用英语怎么跟朋友介绍自己的朋友 如何用英语介绍朋友(1)


My friend's name is Li Ming. He is of medium build and muscular. His hobbies are running and playing football. He is active and full of energy. I met him in a football team and we often play football together.




想要描述一下你的朋友外表长什么样,记住以下四个关键词: 身高( Height)、体型( Build)、长相( looks)、着装(clothes)。先看一个实例:

My friend's name is Li Hua. She is tall and has a beautiful figure. She has big eyes that are clear and bright. She has long, straight Black hair and has a light complexion.We both love shopping and seeing what the latest fashions are.


用英语怎么跟朋友介绍自己的朋友 如何用英语介绍朋友(2)

1. 描述身高( Height)的词有:Short(矮的)、Average height(平均身高)、Medium height(中等身高)、Tall(高的)。

2. 描述体型( Build)常用的词有:Slim(描条)、Figure(身材)、Muscular(肌肉发达)、Athletic(健壮的)、Big(大块头)、Small(瘦小)、Overweight(超重)。我们通常不说一个人胖,而说:He is a big guy。他是一个大块头。

3. 描述人的长相( Looks)要从头发、人的五官、皮肤入手。

(1)描述一个人头发颜色常用的词有: Brown(棕色)、 blonde(金色)、red(红色)、grey or white(灰色或白色)、 black(黑色)。描写头发长度的词有:Bald(光头)、short(短发)、long(长发)、shoulder length(齐肩长)、crew cut(平头)。描述头发形状的词有:Straight(直发)、curly(卷发)、wavy(波浪卷发)。

(2)描述人的眼睛常用的词有:Deep-set eyes(深陷的眼睛)、Big eyes(大眼睛)、clear eyes(清澈的眼睛)、heavy eyes(深沉的眼睛)。


(4)描述人的嘴巴常用的词有: Big(大的), sexy(性感的), beautiful(漂亮的), small(小的), wide(宽的)。我们通常不说这个人嘴巴大,而说:she has a big beautiful smile。她笑起来很灿烂。

(5)描述人的皮肤常用的词有:Pale(苍白)、 Black(黑色)、Dark(深色)、tanned(棕褐色)、dark complexion(皮肤黝黑)、 light complexion.(皮肤白皙)、 pale-skinned(白皮肤)、 ruddy complexion(面色红润)。

4. 描述着装(clothes)常用的词有:Tight-fitting(紧身的)、 Baggy (松松垮垮的)、Casual(休闲的)、Formal(正式的)、 Colourful(色彩丰富的)、Plain(朴素的)、 Tasteful(有品味的)、 Unfashionable(过时的)。

综合形容一个人外表常用的词有:Gorgeous(美丽动人的)、 Pretty(漂亮的)、Nice(美好的)、Beautiful(美丽的)、Handsome(英俊的)、Cute(可爱的)、Good-looking(长得好看的)、 Attractive(吸引人的)。

用英语怎么跟朋友介绍自己的朋友 如何用英语介绍朋友(3)


想要描述你朋友的性格,记住以下关键词: Shy(害羞)、Outgoing(外向)、Serious(严肃)、 Happy/ Cheerful(乐观开朗)、Confident(自信)、 Quiet(安静)、Easygoing(脾气随和)。


My friend's name is Zhang Fang. She is a little shy and very quiet. She doesn't like going to parties,and she prefers to stay at home and read. Her favourite place is the library because it is very quiet and she can just sit down and read all day.We like to read the same novel and often exchange views together.



想要描述你朋友有什么特质,记住以下几个关键词: 诚实( Honest)、Kind(亲切友好)、 Clever(聪明)、Humorous(幽默)、Funny(风趣)、 Interesting(有趣)。在描述你朋友有什么特质的时候,提供一些细节来说明。例如:

My friend's name is Wang Bao. He is quite handsome and has curly dark brown hair. He is humorous and funny. He is always in a good mood. He often tells us some stories that make us all laugh out loud. Everyone in the class likes him.


用英语怎么跟朋友介绍自己的朋友 如何用英语介绍朋友(4)


描写兴趣爱好常用的类型有:Music(音乐)、Reading(阅读)、Art(艺术)、 Dance(舞蹈)、Yoga(瑜伽)、Sport(运动)、Travel(旅行)、 Photography(摄影)、Writing(写作)、Blogging(写博客)等。在描述你朋友有什么兴趣爱好的时候,先说兴趣爱好类型,然后提供一些细节来说明。例如:

My friend's name is Wu gang. He is a big guy. His hobbies arephotography and traveling. He has been to many cities and has recorded every trip on his blog. I am a fan of him and I like to read his articles.




My friend's name is zhang Lin. He is about average height and a little overweight. He is a talkative and confident person. He is a man who likes to join all kinds of activities. We met in a speech contest. We often take part in speech activities and he always gives me some good ideas.


用英语怎么跟朋友介绍自己的朋友 如何用英语介绍朋友(5)



My friend's name is Li Li. She is not tall and has short and black hair. she is helpful. I'm not good at maths, and she is always trying to help me. She is not good at English, and I often show him how to do it. Whenever we get homework, we help each other.



用英语怎么跟朋友介绍自己的朋友 如何用英语介绍朋友(6)
