P37 语言半主导思维

Wundt saw language as an especially important part of culture’s contribution to consciousness. Any verbal communication begins with a “general impression,” or unified idea of something we wish to say. Having “apperceived” this general starting point, we then choose words and sentences to express it. While speaking, we monitor the accuracy of the intended meaning. We might say, “No, that’s not right, I mean…,” and then choose a different word or phrase to express ourselves better. Whoever is listening has to understand the meaning that the speaker is trying to convey, but the actual words may not be as important as the general impression, especially if strong emotions are involved. As evidence of the fact that we use this process, Wundt points out that we often remember the general meaning of what a person has said long after we’ve forgotten the specific words that were used.

冯特认为语言是文化对意识贡献的一个特别重要的部分。任何语言交流都是从 "总体印象 "开始的,也就是我们想说的东西的统一概念。在 "感知 "了这个总的出发点之后,我们再选择词语和句子来表达它。在说话的时候,我们要监督所要表达的意思是否准确。我们可能会说,"不,这不对,我的意思是......",然后选择一个不同的词或短语来更好地表达自己。不管是谁在听,都必须理解说话者想要表达的意思,但实际的话语可能没有总体印象重要,特别是如果涉及到强烈的情感。作为我们使用这一过程的证据,Wundt指出,我们经常在忘记所使用的具体词语后很久才想起一个人所说的话的一般含义。

The ability to use true language, as opposed to just exchanging limited signs and signals, is today considered by many psychologists to be a key difference between human beings and the rest of the animal kingdom. There may be a few exceptions, including nonhuman primates such as chimpanzees, but language is generally considered to be a human ability that is very important in consciousness.


In the course of normal speaking… the will is continuously directed to bringing the course of ideas and the articulatory movements into harmony with each other. Wilhelm Wundt

在正常的说话过程中......意志不断地被引导到使思想的过程和发音的动作相互协调上。威廉-冯特(Wilhelm Wundt


