



  1. 创建一个简单的Go应用并暴露一个用于Prometheus监控的HTTP地址
  2. 介绍主流的Golang框架接入Prometheus监控的方法,分别是Echo、Gin和gRPC

Go应用需要暴露一个HTTP路由用于Prometheus server拉取监控数据,具体的HTTP路由地址可以自定义,官方建议使用 /metrics 。


package main import ( "net/http" "" ) func main() { http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler()) http.ListenAndServe(":2112", nil) }

启动应用后访问 metrics 接口即可看到基础的监控指标

curl http://localhost:2112/metrics


package main import ( "net/http" "time" "" "" "" ) func recordMetrics() { go func() { for { opsProcessed.Inc() time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) } }() } var ( opsProcessed = promauto.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: "myapp_processed_ops_total", Help: "The total number of processed events", }) ) func main() { recordMetrics() http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler()) http.ListenAndServe(":2112", nil) }

启动应用后访问 metrics 接口即可看到添加进去的自定义指标 myapp_processed_ops_total

curl http://localhost:2112/metrics




package main import ( "" "" ) func main() { e := echo.New() // Enable metrics Middleware p := prometheus.NewPrometheus("echo", nil) p.Use(e) e.Logger.Fatal(e.Start(":1323")) }


package main import ( "time" "" "" prom "" ) const cKeyMetrics = "custom_metrics" // See the NewMetrics func for proper descriptions and prometheus names! // In case you add a metric here later, make sure to include it in the // MetricsList method or you'll going to have a bad time. type Metrics struct { customCnt *prometheus.Metric customDur *prometheus.Metric } // Needed by echo-contrib so echo can register and collect these metrics func (m *Metrics) MetricList() []*prometheus.Metric { return []*prometheus.Metric{ // ADD EVERY METRIC HERE! m.customCnt, m.customDur, } } // Creates and populates a new Metrics struct // This is where all the prometheus metrics, names and labels are specified func NewMetrics() *Metrics { return &Metrics{ customCnt: &prometheus.Metric{ Name: "custom_total", Description: "Custom counter events.", Type: "counter_vec", Args: []string{"label_one", "label_two"}, }, customDur: &prometheus.Metric{ Name: "custom_duration_seconds", Description: "Custom duration observations.", Type: "histogram_vec", Args: []string{"label_one", "label_two"}, Buckets: prom.DefBuckets, // or your Buckets }, } } // This will push your metrics object into every request context for later use func (m *Metrics) AddCustomMetricsmiddleware(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc { return func(c echo.Context) error { c.Set(cKeyMetrics, m) return next(c) } } func (m *Metrics) IncCustomCnt(labelOne, labelTwo string) { labels := prom.Labels{"label_one": labelOne, "label_two": labelTwo} m.customCnt.MetricCollector.(*prom.CounterVec).With(labels).Inc() } func (m *Metrics) ObserveCustomDur(labelOne, labelTwo string, d time.Duration) { labels := prom.Labels{"label_one": labelOne, "label_two": labelTwo} m.customCnt.MetricCollector.(*prom.HistogramVec).With(labels).Observe(d.Seconds()) } func main() { e := echo.New() m := NewMetrics() // Enable metrics middleware p := prometheus.NewPrometheus("echo", nil, m.MetricList()) p.Use(e) e.Use(m.AddCustomMetricsMiddleware) e.GET("/custom", func(c echo.Context) error { metrics := c.Get(cKeyMetrics).(*Metrics) metrics.IncCustomCnt("any", "value") return nil }) e.Logger.Fatal(e.Start(":1323")) }


package main import ( "" "" "log" ) func main() { r := gin.New() //Enable metrics middleware p := prometheus.NewPrometheus("app") p.Use(r) log.Fatal(r.Run(":1323")) }


package main import ( "" prom "" "" "log" "time" ) const cKeyMetrics = "custom_metrics" // See the NewMetrics func for proper descriptions and prometheus names! // In case you add a metric here later, make sure to include it in the // MetricsList method or you'll going to have a bad time. type Metrics struct { customCnt *prometheus.Metric customDur *prometheus.Metric } // Needed by echo-contrib so echo can register and collect these metrics func (m *Metrics) MetricList() []*prometheus.Metric { return []*prometheus.Metric{ // ADD EVERY METRIC HERE! m.customCnt, m.customDur, } } // Creates and populates a new Metrics struct // This is where all the prometheus metrics, names and labels are specified func NewMetrics() *Metrics { return &Metrics{ customCnt: &prometheus.Metric{ Name: "custom_total", Description: "Custom counter events.", Type: "counter_vec", Args: []string{"label_one", "label_two"}, }, customDur: &prometheus.Metric{ Name: "custom_duration_seconds", Description: "Custom duration observations.", Type: "histogram_vec", Args: []string{"label_one", "label_two"}, }, } } // This will push your metrics object into every request context for later use func (m *Metrics) AddCustomMetricsMiddleware() gin.HandlerFunc { return func(c *gin.Context) { c.Set(cKeyMetrics, m) c.Next() } } func (m *Metrics) IncCustomCnt(labelOne, labelTwo string) { labels := prom.Labels{"label_one": labelOne, "label_two": labelTwo} m.customCnt.MetricCollector.(*prom.CounterVec).With(labels).Inc() } func (m *Metrics) ObserveCustomDur(labelOne, labelTwo string, d time.Duration) { labels := prom.Labels{"label_one": labelOne, "label_two": labelTwo} m.customCnt.MetricCollector.(*prom.HistogramVec).With(labels).Observe(d.Seconds()) } func main() { r := gin.New() m := NewMetrics() //Enable metrics middleware p := prometheus.NewPrometheus("app", m.MetricList()) p.Use(r) r.GET("/custom", func(c *gin.Context) { if v, ok := c.Get(cKeyMetrics); ok { metric := v.(*Metrics) metric.IncCustomCnt("any", "value") } }) log.Fatal(r.Run(":1323")) }



package main import ( ... grpcPrometheus "" "" ) func main() { //集成prometheus监控,使用协程启动一个http服务 go func() { http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler()) http.ListenAndServe(":1323", nil) }() //添加prometheus拦截器 s := grpc.NewServer( ... grpc.UnaryInterceptor(grpcPrometheus.UnaryServerInterceptor), grpc.StreamInterceptor(grpcprometheus.StreamServerInterceptor), ) ... }
