



David Brooks Gives the Commencement Address at Dartmouth 2015


【1】I’ve decided to use this Commencementto cut through all that, and I’m going to tell you what’s going to happen to you over the next 60 years of your life. So right now I’m giving you the ultimatespoileralert. If you don’t want to know how this thing called your life is going to turn out, pay less attention to me over the next ten minutes than even you are right now. For the rest of you, this is your life. First, you’re going to graduate today. Parts of the next year will be amazing, and parts are really going to suck. Very few will have jobs as exciting as being a college senior. From now on, no one will be paid to read your writing or your fascinatingseminarinterventions. You won’t have a social life pre-organized right there in front of you the way it is here at Dartmouth.

commencement:开始; 毕业典礼; 开端; 学位授予典礼

[例句]All applicants should be at least 16 years of age at the commencement of this course.


happen to:发生在…身上

right now:现在,此时,此刻,立即




turn out:(以某种方式)发生;最后是;结果是


senior: (中学或大学里的)高年级学生,毕业班学生


seminar:研讨会; 研讨班,讲习会; 研讨小组; 培训会

[例句]Students are asked to prepare material in advance of each weekly seminar.



in front of:在…前


[例句]Donald King is the principal of Dartmouth High School.



【2】Happiness research suggests that after your 60s, your 20s are your happiest phase of life. People are happy in their 20s and then it dips down until it bottoms out at age 47—which is called having teenage children—and then it shoots up again. You'll have long periods of loneliness and heartbreak. If you're like the average college graduates, a third of you will move back home at some point in the next two years, and your parents will give you blindinglyobvious advice about things you’ve been doingon your own for years. A third of you will be unemployed, underemployed, or making less than $30,000 a year. In two years, half of you will feel that you don’t have a plan for life or a clear direction.


and then:然后


shoot up:迅速成长,迅速增加

a third:三分之一,也可以说one third。英语中表示分数时,分子要用基数词,分母用序数词。如果分子大于1,分母必须用复数形式,例如Two-thirds,表示三分之二。

blindingly obvious:显而易见,极其明显

on one own:靠自己的力量,独自地;独力;独立



【3】But this is part of the process. It’s part of the process of finding your loves and testing your loves. Let me explain. All of us love certainthings: certain friends, certain subjects, certain dreams, certain professional goals. But you don’t really know the nature of your love until you’ve tested it with reality. When I graduated from college, I knew I wanted to be a writer. I knew I wanted to do some teaching. I thought I wanted to be a playwrightor a novelist, go into politics, have a spouse, children. But I didn’t know exactly what order my loves came in. So like everyone in their 20s, I got to test my loves and I got to samplesome new loves. It was like trying on clothes at the mall. After ten years, some of my loves, like playwriting, just didn’t fit or faded away. Some new ones came into view. But most important, over the next ten really formlessyears, my heart developed some contoursand I learned what I loved most—writing was more important to me than politics. I could write out a prioritylist on a piece of paper of the things I loved,【step 1】 and I could rank them and I could devote my bestenergies to my highest loves.




[例句]His career as a playwright had an auspicious start.



[例句]Faulkner has been hailed as the greatest American novelist of his generation



[例句]It is often helpful to have your spouse in the room when major news is expected




[例句]A series of largely formless images rushed across the screen.



[例句]I cradled my video camera nervously on my lap, but its cold contours did nothing to comfort me.


priority:优先,优先权; (时间,序上的) 先,前; 优先考虑的事; [数] 优先次序;

[例句]Being a parent is her first priority




【4】When you have the ability to write that list in order, you’ve achieved your agencymoment.【step 2】I had a student who was a young Army officer. During one of his tours, he had a terrible superiorofficer who gave him nothing but negative feedback. During those 18 months, he said he could not rely on external validationor criticism from outside to get a sense of whether he was doing a good job. He had to come up with his own criteriato judge himself. That’s the agency moment. When you hit this moment, you’re not moldingyourself to some prefabdefinition of success. You have your own criteria. You’re not relying on the opinions of others. Your own standard and your own ability to judge your own life. For most people this agency moment comes just before 30. But then you can have a few other agency moments later in life, at age 53 or 75, when your loves change order, and you have to realize that and you have to adjust.






[例句]JSON helps separate validation data and logic.



molding:成型; 制模; 铸造

[例句]They can be divided into two classes, those which are castable and those which must be processed by extrusion or compression molding.



[例句]When you add a Prefab to a scene, you create an instance of it.



【5】Once you have achieved your agency moments, you can begin to make commitments. 【step 3】Making commitments sounds intimidating, but it’s not. Making a commitment simply means falling in love with something, and then building a structure of behavior around it that will carry you through when your love falters. When you make a commitment to something you truly love, whether it’s a spouse, a job, a company, or a school, it won’t feel like you are putting on an uncomfortable lobster shell. It will feel like you are taking off the shell and becoming the shape you were meant to be. When you’re making a commitment, you won’t be paralyzed by self-focus because you’ll have something besides yourself to think about. Specifically, as you go through your 30s, you will make four major commitments, and your life depends on how you do with these four things. First, a commitment to your spouse and to your family. Second, a commitment to a career and a vocation. Third, a commitment to your faith or philosophy. Fourth, a commitment to a community and a village.


[例句]Jones had set out to intimidate and dominate Paul


falters:(嗓音) 颤抖( falter的第三人称单数 ); 支吾其词; 蹒跚; 摇晃

[例句]That is encouraging because if China falters, then the world recovery will do too.


lobster shell:龙虾壳

paralyze:使瘫痪,使麻痹; 使不能正常活动

[例句]Otherwise, my dread of criticism can paralyze me.




philosophy:哲学; 哲理; 哲学体系


【6】Somewherebetween the ages or 28 and 32, you will begin to realize you have already begun to make a commitment to a vocation and a career. But a vocation is not a career. A career is something you choose. A vocation is something that summonsyou. People with vocations don’t ask: What do I want from life? They ask: What is life demanding me to do? What gap is there in my specific circumstancesaround me that demands my skill set?



[例句]Howe summoned a doctor and hurried over


circumstances:境况; 境遇; (尤指) 经济状况; 命运; 环境( circumstance的名词复数 ); 事件; 境遇; 机遇

[例句]Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, this year's show has been cancelled



【7】The second commitment is the one you’ll make to a partner or a spouse or to your kids. I hope you’ve already had one great love affairin college and that you weren’t one of those students who controlled the love life so they could spend more time doing homework. If you’ve already had a great love, you know that it humblesyou. You’ve been captured by a delicious madnessand lost control of your own mind. Love plowsopen hard ground, exposing soft, vulnerable soil below. Love decentersthe self and reminds you that your true riches are in another person. Marriage is a 30- or 40- or 50-year conversation that ends with a confusion: I don’t just love you. I am you. Like all great commitments, love operates simultaneously on two different levels: the level of grittyreality and the level of transcendentmagic.




plow:耕; 犁耕; 费力穿过

[例句]The donkey helped them pull the field plow during and carry them to the market.





transcendent:超然的; 卓越的,至高无上的

[例句]This places value on the earth and this world, as distinguished from views of transcendent divinity and creation.



【8】The level of gritty reality in marriage is the groceryshopping, the cleaning, and the compromises. Do you do the dishes after each meal or do you put them in the sinkand do them at the end of the day? Does the toilet paper roll from over the top or from under the bottom? The gritty reality of love involves the particular gifts and foiblesof this or that partner or beloved.



sink: (厨房里的)洗涤池,洗碗槽,水槽

toilet paper:厕纸


[例句]It is a big foible of all the people.



【9】And that is the gritty vulnerabilityof love. But there is another side to it which is poeticand transcendent and idealisticand universal. This is side that Taylor Swift sings about. Like being summoned by a vocation, this love demands you cast offcost-benefit analysis. This love demands that you enter into a different and inverselogic.


poetic:诗的,韵文的; 有诗意的

[例句]Nikolai Demidenko gave an exciting yet poetic performance.



cast off:丢弃,摆脱

inverse:相反的; 逆向的; 倒转的

[例句]The tension grew in inverse proportion to the distance from their final destination.




【10】I remember the birth of my first son involved a very long and painful delivery. It happened in Belgium, and the doctor put a plungerto my kid’s head and yanked him out. He came out after many, many hours blue and in very poor health and was rushed to the intensive care ward. It was scary, and it introduced me to a level of soul-deep anxiety you’re not aware of until you become a parent. But I remember having an awarenessin that instant that if he could just live for one hour, it would still be worth it. An hour of his life will be worth a lifetime of grief.



plunger:活塞; 手压皮碗泵

[例句]The balance valve circuit is to support the weight of platen and plunger design.



[例句]She yanked open the drawer


ward:病房,病室; 监视,监督; 保卫

[例句]A toddler was admitted to the emergency ward with a wound in his chest.






【11】Now that doesn’t make sense. But every parent here will know it makes perfect sense by some other logic. Every parent here knows that every second of life for one you love has infinitedignity, and the essenceof that love is not counting the cost. Love has its own logic. For example, most resources are scarce; you canuse them up. But love is the opposite; the more you love, the more you can love. A person who has one child does not love that child less when he or she has another. A person in love is capable of more love. A person who loves his college does not love his country less. Love expands with use.

make sense:有意义;理解;讲得通;是明智的

infinite:无限的,无穷的; 无数的,许许多多的; 极大的

[例句]With infinite care, John shifted position


dignity:尊严; 自尊; 高尚; 自豪;

[例句]If you were wrong, admit it. You won't lose dignity, but will gain respect




[例句]Food was scarce and expensive


use up:用完,用光,耗尽


【12】Again, against the grain of normal logic, people in love make themselves vulnerable to great suffering, and sometimes they knowinglywalk into suffering. Sometimes you tell people in love that it doesn’t make sense for them to be together because they’ll be in different cities or they drive themselves crazy. But lovers rarely break off a love just because that doesn’t make sense. They’d rather be unhappy together than happy apart. And so here we’re coming to an essential feature of commitment making. It’s sort of like quantummechanics. It doesn’t make sense from a normal logic. A commitment spills outside the bounds of normal utilitarianlogic and has a different logic. This logic is a moral logic, and it is filled with inversions. A commitment is a moral act.

knowingly:会意地; 故意地; 狡黠地,机警地; “knowing”的派生。

[例句]He repeated that he had never knowingly taken illegal drugs.


break off: 终止,结束(关系)


sort of:有一点,有几分,可以说

quantum:量子; 定量,总量

[例句]Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux.


mechanics:力学; 机械学; 构成法; 技术

[例句]He has not studied mechanics or engineering.


utilitarian:功利的; 实用的; 功利主义的,实利主义的; 有效用的

[例句]It was James Mill who was the best publicist for utilitarian ideas on government.



【13】The moral world is not structured like the market world. It has an inverse logic. To develop morally and inside you have to follow an inverse set of rules. You have to give to receive. You have to surrenderto something outside yourself to gain strength within yourself. You have to conqueryour desire to get what you crave. Success leads to the greatest failure, which is arroganceand pride. Failure can lead to the greatest success, which is humilityand learning. In order to fulfillyourself, you have to forget yourself. In order to find yourself, you have to lose yourself.

surrender:交出; 放弃; 使投降; 听任







【14】Taking a job is not a moral act. Going on a date is not a moral act. Having a vocation is a moral act. Entering a 30- or 50-year marriage is a moral act. Making a commitment is a moral act. And becoming a good, moral person is not being able to control your temptations; it’s about this ability to make commitments.


temptation:诱惑,引诱; 诱惑物

[例句]Will they be able to resist the temptation to buy?



【15】Your education has opened you up to possibilities. Adulthood is about closing around commitments. Dartmouth has opened your mind. The purpose of an open mind is to close around certain beliefs. The highest joy is found in sending down roots. There will come a time 20 years from now, or 25 years from now, when you will come back to this spot for your reunion. And as you walk and drink wineand beer, you’ll think of your former selves and your current selves and the decades of life that will still be in front of you. You’ll realize that Dartmouth had set off little time bombsin your head that give you pieces of wisdom that only come decades later when you are ready to receive them.

open up:打开,开发。使…开放

close around:渐渐包围(某物或某人),紧密围绕





【16】At reflective moments like this, it feels like time is suspendedand reality will slipoutside its bounds, and you’ll experience a sense of gratitudethat your life is filled with joy, a joy beyond anything you could possibly have earned. There’s nothing to be done at such moments except be thankful, to be thankful for people, places, ideas, and causes that you have embracedand that embraced you back. And that is the moment come to the realization that is the full definition of maturity: It’s the things you chainyourself to that set you free.


[例句]The union suspended strike action this week


slip: 迅速而悄无声息地走(到某处);溜(到某处),不知不觉地转入(某种状态);逐渐陷入(某种情况)

gratitude:谢意; 感激,感谢; 感激的样子; 恩义;

[例句]I wish to express my gratitude to Kathy Davis for her immense practical help.







