Hammer on 左手击弦Pull off 左手勾弦,我来为大家科普一下关于电吉他节奏型鼓点伴奏?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



Hammer on 左手击弦

Pull off 左手勾弦

Slap 右手击弦 【左手就是:打弦】

Pop 右手勾弦

Slide 滑音

Sting Bending 推弦

Vibrato 揉弦

Full Note Bending 全音推弦

Half Note Bending 半音推弦

Tapping String 点弦

Up Strokes 上拨

Down Strokes 下拨

Major 3rd Chord 大三和弦

Minor 3rd Chord 小三和弦

Major 7th chords 大七三和弦

Minor 7th chords 小七和弦

Dominant 7th chords 属七和弦

Sus4 Chords 挂四和弦

Sus2 Chords 挂二和弦

Harmonics 泛音

Natural Harmonics 自然泛音

Artificial Harmonics 人工泛音

Pinch Harmonics 拇指蹭弦泛音

Distortion Pedal 失真踏板

Overdrive Pedal 过载踏板

Reverb Pedal 混响踏板

Delay Pedal 延迟踏板

Chorus Pedal 合唱踏板

Flanger Pedal 回旋音踏板

Compressor Pedal 压缩踏板

Wah Pedal 哇音踏板

Guitar Amp 吉他音箱

Input 输入

Output 输出

Volume 音量控制

Treble 高频音

Middle 中频音

Bass 低频音


Example 举个栗子

How to play natural harmonic? 如何弹自然泛音?

With your left hand index finger slightly touch 12th fret on 2nd sting, it must be directly above the 12th fret wire, pluck the same string with your right hand, at the same time, remove your left hand index finger from the string.


