


1. I can’t read your ___.我看不懂你写的东西。

2. What book are you reading ___ the moment?你现在在读什么书?

3. I usually read the newspaper ___ the way to work.我一般在上班途中看报纸。

4. She ___ up the letter and read it.她拿起信读了起来。

5. Read the ___ before you start.开始前要仔细阅读说明书。

6. These children are just ___ to read and write.这些孩子刚刚开始学习读和写。

7. When I was young, I read every of his books from cover to ___.我小的时候,他的每一本书我都从头到尾一页不落地看过。

8. You can’t believe ___ you read in the papers.报纸上看到的东西,你不能全都相信。

9. Did you read about what ___ to that guy in Florida?你看到佛罗里达州那个家伙的事了吗?

10. I was shocked when I read ___ his death.看到他的死讯,我十分震惊。

11. Read my ___. No more ice cream today!听明白我讲的话,今天不能再吃冰淇淋!

12. He took it as ___ that anyone who applied for the course would have the necessary qualifications.他认为申请读这门课程的人肯定具备所需资质。

13. We will take the ___ for the last meeting as read and go on to the next business.我们将不读出上次会议的记录而继续到下一个议程。

14. I spent a ___ afternoon reading.我在阅读中度过了一个愉快的下午。

15. Children of that age tend to read ___.那个年龄的孩子往往什么书都看。

16. Your handwriting is so ___ I can’t read it.你的笔迹太潦草,我看不清。

17. Their teacher always read them a story at the ___ of the day.每天放学前他们的老师总是给他们念个故事。

18. I’ve read in the newspapers that there is a ___ of war.我在报上看到消息说有战争威胁。

19. If I’ve read the situation aright, we should have some ___ on the contract by the end of the week.要是我对这个情形理解对的话,到本周末我们应该就合同达成协议。

20. I read your proposal through last night and I think we’ll agree ___ it.昨晚我从头至尾看了你的建议,我认为我们会同意的。

21. Don’t read too much ___ what I said.别对我说的话进行过多的解释。

22. It seemed clear enough to him, from his ___ of the matter.根据他对事态的理解,这似乎是明摆着的。

23. Local authorities ___ with this reading of the law.地方当局不认同对该法律的这种解读。

24. The bill is expected to pass its second reading with a ___ majority.预计这项法案将以绝大多数人赞成通过议会第二次宣读。

25. The details of the study ___ for interesting reading.这项研究的详细资料读起来很有趣。

26. It’s a good idea to read ___ on a company before going for a interview.去面试前先查阅一下公司的情况是个好主意。

27. She said they were very busy on that day but, reading between the lines, they just didn’t want to come to the ___.她说他们那天很忙,但言外之意是,他们就是不想出席展示会。

28. I think you’re reading more into their refusal than ___.我认为你对他们的拒绝想得过多,很牵强。

29. I read last week that the disease is ___ the increase.上周我在报纸上看到, 说患这种病的人越来越多。

30. Daddy, will you ___ me a story?爸爸,给我念个故事好吗?


31. The sentence in question reads as ___.有疑问的那句话是这样说的。

32. She read over the ___ again before signing.她又把文件通读一遍才签字。

33. The play is being widely read as an ___ of imperialist conquest.这部剧被广泛解读为对帝国主义征服的讽刺。

34. Our mother reads ___ us every evening.妈妈每天晚上都给我们读点东西。

35. Teachers should read more ___ to children.老师应该多读点诗歌给孩子听。

36. He glanced at the letter and began to read it ___.他看了一下信,大声地念起来。

37. He plays the violin very well but can’t actually ___ music.他小提琴拉得很好,但其实他不识谱。

38. Are you any good at map ___?你查地图在行吗?

39. I wasn’t ___ how to read his silence.我不知道该如何解读他的沉默。

40. She shook her head, and I read this as a ___.她摇摇头,我以为这就是拒绝。

41. The poem can be read as a protest ___ war.这首诗可以理解为对战争的抗议。

42. He had accurately read the ___ of the nation.他准确解读了国民的情绪。

43. A sign on the outer door read: ‘No ___.’外边的门上有一块牌子,写着“禁止入内!”

44. I think in general the report reads ___.我认为这个报告总体上读起来不错。

45. Please read $50 ___ $15.请把50美元改为15美元。

46. ___ ‘November’ on line 6, read ‘September’. 第6行的November 应为September。

47. Someone should be coming to ___ the gas meter.应该会有人来查煤气表。

48. The thermometer read 46 ___.温度计显示46度。

49. I read history ___ Cambridge.我在剑桥大学读历史。

50. He wants to read ___ a law degree.他想去读一个法学学位。

51. You can ___ it as read that we will support the project.你可以认为我们会支持这个项目。

52. We’ll take the secretary’s report ___ read.我们会认为秘书的报告不会有错。

53. Reading between the ___, I’d say Robert’s not very happy.听言外之意,我看罗伯特不是很快乐。

54. ‘Want some coffee?’ ‘You read my ___.’“想来点咖啡吗?”“你真了解我啊。”

55. Read my lips: I will not ___ you down.我说话算数:我不会让你失望的。

56. She is intelligent and extremely ___-read.她很聪明,而且极为博学。

57. Can you read that last ___ back to me?你把最后一点给我重复好吗?

58. It was only a casual ___. I think you’re reading too much into it.那不过是随便说说,我觉得你是多心了。

59. Why don’t you read ___ the name of the winner?你为什么不宣读获胜者的名字呢?

60. He read the last few sentences out ___ me.他把最后几句话读出来给我听。

61. Read the ___ over carefully before you sign it.仔细阅读合同之后再签字。


62. Spend a couple of minutes just reading through your ___.花几分钟时间通读一遍你的文章。

63. You’ll enjoy travelling more if you read ___ on the history of the countries you’ll be visiting.如果你事先多读点东西,了解你要去的国家的历史,旅行就会更加有趣。

64. I sat down to have a nice ___ read.我坐下来安静地看了一会儿书。

65. I had a ___ read of the report before I left.我走之前很快地看了一遍报告。

66. I thought his last book was a really ___ read.我觉得他最新的那本书非常精彩。

67. The book is informative and highly ___.这本书内容丰富,读起来饶有兴趣。

68. The book will ___ to young readers.这本书会吸引年轻读者。

69. I’ve always been an ___ reader.我向来是一个嗜书如命的人。

70. He’s a great reader of crime ___.他是个犯罪小说迷。

71. The newspaper ___ lost readers during 1980s.二十世纪八十年代这份报纸逐渐失去了读者。

72. The World of English has a ___ of about 60,000.《英语世界》大约拥有6万名读者。

73. They are hoping that the paper will have a ___ readership.他们希望这份报纸会有很多读者。

74. She ___ reading.她喜欢看书。

75. Reading is taught using a ___ of several methods.综合运用多种方法进行阅读教学。

76. Reading is an important part of ___ in a school.阅读是学校教学工作的一个重要组成部分。

77. He prepared some ___ from the books he liked best.他从他最喜欢的书里找了一些阅读材料。

78. Her main reading seems to be ___ novels.她好像主要是看悬疑小说。

79. He prepared a bit of ___ reading for my holiday.他为我的假期准备了一些轻松读物。

80. There’s a list of ___ reading at the end of each chapter.每一张后面都列有延伸阅读的书目。

81. Reading and tennis are my favorite ___.读书和打网球是我最喜爱的消遣。

82. The early years at school ___ on the teaching of reading and writing.学校低年级集中教读和写。

83. Students need a supply of interesting reading ___.需要向学生提供一些有趣的阅读材料。

84. The book is quite difficult on first reading without a close ___ of the text.没有细细的文本咀嚼,这本书第一次阅读时很难懂。

85. What’s your reading of the government’s ___ to this crisis?你怎么看待政府对这次危机所做出的反应?

86. There will be a poetry ___ at the bookstore near our school.在我们学校附近的书店里将有一场诗歌朗诵会。

87. The first reading is from the ___, Chapter 1.第一篇朗读的经文选自《圣经》第一章。

88. Your report ___ fascinating reading.你的报告读起来引人入胜。

89. We ___ temperature readings every two hours.我们每两小时读取一次温度。

90. It is the second reading of the Reform ___.这是《改革法案》的第二读。

91. While I was waiting, I ___ through a magazine.我一边等一边翻看一本杂志。

92. Would you like to ___ through our holiday brochure?你想看看我们的度假小册子吗?

93. I want you to ___ through the article and write a short summary of it.我要你们迅速浏览这篇文章,然后写一篇简短的摘要。

94. Tony ___ the menu for a vegetarian option.托尼浏览菜单找素食。

95. They spent weeks ___ over guidebooks and planning their holiday.他们花了几个星期的时间研读旅游指南,安排度假。

96. Her young fans ___ her books.她的年轻粉丝如饥似地阅读他的作品。

97. It’s a book you can dip into rather read from cover to cover.这本书你随便翻翻就行了,没有必要从头读到尾。

98. He’s upstairs ___ through financial reports.他在楼上苦读财务报告。

99. I can’t possibly ___ through all this.我不可能读完那么多无聊的东西。

100. I was ___ the Net, trying to find my ideal job.我在网上浏览信息,想找一份理想的工作。


朗文当代高级英语词典[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014


1 writing 2 at 3 on 4 picked 5 instructions 6 learning 7 cover 8 everything 9 happened 10 of 11 lips 12 read 13 minutes 14 pleasant 15 voraciously 16 untidy 17 end 18 threat 19 agreement 20 to 21 into 22 reading 23 disagree 24 comfortable 25 make 26 up 27 presentation 28 justified 29 on 30 read 31 follows 32 documents 33 allegory 34 to 35 poetry 36 aloud 37 read 38 reading 39 sure 40 refusal 41 against 42 mood 43 Entry 44 well 45 as 46 For 47 read 48 degrees 49 at 50 for 51 take 52 as 53 lines 54 mind 55 let 56 well 57 bit 58 remark 59 out 60 to 61 contract 62 essay 63 up 64 quiet 65 quick 66 good 67 readable 68 appeal 69 avid 70 fiction 71 gradually 72 readership 73 wide 74 loves 75 combination 76 work 77 reading 78 mystery 79 light 80 further 81 pastimes 82 concentrate 83 material 84 chewing 85 response 96 reading 87 Bible 88 made 89 take 90 Bill 91 flicked 92 browse 93 skim 94 scanned 95 poring 96 devour 97 dip 98 ploughing 99 wade 100 surfing
