
Hello, everyone! Today the topic is about "how to introduce myself?" Hello,大家好,今天我们聊一聊自我介绍。


记得我第一次做自我介绍时,说完 "hello everyone, my name is summer. I'm from China." 后面脑子就一片空白,不知道说啥了。这时主持人提醒:" How long have you been in Australia? Why did you come to Australia?" 这么一问,我又会说了 "I have been in Australia for one year, I came to Australia because my daughter is working in Australia.We are here for a Reunion.I have only a child."


后来每次自我介绍我都会变更一些句子比如:"I came to Australia in January 2020.I have many hobbies such as knitting, table tennis and jogging.I come here to improve my English."

我总结出了一条规律,围绕着5个W来展开介绍就行了。5个W就是: What, where, when, how and why.形成的问句就是: What's my name? What's my hobbies? Where am I from? When did I come to Australia? How long have I been in Australia? Why did I come to Australia? Why do I come here?


