妈

The food in the school cafeteria is yucky. 学校自助餐厅里的食物很难吃。

9、juck [jʌk] int. (表示憎厌)讨厌,可恶;

例:Yuck, that fish smells disgusting. 讨厌,那鱼闻起来好恶心。

10、pump up 用泵(或气筒)给…打气;

例:I tried to pump up my back tyre. 我试图给后胎打气。

11、suppose [səˈpoʊz] v. (根据所知)认为,推断,料想; 假定; 假设; 设想; (婉转表达)我看,要我说,要不;

例:I suppose it will rain. 我猜会下雨。

Prices will go up, I suppose. 我觉得物价将会上涨。

12、especially [ɪˈspeʃəli] adv.尤其地,特别地;格外; 专门; 特地; 十分; 非常;

例:I love cold drinks, especially in summer. 我很爱喝冷饮,特别是在夏天。

I made it especially for you. 这是我特地为你做的。

13、cone [kəʊn] n. (盛冰激凌的)锥形蛋卷筒

例:She stopped by the ice-cream shop and had a chocolate cone. 她顺便去了趟冰激凌店,买了一个巧克力蛋筒冰激凌。

The child licked his ice cream cone. 孩子舔了一下蛋卷冰激凌。

14、ice-lolly [ˌaɪs ˈlɒli] n. 冰棒; 雪糕;例:I like to eat ice-lolly, ice-cream and water ice. 我喜欢吃冰棒、雪糕和刨冰。

15、shape [ʃeɪp] n. 形状,(人或物的)特有形状; 外形,样子,轮廓; (指女子的)体形,身段; v. (使)成为……形状(或样子); 塑造,制作;

例:The pool was in the shape of a heart. 游泳池呈心形。

16、melt [melt] v. (使)溶化,(使)融化; (使)溶解; (使)消散,

例:The sun had melted the snow. 阳光融化了积雪。

17、tip v. 倒出,倾倒

例:She tipped the dirty water down the drain. 她把脏水倒入了下水道。

18、most of all 最,最重要,尤其是。

例:It was what she wanted most of all. 这就是她最想得到的。


On very hot days, Ms. Rabbit sells ice cream.


And what would young Mr. George like?


it just so happens that I do have a dinosaur shaped ice-lolly!


George loves his dinosaur ice-lolly so much, he doesn't want to eat it.

-The End-
