Different response to "How are you?",我来为大家科普一下关于thank you的回答可以是sure吗?以下内容希望对你有帮助!

thank you的回答可以是sure吗(你好吗回答还用)

thank you的回答可以是sure吗

Different response to "How are you?"

在中国,"How are you?" 的回答一般是”I'm fine, thank you. And you?"


Here are some different responses that might be more accurate and comfortable!

Positive responses:

  1. I'm good.
  2. I'm great!
  3. I'm fantastic!
  4. I'm awesome!

Negative responses:

  1. I'm not good.
  2. I'm not so great.
  3. I'm horrible.
  4. I'm pretty bad.

Neutral responses:

  1. I'm ok.
  2. I'm so-so.
  3. I'm alright.



