CET-6 Core Vocabulary 2000 Day 12 (33words),我来为大家科普一下关于cet6 单词量 CET-6核心词汇2000Day12?以下内容希望对你有帮助!

cet6 单词量 CET-6核心词汇2000Day12

cet6 单词量 CET-6核心词汇2000Day12

CET-6 Core Vocabulary 2000 Day 12 (33words)

depend 英/dɪˈpend/美/dɪˈpend/

v.取决于;依赖,依靠;相信(depend on/upon)

初中 | 高中 | CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | IELTS | TOEFL | 商务英语

第三人称单数 depends现在分词 depending过去式 depended过去分词 depended

He depends on you to help him.

enhance 英/ɪnˈhɑːns/美/ɪnˈhæns/


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第三人称单数 enhances现在分词 enhancing过去式 enhanced过去分词 enhanced

The introduction of flexible work time has greatly enhanced the work efficiency in that


ensure 英/ɪnˈʃʊə(r)/美/ɪnˈʃʊr/


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第三人称单数 ensures现在分词 ensuring过去式 ensured过去分词 ensured

I fitted a new lock to ensure that the bicycle would not be stolen.

function 英/ˈfʌŋkʃ(ə)n/美/ˈfʌŋkʃ(ə)n/



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复数 functions第三人称单数 functions现在分词 functioning

过去式 functioned过去分词 functioned

Another critical function that the school perform is the sorting of people into different

occupational roles.

performance 英/pəˈfɔːməns/美/pərˈfɔːrməns/

n.表演,演出;工作情况,表现;麻烦,苦差事(a performance);演技


高中 | CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | IELTS | GMAT

复数 performances

He was faithful in the performance of his duties.

regard 英/rɪˈɡɑːd/美/rɪˈɡɑːrd/



初中 | 高中 | CET4 | CET6 | 考研

复数 regards第三人称单数 regards现在分词 regarding过去式

regarded过去分词 regarded

People regard job stability as part of their standard of living.

response 英/rɪˈspɒns/美/rɪˈspɑːns/


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复数 responses

In response,the alarmists accuse critics and news reporters of being deceived by the

entertainment industry.

survey 英/ˈsɜːveɪ/美/ˈsɜːrveɪ/



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复数 surveys第三人称单数 surveys现在分词 surveying

过去式 surveyed过去分词 surveyed

Has the house been properly surveyed?

wealthy 英/ˈwelθi/美/ˈwelθi/


n.富人(the wealthy)

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比较级 wealthier最高级 wealthiest

Those wealthy persons are not necessarily happy.

alter 英/ˈɔːltə(r)/美/ˈɔːltər/


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第三人称单数 alters现在分词 altering过去式 altered过去分词 altered

We must alter those rules and practices which have outlived their usefulness.

alternative 英/ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv/美/ɔːlˈtɜːrnətɪv/



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复数 alternatives

Have you got an alternative suggestion?

attitude 英/ˈætɪtjuːd/美/ˈætɪtuːd/全球发音


初中 | 高中 | CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | IELTS | 商务英语

复数 attitudes

What is your attitude to abortion?

breakthrough 英/ˈbreɪkθruː/美/ˈbreɪkθruː/


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复数 breakthroughs

It is a breakthrough in negotiations.

challenge 英/ˈtʃælɪndʒ/美/ˈtʃælɪndʒ/



初中 | 高中 | CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | IELTS | TOEFL | 商务英语

复数 challenges第三人称单数 challenges现在分词 challenging

过去式 challenged过去分词 challenged

Never challenge a fool to do wrong.

display 英/dɪˈspleɪ/美/dɪˈspleɪ/全球发音



初中 | 高中 | CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | IELTS | TOEFL | 商务英语

复数 displays第三人称单数 displays现在分词 displaying过去式

displayed过去分词 displayed

Her writing displays natural talent.

economist 英/ɪˈkɒnəmɪst/美/ɪˈkɑːnəmɪst/


CET4 | CET6 | GRE | 商务英语

The famous economist gave us a speech.

exaggerate 英/ɪɡˈzædʒəreɪt/美/ɪɡˈzædʒəreɪt/


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第三人称单数 exaggerates现在分词 exaggerating过去式

exaggerated过去分词 exaggerated

He always exaggerates to make his stories more amusing.

guarantee 英/ˌɡærənˈtiː/美/ˌɡærənˈtiː/



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复数 guarantees第三人称单数 guarantees现在分词 guaranteeing

过去式 guaranteed过去分词 guaranteed

A few local authorities adopted local protectionism to guarantee the sale of their

unmarketable products.

identify 英/aɪˈdentɪfaɪ/美/aɪˈdentɪfaɪ/


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第三人称单数 identifies现在分词 identifying

过去式 identified过去分词 identified

Do you identify beauty with wisdom?

impose 英/ɪmˈpəʊz/美/ɪmˈpoʊz/


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第三人称单数 imposes现在分词 imposing过去式 imposed过去分词 imposed

She'd never think of imposing herself.

inferior 英/ɪnˈfɪəriə(r)/美/ɪnˈfɪriər/



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复数 inferiors比较级 more inferior最高级 most inferior

Some stores would put the inferior products on sale.

notion 英/ˈnəʊʃ(ə)n/美/ˈnoʊʃ(ə)n/


CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | IELTS | TOEFL | GRE

复数 notionsHe has a notion that I'm cheating him.

profession 英/prəˈfeʃn/美/prəˈfeʃ(ə)n/

n.职业;(某)职业界同行,职业(the professions);公开表示,表白;入教誓言,修道誓约;入教仪式,入教

高中 | CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | IELTS | TOEFL | SAT

Many of those doctors who job-hopped for other jobs several years ago are now gradually

returning to their medical profession.

promise 英/ˈprɒmɪs/美/ˈprɑːmɪs/

v.承诺,保证;使很可能,预示;指望,期待(promoise oneself);有指望,有前途


初中 | 高中 | CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | IELTS

复数 promises第三人称单数 promises现在分词 promising

过去式 promised过去分词 promised

I can't promise, but I'll try my best.

responsible 英/rɪˈspɒnsəb(ə)l/美/rɪˈspɑːnsəb(ə)l/


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比较级 more responsible最高级 most responsible

Faulty construction was responsible for the crash.

revenue 英/ˈrevənjuː/美/ˈrevənuː/

n.收入,收益;(政府的)税收;税务局,税务署(the revenue)

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复数 revenues

The revenues of the City Council are now uncovered.

sensitive 英/ˈsensətɪv/美/ˈsensətɪv/



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复数 sensitives比较级 more sensitive最高级 most sensitive

A sensitive nerve in a tooth can cause great pain.

shift 英/ʃɪft/美/ʃɪft/



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复数 shifts第三人称单数 shifts现在分词 shifting

过去式 shifted过去分词 shifted

The shift of surplus farm labour to rural enterprises stimulated industrial development.

solution 英/səˈluːʃ(ə)n/美/səˈluːʃ(ə)n/


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复数 solutionsResorting to violence is not the best solution to an argument.

worth 英/wɜːθ/美/wɜːrθ/



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A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

abandon 英/əˈbændən/美/əˈbændən/



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I have long since abandoned the notion that higher education is essential to either success

or happiness.

acute 英/əˈkjuːt/美/əˈkjuːt/


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比较级 acuter最高级 acutest

His disappointment was acute.

attach 英/əˈtætʃ/美/əˈtætʃ/


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第三人称单数 attaches现在分词 attaching过去式 attached过去分词 attached

A young man attached himself to me at the party and I couldn't get rid of him.
