The first man to see marketing clearly as the unique and central function of the business enterprise, and the creation of a customer as the specific job of management, was Cyrus McCormick.
麦考米克(Cyrus McCormick)是第一个把营销看做企业特有核心功能的人,他认为管理的特殊任务在于创造顾客。
【注】塞勒斯·麦考密克(Cyrus Hall McCormick,1809~1884),美国人,企业家,发明家,收割机的发明者。
The history books mention only that he invented a mechanical harvester.
But he also invented the basic tools of modern marketing: market research and market analysis, the concept of market standing, modern pricing policies, the modern service-salesman, parts and service supply to the customer and installment credit.
He is truly the father of business management.
And he had done all this by 1850.
It was not until fifty years later, however, that he was widely imitated even in his own country.
REFERENCE:- marketing 营销
- unique 特有的
- central 核心的
- function 功能
- business enterprise 企业
- creation 创造
- customer 顾客
- specific job 特殊任务
- management 管理
- history book 史书
- mention 提到
- invent 发明
- mechanical harvester 收割机
- basic tool 基本工具
- modern marketing 现代营销
- market research 市场研究
- market analysis 市场分析
- concept 观念
- market standing 市场定位
- modern pricing policies 现代定价政策
- service-salesman 服务推销员
- parts 零件
- supply 供应
- installment credit 分期付款
- truly 真正的
- business management 企业管理
- widely 普遍地
- imitate 效法,模仿
The Practice of Management
Peter F. Drucker
* 本书为第一部从实际执行层面立论的管理学书籍,第一部兼顾管理现有企业和创新未来企业的著作