

freaked out

I freaked out when I heard our dog howling in the garden.

I remember the first time I went onstage. I freaked out completely.

Seeing the dead body completely freaked him out.

spooked /spuːkt/ spook v.

I was spooked by someone walking behind me on the way home last night,

The fish spooked at any disturbance in the pool.

The news spooked investors, and stock prices fell.


creeped out

I felt creeped out by being alone in the house all night.

That guy in the corner was really creeping us out, so we decided to leave.

I'm OK with most bugs, but centipedes just creep me out, man.

petrified /ˈpetrɪfaɪd/

My mum's petrified of spiders!

The victim arrived at the shelter petrified and penniless, lacking the documents needed to apply for aid.

Winky's petrified brown eyes were visible through her fingers. She seemed too appalled to speak.


quaking in my boots /ˈkweɪkɪŋ/

I was quaking in my boots as I stood waiting to ride the roller coaster!

My brother is so strong and scary-looking that people quake in their boots when he threatens them.

Ooh, I'm really scared of you! I'm quaking in my boots, you frighten me so!
