

An Outlaw Outing  The outing was long overdue. We had been hiding on the outskirts of town as outlaws for far too long. When we overheard that there was an outbreak of some sickness in town that had originated in the orient we knew it was time to come out of hiding and see what was going on. They were calling it the "Oriental Sickness" but we didn't care.  The first person we met as we wandered into town was a boy who told us outright that he had just become an orphan. He had nowhere else to go and he wanted to join our outfit. Our leader was outraged that such a small boy had recognized us so easily, but we kept walking into town.   Once there we saw that the ordeal must have been great. All ornaments on the buildings for the coming orthodox holiday season had been torn down, several were burnt from fire, and bodies were lying on the street. When we went to get water the bucket was overflowing with blood. We didn't dare drink anything.  Quickly losing our orientation as outlaws on the run we were surprised when a mass of people rushed up to us. Their voices were overlapping as they cried for us to take them away. When we replied that we couldn't do anything the crowd turned ugly and ousted us from town.  As we rode away none of us could speak. Sometimes natural events overwhelm you, as your own mistakes never can.

歹徒的外出  出去的时间早就到了,我们作为亡命之徒在城外郊区已经躲得太久。当我们无意中听到城里爆发了一种来自东方的疾病时,我们知道是我们离开躲藏地点出来打探打探的时候了。他们称之为“东方病”,可我们不在乎。  我们漫步到街上首先碰到的是一个男孩,他坦率地告诉我们他刚刚成了孤儿,没有地方可去,想加入我们这邦人。我们的头儿很愤慨,因为这样一个小男孩居然这么容易就认出了我们,但我们还是继续往城里赶。  一到城里我们就发现那里一定发生过一场苦难经历。建筑物上所有为即将到来的传统节日准备的装饰品都被扯了下来,有些被火烧掉了,街上到处是尸体。我们去找水,水桶里却装满了血,我们什么都不敢喝。  作为逃跑中的歹徒我们很快迷失了方向,看到一大群人冲向我们,我们非常吃惊。他们大声喊着要我们把他们带走,他们的声音重叠在一起。当我们回答说我们帮不了忙时,人群变得凶巴巴的并把我们从城里驱逐出来了。  骑马离开的时候,我们谁也说不出话来。有时候,虽然你自己的错误决不会制服你,而天灾却会。




ordealn. 苦难经历,折磨,煎熬orientvt.1.使适应,使熟悉2.(to,toward)使朝向,以……为方向(目标)n. [the O_]东方,亚洲(尤指远东),东半球orientala. 东方的,东方人的,东方文化的orientationn.1.方向,目标,方位2.熟悉情况,适应,情况介绍originatevi. (in,from,with)起源于,来自,产生vt. 创造,创始,开创ornamentn.1.装饰品,点缀品2.装饰,点缀vt. 装饰,点缀,美化orphann. 孤儿vt. 使成为孤儿orthodoxa.1.传统的2.正统的,正宗的oustvt.1.驱逐2.罢黜,罢免,把……撤职(以取而代之)outbreakn. (战争、情感、火山等的)爆发,(疾病、虫害等的)突然发生outfitn.1.(用于某种场合的)全套服装2.(协同工作的)一组人3.全套装备,全套工具outingn. 远足,郊游,短途旅行,外出参观(或看戏等)outlawn. 歹徒,亡命之徒vt. 宣布……为不合法outragen.1.义愤,愤慨2.暴行,骇人听闻的事件vt. 激起……的义愤,激怒outrightad.1.坦率地,直率地,无保留地2.完全地,彻底地3.立即,当场a.1.清楚的,无疑的,明白无误的2.完全的,彻底的outskrits[pl.]n. 外围地区,郊区,郊外overduea.1.过期的,到期末付的2.早该有的,迟到的,延误的overflowvi.1.满得外溢,外流,泛滥2.(with)充满,洋溢vt.淹没,从……中溢出,多得使无法容纳n.1.容纳不下的物(或人)2.溢出,满出3.溢流口,溢流管overhearvt.无意中听到,偷听到overlapv.1.(与……)部分重叠2.(与……)部分相同n.重叠,重叠的部分



An Outlaw Outing  The outing was long overdue. We had been hiding on the outskirts of town as outlaws for far too long. When we overheard that there was an outbreak of some sickness in town that had originated in the orient we knew it was time to come out of hiding and see what was going on. They were calling it the "Oriental Sickness" but we didn't care.  The first person we met as we wandered into town was a boy who told us outright that he had just become an orphan. He had nowhere else to go and he wanted to join our outfit. Our leader was outraged that such a small boy had recognized us so easily, but we kept walking into town.   Once there we saw that the ordeal must have been great. All ornaments on the buildings for the coming orthodox holiday season had been torn down, several were burnt from fire, and bodies were lying on the street. When we went to get water the bucket was overflowing with blood. We didn't dare drink anything.  Quickly losing our orientation as outlaws on the run we were surprised when a mass of people rushed up to us. Their voices were overlapping as they cried for us to take them away. When we replied that we couldn't do anything the crowd turned ugly and ousted us from town.  As we rode away none of us could speak. Sometimes natural events overwhelm you, as your own mistakes never can.

